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Disastrous Necromancer Chapter 322

Chapter 322: A man must endure some hardship

In the Baishen courtyard, Bai Yiyuan sat absentmindedly drinking tea.

For some reason, the best tea became tasteless.

“Old Meng, do you think Xiaoyu can succeed?”

He stopped calling Lin the boy and started calling him Xiaoyu instead.

Meng Anwen chuckled, “You, you are too worried. How can a great White God worry about such a thing?”

Bai Yiyuan sighed, “Xiaoyu’s murderous aura is too huge. If he has completed the third transformation now, even if he is over level 60, I don’t need to worry.”

“I believe he is fully capable of controlling the murderous aura at that time.”

“But now…”

Meng Anwen said, “Hasn’t Lao Kuang already taken action? With him here, what do you have to worry about?”

Bai Yiyuan snorted, “He got a disciple for nothing.” Meng Anwen chuckled

, “You should prepare for Xiaoyu’s second transformation. When he comes back in a while, it will be time to upgrade.”

Bai Yiyuan said, “I have prepared it a long time ago. Everything is ready. I am just waiting for him to come back.”

“The second transformation is crucial. There must be no mistakes.”

Bai Yiyuan waved his hand, “Don’t worry, there will be no mistakes.”

. . .

In the bloody land, Lin Moyu

sat for ten days again after successfully guiding the first ray of murderous aura, without moving an inch.

There is a lot of food left by Ning Yiyi in the storage space, enough for him to eat for half a year.

If there is a first time, there will be a second time.

Lin Moyu gradually mastered the trick of controlling the murderous aura, and injected strands of murderous aura into the domain stone.

Every strand of murderous aura was imprinted in Lin Moyu’s mind.

The speed of guidance became faster and faster, and more and more murderous aura entered the domain stone.

The domain stone seemed to be never full, and it would eat as much as it was given.

After Lin Moyu sent all the murderous aura in, it was not even one tenth enough.

“Finally, I sent all the murderous aura in.”

Lin Moyu’s thoughts became clear again.

Even better than before.

With this experience, Lin Moyu’s mind was stronger than before.

With a move in his heart, the murderous aura in the domain stone rolled out, like a black smoke rising into the sky.

Lin Moyu stood in the murderous aura, his eyes clear and calm.

These murderous auras have completely belonged to him and will no longer affect him.

On the contrary, under the suppression of the huge murderous aura, those enemies with weak will will be affected.

The power is weakened, the speed is slowed down, and the will is weak, as if they are cursed.

The murderous aura converges and returns to the domain stone.

Lin Moyu let out a long breath.

He had never felt so relaxed in the past 20 days.

There were footsteps outside the house, and Yan Kuangsheng was back.

“Teacher, you are back.” Lin Moyu said respectfully.

His nose moved and he smelled a strong smell of blood.

This smell of blood was so strong that he had never seen it before.

Even when he was slaughtering the city, he had never smelled it.

The smell of blood came from what Yan Kuangsheng was holding.

A piece of beast meat.

How could a piece of beast meat that was just a little bigger than a palm have such a strong smell of blood.

Yan Kuangsheng glanced at Lin Moyu, a gleam in his eyes, and then he threw the beast meat over with his hand, “Eat it.”

Then he said, “Eat it raw, right now.”

Without hesitation, Lin Moyu started to eat it raw.

The beast meat that smelled so bloody didn’t taste bloody at all.

Instead, it had a hint of sweetness and melted in the mouth.

It tasted even better than the meat of the Earth Touching Dragon God.

Lin Moyu couldn’t understand where such a strong smell of blood came from.

Seeing Lin Moyu eating the beast meat without hesitation, Yan Kuangsheng showed satisfaction, “Why don’t you ask what kind of meat this is?”

Lin Moyu shook his head slightly, “The teacher gave it to me, no need to ask.”

Yan Kuangsheng laughed, “Bai Yiyuan told you that this place is called the Bloody Land.”

Lin Moyu nodded.

“Then do you know why it is called the Bloody Land?”

Lin Moyu shook his head, not knowing.

Yan Kuangsheng said, “The Bloody Land, an independent space, a relic from ancient times.”

“A hundred kilometers around, more than 100,000 kilometers up and down.”

Lin Moyu was shocked. He thought this was a very small independent space. It

actually reached 100,000 kilometers up and down.

It turned out that this space was a cylindrical space.

Yan Kuangsheng glanced at the sky and said, “Above or below, 10,000 kilometers away, there is a beast called the bloodthirsty python, and you are eating its meat.” Lin Moyu

suddenly saw that the corner of Yan Kuangsheng’s clothes seemed to be damaged.

When he went out, the corner of his clothes was not damaged.

And there seemed to be some blood on his clothes.

Not only that, there was also blood on the knife.

“Teacher, are you injured?”

Yan Kuangsheng laughed, “It’s nothing. The bloodthirsty python is a god-level beast after all. If you want to cut their flesh and blood, you have to pay a price.”

Lin Moyu was moved when she heard it.

The words Yan Kuangsheng said to her did not add up to more than ten sentences.

But he actually went to fight a god-level beast for her.

Yan Kuangsheng waved his hand and said, “I have lived here for decades. I don’t know how many times I have fought with those guys. I am used to it.”

At this time, Lin Moyu had eaten all the beast meat. Yan Kuangsheng smiled, “Did you finish eating? Get ready to enjoy it.” Enjoy?


Moyu was slightly stunned.

The next second, a huge force exploded in his body.

The severe pain came, Lin Moyu groaned, and his whole body trembled.

It hurts, it hurts a lot. It feels

like being pierced by thousands of needles all over his body.

Blood oozes out all over his body, and in a blink of an eye, Lin Moyu has become a bloody man.

Lin Moyu didn’t make a sound, and the severe pain caused his body to tremble constantly.

His handsome face became a little distorted.

He gritted his teeth and asked, “Teacher, why is this happening?”

Yan Kuangsheng asked, “You have taken the magic potion, right?”

“The magic potion is made from the essence of the bloodthirsty python’s flesh and blood, but after it is made into a potion, the effect is greatly weakened.”

“If you want to get the best effect, you have to eat it raw.”

“You can eat it once before the second transformation, once after the second transformation, and once after the third transformation.”

“The effects increase in sequence, so that the attributes can be improved to the extreme.”

Then he said disdainfully, “If you can’t endure hardship, how can you be qualified to become the strongest.”

“The primary magic potion only adds 200 points of attributes, which is useless.”

“If you are a man, you must endure hardship to get the benefits.”

“You eat the top-level bloodthirsty python meat, which is not comparable to a mere magic potion.”

So that’s it. Lin Moyu has discovered that his attributes are rapidly improving.

The primary magic potion is painless and all attributes increase by 200.

Now, eating the bloodthirsty python’s meat directly raw, although it hurts a lot, all attributes increase by at least 2000.

The effect is equivalent to the intermediate magic potion, but it hurts a little more.

If Lin Moyu were to make a choice, he would definitely choose the pain.

He is a man, why should he be afraid of pain!

Seeing Lin Moyu grit his teeth and endure without saying a word, Yan Kuangsheng looked even more satisfied.

“You are about to take the second job, so you must pursue career sublimation during the second job, right?”

“Then do you know what the root of career sublimation is?”

“There are several major requirements for career sublimation. The first is luck. If you are unlucky, even if there is a 99% chance, it will be useless.”

“The second is attributes. The attributes must break the upper limit. The easiest way to break this upper limit is the magic potion.”

“So don’t underestimate the 208,200 attributes brought by the magic potion. Just this little breakthrough can greatly increase the probability of career sublimation.”

“In addition to the magic potion, there are many other ways to break the attribute limit. For example, the divine power in the ancient battlefield, the soul crystal of the soul-eating insect…”

“The more attribute breakthroughs, the higher the probability of career sublimation.”

“The third is various items that increase career sublimation, such as the battlefield ghost king in the meta battlefield, its nirvana soul crystal is a good thing.”

“In addition, there are also formations for job transfer and some other icing on the cake items that can further increase the probability of career sublimation.”

. . .

Yan Kuangsheng spoke in detail and talked endlessly.

He has lived here alone for decades, and no one usually talks to him.

Once he started talking, he couldn’t stop.

Lin Moyu listened carefully. Bai Yiyuan also talked to him about career sublimation.

But he didn’t say it in detail because of his carefree personality.

Now after listening, Lin Moyu suddenly understood.

No wonder those people valued the magic potion so much. It turned out that it was to break the attribute limit.

In this way, his own attributes…

Yan Kuangsheng asked, “You should have been to the eternal battlefield. Did you get the power of divinity?”

Lin Moyu felt severe pain all over his body and gritted his teeth and said, “I got it.”

Yan Kuangsheng snorted, “This guy is quite reliable. What level is the power of divinity? Is there level 5?”

Lin Moyu said, “Level 39…”

“Only level 3…” Yan Kuangsheng was a little disappointed, “Although each level only differs by 1% of the attribute bonus, the level is high, and the difference is still not small.”

“But now that things have come to this, there is nothing we can do. It’s better than nothing.”

Lin Moyu gritted his teeth and amplified his voice a little, “Teacher, it’s not level 3, it’s level 39…”


Yan Kuangsheng’s knife fell to the ground.

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Disastrous Necromancer [Necromancer: I Am A Disaster]

Disastrous Necromancer [Necromancer: I Am A Disaster]

Si Ling Fashi! Wo Ji Shi Tianzai, Necromancer! I Am a Disaster, NECROMANCER: King of The Scourge, Scourge Necromancer, Catastrophic Necromancer
Score 8
Status: Ongoing Released: 2023 Native Language: English
The game becomes reality, the rules of the world are subverted and human beings enter the era of job changes for all. Only by becoming a Job Changer! And becoming stronger! Can one stand on top of the world! On the day of his job change, Lin Moyu became the only hidden profession, the Necromancer. From then on, since his summons will never die, Lin Moyu will also never die. “I sit high above on a throne of bones, threading the path between life and death.” “I am the Catastrophe!”


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