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Disastrous Necromancer Chapter 1067

From a distance, the Starry Sky Fortress was glowing all over, like a huge star.

It was indeed a star, a transformed star. A

huge military fortress was built on the star, and a large number of formations were arranged, turning the star into a terrible war weapon.

Although the star was still glowing, the heat radiated outward had become very small.

Most of the heat was absorbed by the formations on the star and supplied to the Starry Sky Fortress.

The human race transformed the star into a Starry Sky Fortress, which was driven and powered by the energy of the star itself.

The star’s essence fire was burning fiercely, providing huge energy all the time.

The entire Starry Sky Fortress exuded an oppressive atmosphere, which was daunting.

Lin Moyu believed that such a Starry Sky Fortress could definitely compete with the God.

There were many people traveling with Lin Moyu, and they all sighed when they saw the Starry Sky Fortress.

“What a terrible Starry Sky Fortress.”

“It is said that it can rival the God, I don’t know if it is true or not.”

“Not only can it rival the God, it even has a record of killing the God.”

There were newcomers and old people among the people traveling with him.

Some old people couldn’t help but smile when they saw the appearance of newcomer 09, “Newcomers, you must be scared.”

“This is just one of the starry sky fortresses. There are ten starry sky fortresses like this in the Suzaku battlefield!”

Everyone was shocked. There were ten starry sky fortresses that were so powerful that they could fight against the gods.

This was just the Suzaku battlefield, so there were other battlefields, and I think it was the same.

At this moment, Lin Moyu had a deeper understanding of the strength of the human race.

The strength of the human race is reflected in all aspects.

The arrangement of ten starry sky fortresses to guard the battlefield has established the power of the human race on the battlefield.

But at the same time, it also made Lin Moyu realize the danger of the battlefield.

Otherwise, the human race would not need to make such a large-scale arrangement.

It is hard to imagine how much manpower and material resources are needed to transform a star into a starry sky fortress.

Suppressing the shock in his heart, Lin Moyu followed the signpost and entered the starry sky fortress.

There was a formation running outside the starry sky fortress. After confirming that Lin Moyu’s identity was no problem, he was allowed to enter.

When he just entered the starry sky fortress, the first thing he saw was a huge map.

The map marked some facilities of the Starry Sky Fortress, which places can be visited and which places cannot be visited.

Among them, Lin Moyu saw some familiar places, including the mission center, the trading center, and the training ground.

However, in front of each place, the word “battlefield” must be added.

Battlefield mission center, battlefield trading center.

Once the word “battlefield” is added, it seems that the meaning has changed.

The entire Starry Sky Fortress exudes an oppressive atmosphere. Walking inside, people shut their mouths.

No one will communicate loudly with the sound of the soul, and they also use voice transmission to talk to each other.

The entire Starry Sky Fortress seems very quiet.

In the Starry Sky Fortress, there are also some leisure areas where practitioners can rest and relax. There are delicious food and wine. As long as you have enough points, you can taste things that you can’t eat in the human world.

Although practitioners don’t have high requirements for food, it doesn’t matter if they don’t eat or drink.

But many of the foods here come from alien races. Not only are they delicious, but they are also helpful for cultivation.

Many practitioners can’t resist the temptation and use a lot of points in it.

Lin Moyu understands that in the battlefield of repressive stimulation, the nerves are always in a tense state, and naturally they also need proper relaxation.

Lin Moyu went to the trading center first.

The battlefield trading center is different from the trading center in the human galaxy. There is no area for individual stalls here. Everyone’s things are collected by the human official.

Unless you have something and find someone to trade privately, you can only sell it to the official.


, here, most people will choose to trade individually, because selling things to the official can not only earn points, but also military merit.

Lin Moyu checked and found that for every item worth 10,000 points sold, he can get an extra 1 point of military merit.

It seems small, but it is very difficult to get military merit.

Lin Moyu once had such a dangerous mission and killed so many true gods of the demon race, but he only got 3,000 military merits.

It can be said that these 3,000 military merits were exchanged for his life.

Military merits are very useful. Not only can they be promoted in military rank, but they can also be used to buy some special items.

Lin Moyu checked in the trading center and found several items that cannot be bought in the human galaxy.

One of them is called a warning bead.

You only need to carry the warning bead with you. If an alien race approaches, the warning bead will sound an alarm and remind you.

There are many alien races with strange abilities. They can sneak, become invisible, and launch sneak attacks silently.

With the warning beads, the safety performance is greatly improved.

However, the warning beads are not 100% safe. There are also some very special alien races that can avoid the warning beads.

Lin Moyu thought about it and bought one.

Each warning bead is only 10,000 points, which is not very expensive.

Almost everyone who comes here will buy one.

There are also some items suitable for battlefields in the trading center, but for Lin Moyu, they are not very useful.

Compared with the trading center, there are obviously many more people in the task center.

This place is basically the same as the human task center, except that there is no task room. There is no difference.

On the battlefield, there are no tasks in the Human Emperor Network, so there is no need for facilities such as task rooms.

Lin Moyu checked the tasks.

[Collect star fragments in the No. 1 war zone. ]

[Collect the water light flower in the No. 2 war zone. ]

[Collect the spirit fire god stone in the No. 3 war zone. ]

In the task center, Lin Moyu saw a large number of tasks, most of which were collection tasks.

The battlefield is extremely rich in resources, and all races will collect a large amount of resources here.

The entire battlefield is divided into ten war zones, and the danger levels of different war zones are also different.

The most core and dangerous is War Zone No. 10, which belongs to the battlefield of the Godly Realm.

Then there are War Zones No. 7, No. 8, and No. 9, which belong to the battlefield of the Godly Realm.

And War Zones No. 1 to 6, which are distributed on the outermost of the Suzaku battlefield, belong to the battlefield of the True God Realm.

The lower the number, the safer it is.

Over the years, the various races have reached a tacit understanding.

Those strong people in high realms rarely go to the areas of low realms.

The Godly Realm generally does not enter the areas of the True God Realm.

Otherwise, the entire battlefield will be in chaos, and the Godly Realm can enter the True God Realm to kill.

There was once an alien race that broke this rule, and as a result, this alien race was almost strangled by other races.

But there is no 100% safety on the battlefield, and occasionally there will be strong people in high realms who enter low-level areas.

Lin Moyu cooperated with the list on the Suzaku Star Region Bounty List and chose a task in War Zone No. 5.

[Battlefield mission: Collect the Star Essence Fire in the Fifth War Zone.]

[In the Fifth War Zone, there are a lot of Star Essence Fires. Collect them and bring them back.]

[Restriction: None.]

[Completion conditions: Bring back at least ten Star Essence Fires, reward 5,000 points, 10 military merits.]

[Note: Star Essence Fire itself has extremely strong damage and is not easy to collect. It is recommended to use the Star Fire Jade Bottle to collect it. There are aliens in the battlefield. When collecting, pay attention to the movements of the aliens.]

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Disastrous Necromancer [Necromancer: I Am A Disaster]

Disastrous Necromancer [Necromancer: I Am A Disaster]

Si Ling Fashi! Wo Ji Shi Tianzai, Necromancer! I Am a Disaster, NECROMANCER: King of The Scourge, Scourge Necromancer, Catastrophic Necromancer
Score 8
Status: Ongoing Released: 2023 Native Language: English
The game becomes reality, the rules of the world are subverted and human beings enter the era of job changes for all. Only by becoming a Job Changer! And becoming stronger! Can one stand on top of the world! On the day of his job change, Lin Moyu became the only hidden profession, the Necromancer. From then on, since his summons will never die, Lin Moyu will also never die. “I sit high above on a throne of bones, threading the path between life and death.” “I am the Catastrophe!”


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