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Disastrous Necromancer Chapter 486

The Burial Thunder Canyon did not completely collapse due to the death of the Thunder God.

Although the Thunder God is gone, the power he left behind still maintains the operation of the Burial Thunder Canyon.

The small square outside the Thunder God’s Tomb will still exist. If someone is lucky enough to come there, they can still get rewards.

Unfortunately, you can no longer enter the Thunder God’s Tomb and see the Thunder God’s Palace.

At this time, many electric grasses grew in the Burial Thunder Canyon, swaying in the thunder and lightning.

“It’s time to go!”

Lin Moyu took a last look at the collapsed cave canyon, and just as he was about to leave, he suddenly stopped.

Behind the collapsed mountain, Lin Moyu saw a stone tablet.

His eyes shrank suddenly, and he flew over at the fastest speed.

The stone tablet was hidden in the mountain, and it was not revealed until the mountain collapsed. The

stone tablet was engraved with complex runes, and these runes were flying and dancing, and it was impossible to tell what they meant.

But no matter who it was, they could see that these runes were extremely extraordinary.

Lin Moyu couldn’t understand it for the time being.

It doesn’t matter if you can’t understand it, just know what it is.

[Origin Rune]

Lin Moyu could never have imagined that there would be an [Origin Rune] hidden in the mountain. He

almost missed it.

With his mental power activated, the stone tablet was immediately activated.

The stone tablet penetrated into Lin Moyu’s body like flowing water, and then a red light shot up into the sky.

The [Soldier] character on the back of his left hand was also shining, as if it was echoing with the newly acquired [Origin Rune].

Only by experiencing it yourself can you understand how powerful the [Origin Rune] is.

The [Strong Soldier] skill brought by the [Soldier] character has saved him countless times and helped him kill powerful enemies.

If he could get another equally powerful skill…

The red light that shot up into the sky immediately attracted the attention of countless people.

Everyone knew what the red light represented.

The owner of the red light would be the target of public criticism within ten days.

Unlike the last time when he passively let someone come to him, this time Lin Moyu’s eyes were filled with murderous intent. “It’s time to kill again. This time I’ll come to you.”

Lin Moyu was facing the sky with red light, his lightning undead wings vibrating, and he shot away.

When he first set foot on the Wind

and Thunder Continent, Lin Moyu was attacked by the dragon clan. At that time, he decided to go to the dragon clan’s station to see what was going on after resolving the transaction with Antares.

See what the dragon clan is doing and whether those war puppets of the general level can be mass-produced.

If so, it would not be a good thing for the human race.

Although he was not afraid, the top professionals in the human army would be in danger on the battlefield.

Moreover, before he set out for the Eternal Battlefield, there was news that the dragon clan was preparing for war.

The war is not far away.

The dragon clan, which had been silent for a thousand years, only launched two wars of not large scale after returning.

They can’t give up and must be preparing for a larger war.

The hatred between races cannot be easily erased.

Lin Moyu flew at a low altitude, still paying close attention to Fenghua.

The actions of the wind flowers were too strange, and Lin Moyu didn’t want to provoke the group of wind flowers for the time being.

Lin Moyu kept checking the map and changing directions.

He was looking for the dragons, and the dragons and demons were also looking for him.

The red light of the [Origin Rune] was too conspicuous, and the dragons and demons rushed over like moths to a flame.

When they saw that the guy who obtained the [Origin Rune] was actually a level 52 human professional, they were so excited that they lost their minds.

They didn’t even think about why a level 52 person would appear in the lower space and could also obtain the [Origin Rune].

Can the [Origin Rune] be obtained casually?

When they rushed over without thinking, what greeted them was naturally Lin Moyu’s butcher knife.

Lin Moyu was constantly sniped along the way, and he killed batches after batches.

Experience slowly increased in the killing.

Military merits are no longer of much use to him now.

No matter how many military merits he has

, he can’t upgrade his general star. Only by killing strong people like the Demon King and the Dragon King can he continue to upgrade his general star.

And killing one is not enough.

He is now a 3-star general. If he wants to be promoted to a 4-star general, he needs to kill 4 of them.

Lin Moyu only remembered a general direction. It is not easy to find it.

However, Lin Moyu knew that as long as he was close to the dragon tribe’s station, the dragon tribe would naturally come to find him.

Whether it was the breath of his slaughtering the dragon tribe or the red light of the [Origin Rune] now, it was a huge temptation.

Sure enough, just half a day later, a large number of dragon warships appeared in sight.

There were

thousands of dragon warships floating in the air.

Lin Moyu saw the situation on the warships from a distance.

He could see that a large number of dragon warriors stood on the warships with expressionless faces.

Their expressions were extremely stiff, and their eyes were empty and lifeless, completely different from normal dragons.

On each warship, there was a team of 100 warrior-level puppets. There were more than 100,000 warrior-level puppets on 1,000 warships.

100,000 dragon warriors… This number was extremely shocking.

It was enough for the dragons to launch a head-on war against the human race.

It is foreseeable that once the war breaks out, many top professionals of the human race will die.

The damage of the dragon race is only some war puppets.

“Where can the dragon race get so many materials.”

Lin Moyu frowned slightly. It takes a lot of materials to make war puppets.

War general-level war puppets must have higher material requirements. Where can the dragon race get such high-quality materials?

After discovering Lin Moyu, a lot of noisy sounds came from the dragon race warship.

The puppets turned a blind eye to Lin Moyu’s sky-high red light, but the real dragon race members would not be like this.

[Origin Rune! ]

[He killed many tribesmen, kill him and grab the Origin Rune. ]

[It has been investigated a few days ago. This person who is only level 52 is a human professional named Lin Moyu, who is ordered to be killed by the Dragon King. ]

[Kill it and hand over the Origin Rune to the Dragon King in exchange for a shocking reward. ]

The dragons shouted loudly.

The magic crystals on the dragon race warships all lit up.

In an instant, a huge beam of light illuminated the sky and shot towards Lin Moyu.

Lin Moyu had expected this, and he flew towards the ground in a flash.

Under him, there were patches of mine trees.

The dragon warships were instantly silenced and dared not attack.

If they provoked even one thunder tree, the result would be disastrous. They

would be attacked by the thunder trees.

Their thousands of warships and 100,000 dragon warriors seemed a lot.

But compared with the thunder trees that formed the mountains, they were just a drop in the ocean and not worth looking at.

The warships could not attack, and the dragon warriors on the warships responded.

100,000 dragon warriors rushed out in an overwhelming manner, and Lin Moyu said lightly, “It can be upgraded again!”

The Undead Legion responded, and the Skeleton Berserkers rushed to the front and directly faced the Dragon Warlords.

Lin Moyu was not worried at all about using 10,000 Skeleton Berserkers to face an enemy that was ten times his size.

At the moment when the two sides were about to collide, the character [Soldier] on the back of his hand shone.

The skill [Strong Soldiers] was suddenly activated, and the combat power of the entire Undead Legion instantly increased by nearly ten times.

The Skeleton Berserker swung his axe to activate the skill, which was equivalent to an attack of more than 8 million strength attributes. The Dragon Warrior was completely no match for them.

With one skill, the Dragon Warrior was killed on the spot.

The Skeleton Master and the Sharpshooter have also joined the battle.

Under the large-scale attack, nearly a thousand Warrior-level puppets were directly killed.

The Skeleton Berserker was very fast and quickly caught the puppet corpse that was about to fall.

Although it was a puppet, its vitality was not fake.

After catching the puppet corpse, the Skeleton Berserker threw it hard and threw it directly into the sky.

The corpse explosion damage range is 420 meters.

The height of the Dragon Warship from the ground is about 300 meters.

The battle took place 150 meters above the ground.

When the corpse flew to an altitude of 500 meters, Lin Moyu raised his hand and activated the skill.

In the [Strong Soldiers] state, the damage of the corpse explosion was amplified by 6 times on the original basis.

Amid the explosion, terrifying energy blew like a strong wind.

The shield on the warship was twisted and deformed, and it was about to break.

This was just one corpse. There were hundreds of corpses thrown up by the Skeleton Berserkers.

Moreover, the damage caused by the corpse explosion was not only on the warship, but also on the dragon warriors who were fighting.

The dragon warriors were killed in an instant, and their corpses became Lin Moyu’s weapons again.

When three consecutive corpses were detonated, the shields of many warships shattered.

The real dragon warriors on them looked panicked one by one.

They wanted to escape, but it was too late.

Several corpses exploded again, directly blowing up the unprotected warships, and the dragon warriors on them also died one after another. The

destroyed dragon warship fell from the air, fell to the ground, and hit the thunder tree group.

The thunder tree group suddenly began to explode.

In an instant, countless thunders blasted into the sky.

The thunder trees aimed at the dragon clan, who had the same aura.

They were regarded as the same kind by the thunder tree group.

This is also Lin Moyu’s idea, to use the opponent’s force to counter the opponent’s force.

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Disastrous Necromancer [Necromancer: I Am A Disaster]

Disastrous Necromancer [Necromancer: I Am A Disaster]

Si Ling Fashi! Wo Ji Shi Tianzai, Necromancer! I Am a Disaster, NECROMANCER: King of The Scourge, Scourge Necromancer, Catastrophic Necromancer
Score 8
Status: Ongoing Released: 2023 Native Language: English
The game becomes reality, the rules of the world are subverted and human beings enter the era of job changes for all. Only by becoming a Job Changer! And becoming stronger! Can one stand on top of the world! On the day of his job change, Lin Moyu became the only hidden profession, the Necromancer. From then on, since his summons will never die, Lin Moyu will also never die. “I sit high above on a throne of bones, threading the path between life and death.” “I am the Catastrophe!”


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