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Disastrous Necromancer Chapter 1278

Chapter 1278 The Huge Tomb

Lin Moyu was not in a hurry. He waited quietly.

Waiting for the skeletons to search the entire passage.

In the passage, a total of eight entrances were found.

The eight entrances were hidden in the dark fog, four on each side, opposing each other, very balanced.

The gods who disappeared here most likely entered one and never came back.

There are still many smart people.

Those gods should be very smart, at least smarter than ordinary people, and they also have a strong curiosity.

Normal people will leave when they find nothing at the end of the passage.

But smart people will not, they will think about whether there are other entrances in the dark passage.

Then they go to look for it, and they really find it. They go in with excitement and disappear from then on.

Lin Moyu doesn’t know if he will disappear like those gods.

But no matter what, he must go and take a look.

If nothing else, just those ancient secrets deeply attracted him.

When he was in the mysterious manor, he saw someone summon the big world rune and fight with the owner of the manor.

The runes of the big world were almost collapsed at this moment. Although it was not certain whether it was done by the owner of the manor, the owner of the manor entered the sleeping coffin, and now the sleeping coffin was still in his hands.

The message left by the owner of the manor showed a power system that seemed to be inextricably linked to himself.

Under the combination of various reasons, Lin Moyu chose one of the entrances with curiosity and stepped into it.

The space was distorted, and colorful colors appeared in front of him.

Lin Moyu felt that he had experienced a teleportation.

After a moment, his feet stepped on the ground again, and the scenery in front of him quickly solidified, and the teleportation ended.

A gray-white fireball hung in the sky, bringing some light to the world.

Under the reflection of the fireball, the whole world appeared gray.

There were many visible dust floating in the air, and the dust kept rising and then slowly falling.

It seemed that there was a hand that kept throwing the dust up and letting them fly in the air.

A breeze blew and collided with the dust, and a weak sound was found.

The whole world was filled with a touch of sadness and desolation.

Inexplicable situations came to his mind, and Lin Moyu thought of a festival in his previous life.

Every spring in April, people would go to the mountains to pay tribute to their ancestors.

It often rains at that time, and incense and candles would be lit on the mountain, and occasionally someone would cry in sorrow.

Looking ahead, there was a forest.

There was a path in the forest, winding into the distance, connecting to the distant mountains.

With (ahch) vigilance, Lin Moyu followed the path into the woods.

The forest was not dense, but sparse, just enough to block the view.

After walking about a hundred meters, the forest came to an end, and what appeared in front of him were coffins.

The coffins were arranged neatly, and the size and shape were exactly the same. At a glance, there were countless.

For a moment, the atmosphere of sadness became more intense, and the breath of death came to his face.

The floating dust in the air flew more fiercely.

“This is a cemetery!” Lin Moyu paused, and his heart was slightly drummed.

He did not sense the danger, but just felt a little weird.

There was actually a cemetery inside the ancient tomb.

He recalled the structure of the ancient tomb.

After entering the first passage, there is a circular hall.

There are several rooms in the hall, each with a coffin and a large number of burial objects, indicating that the person buried inside is of extraordinary status and should be a relative of the tomb owner.

Then there is the second passage, and behind the passage is a garden with a fountain.

Building a garden in a tomb is a very strange thing, and it is also something that Lin Moyu cannot understand.

Then there is the third energy road. There are eight entrances in the third passage. After he randomly chose an entrance, he came here…

Gradually, a clear structural diagram was formed in his mind.

Lin Moyu guessed that there should be more than one cemetery like the one in front of him.

Eight entrances, each leading to a cemetery.

If combined with what he saw in the mysterious manor before, Lin Moyu suddenly had a guess in his mind.

If the owner of the ancient tomb is a general, then the people buried in the coffins in the cemetery would be soldiers.

The eight cemeteries are like tents, guarding the central forest.

Lin Moyu stood in front of the cemetery for a long time without stepping in. The cemetery exuded a trace of breath, which made Lin Moyu feel unusual.

He knew that as long as he stepped into it, something unpredictable would happen.

He looked far away at the mountains and forests in the distance, thinking, “If I’m not wrong, that mountain forest is the real burial place.”

Lin Moyu walked slowly along the periphery of the monopoly cemetery, his footsteps fell on the soft ground, and he stepped out one footprint after another on the soil.

While walking, Lin Moyu continued to look at the cemetery and observe the situation inside the cemetery.

The cemetery was very quiet. There was nothing but coffins, and countless coffins were neatly arranged.

But Lin Moyu gradually saw some changes.

Although the cemetery has no fences or high walls, the aura emanating from it forms an invisible barrier.

A line of separation, the inside and outside world will be completely different.

Lin Moyu could clearly feel the existence of the barrier and did not step into it easily.

The shape of the barrier is not a straight line, but has an arc and is fan-shaped.

This made Lin Moyu more certain of his guess that there is more than one cemetery, and the cemetery in front of him is just one of them.

The eight doors in the third passage lead to eight cemeteries respectively.

Eight cemeteries guard the high mountain in the middle.

After walking for half a day, the cemetery finally reached the end, and a path leading to the mountain appeared in sight.

The path was not wide, less than 30 meters, and was covered with gravel.

Each piece of gravel was that kind of extremely solid black material, which looked like the leftover scraps used to pave the road after building a tomb.

But in fact, this was not the case. The edges of these gravels were rounded, and they were obviously polished in the room.

In Lin Moyu’s opinion, polishing these gravels was time-consuming and laborious, and more troublesome than building a tomb.

On the other side of the gravel path, there was another cemetery.

There were still countless coffins, no different from the cemetery next to him.

This situation fully confirmed Lin Moyu’s guess that the eight entrances in the third passage led to eight cemeteries respectively.

The eight cemeteries were all fan-shaped, and there were gravel paths between the cemeteries.

A map was formed in my mind. This was an extremely large cemetery with at least more than one million coffins in the cemetery.

Arriving at the gravel path, along the path, looking towards the distant mountains, you can see that the path leads directly to the mountains.

If Lin Moyu doesn’t want to go into the cemetery, he can go to the mountains along the path. Just

as he raised his foot and was about to step out, Lin Moyu decisively retracted his foot.

In the gravel path, there was also the same atmosphere as the cemetery.

These strands of aura connected the cemetery path together.

Although the cemetery was divided into eight parts, it was actually still a whole, and a single move would affect the entire body.

The path seemed to lead to the central mountain, but in fact, there was no difference between entering the path and entering the cemetery.

With a thought in mind, three skeleton warriors responded.

In the case of uncertainty, letting the skeletons explore the way is the best choice.

The sound of bones rubbing against each other broke the tranquility of the cemetery.

One skeleton warrior ran into the path with a click, and the other ran to the cemetery on the side.

The last skeleton warrior was ready to cross the gravel path and run to the cemetery opposite the path.

At this moment, Lin Moyu seemed to have discovered something. His pupils shrank suddenly. He saw a figure


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Disastrous Necromancer [Necromancer: I Am A Disaster]

Disastrous Necromancer [Necromancer: I Am A Disaster]

Si Ling Fashi! Wo Ji Shi Tianzai, Necromancer! I Am a Disaster, NECROMANCER: King of The Scourge, Scourge Necromancer, Catastrophic Necromancer
Score 8
Status: Ongoing Released: 2023 Native Language: English
The game becomes reality, the rules of the world are subverted and human beings enter the era of job changes for all. Only by becoming a Job Changer! And becoming stronger! Can one stand on top of the world! On the day of his job change, Lin Moyu became the only hidden profession, the Necromancer. From then on, since his summons will never die, Lin Moyu will also never die. “I sit high above on a throne of bones, threading the path between life and death.” “I am the Catastrophe!”


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