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Disastrous Necromancer Chapter 521

Outside the teleportation array, Lin Moyu met Feng Ziliu and his group again.

Lin Moyu bowed slightly to Feng Ziliu, “Thank you for telling me about Gao Yang. If you need my help in the future, you can come to me.”

Feng Ziliu waved his hands quickly, “No, no.”

The expressions of several people were a little nervous and a little unnatural. The one

in front of them was not ordinary, but a god general.

The youngest god general in the entire human race, with a combat power comparable to that of a god at only level 53.

Such a big man is not something that people like them can reach.

It is an incomparable honor to meet him and say a few words.

Lin Moyu knew that it was difficult to change their minds, but still said, “Don’t worry too much about your identity. We are all human professionals with the same goal, so we are comrades-in-arms.”

Feng Ziliu nodded hard, trying to make himself look less nervous, “Thank you, God General Lin, I wonder how God General Lin’s friend is doing?”

Lin Moyu said, “He is fine now.”

“That’s good, that’s good, we will go back to the academy first.” Feng Ziliu said.

Lin Moyu nodded, “After returning, follow the instructions of the academy. Don’t think too much. It’s okay.”

Seeing Lin Moyu leaving, several people were a little stunned.

Someone whispered, “Boss, what does General Lin mean by this?”

“Yes, I feel like General Lin seems to know something.”

“This time the academy urgently summoned us back. Did something happen?”

Feng Ziliu also heard the hidden meaning of Lin Moyu, “Don’t think too much. We just listen to General Lin and follow the instructions of the academy after returning. Are you afraid that the academy will harm us!”

Lin Moyu knew that they would be strictly supervised after returning.

At least they would not be free for a period of time.

But there was no way around it. What the empire had to do now was to control the spread of the Soul Devourer Beast.

Let the Soul Devourer Beast enter an orderly outbreak. The Soul Devourer Beast

is difficult to guard against for ordinary people, and the same is true for some low-level professionals.

So they can only be controlled on a large scale, which is also a helpless thing.

As long as the Soul Fusion Array is completed, this control measure can be lifted.

After leaving the city, the cold wind blew like a knife, and the city and the outside of the city were like two different worlds.

Starting from the city gate, there is a small path that leads directly to the Kunlun Mountains.

There are a large number of secret dungeons in the Kunlun Mountains, both low-level and high-level.

So here, you can see many teams with huge differences in levels.

They are either returning to the city from the dungeons, or setting out from the city to the secret dungeons.

It is very lively along the way.

The Kunlun Mountains are located in the northwest border of the Shenxia Empire, bordering several countries.

Especially in the main Kunlun Mountain, you often encounter some professionals from other countries.

Occasionally, some conflicts will break out.

However, the Shenxia Empire is strong, and most of the time, other countries also give in.

Lin Moyu, wearing a single shirt and a short shirt, dressed like a professional of daily life, walked alone, attracting attention.

Especially the temperament exuding from him, aloof and noble, restrained breath, seems very special.

Lin Moyu ignored the eyes of others and thought about Gao Yang in his heart.

Before leaving, he went to Xiajing Academy and found the principal of Xiajing Academy, hoping to recruit Gao Yang into Xiajing Academy.

As the youngest god general, he has a promising future, and he has three top god-level teachers behind him.

Lin Moyu has a lot of say.

Not to mention Gao Yang, even if he sent a pig in, the principal would probably have to bite the bullet and find a way to deal with it.

Gao Yang got into Xiajing Academy as he wished, and Lin Moyu transferred 10,000 points to him as his expenses in Xiajing Academy. He

didn’t give too much, 10,000 points were enough.

Lin Moyu believed that with Gao Yang’s funny personality of making friends, he would not do too badly in Xiajing Academy.

Snowflakes floated in the sky, and the temperature dropped again after entering the Kunlun Mountains.

At this time, many professionals with insufficient levels began to be unable to bear it, and they put on thick coats.

Only the knight warriors wearing heavy armor, relying on their strong physique, still didn’t feel anything.

Even some mages have already put up shields.

At this time, Lin Moyu became more special.

Some people along the way began to be curious about Lin Moyu, pointing and talking.

“What level is this person? I can’t tell.” “Judging from his attire


he should be a life-related professional. What is he doing in the Kunlun Mountains?”

“People in life-related professions generally have little combat power. Isn’t it dangerous to encounter monsters?”

“I think he should be a special profession, called a herbalist.”

“I have heard of this profession. It is said that this profession has the ability to discover rare medicines.”

“Yes, yes, because herbalists have to enter various environments all year round. They not only have strong adaptability to various environments, but can also predict various dangers in advance.”

Lin Moyu’s senses are extremely sharp. Listening to the conversations of these people, he found it a little funny.

He seemed to have really become a herbalist.

However, the profession of herbalist does exist. He has seen it in a book.

In reality, herbalists are not common.

However, the role of the herbalist profession is indeed not to be underestimated. Not only can they enter various environments, but they can even enter secret realms to collect medicine.

They do have the ability to predict various dangers, and even if they go to very dangerous places, they can still escape unscathed.

And the various rare medicines they bring back are also needed by pharmacists.

According to historical records, there was once a top herbalist who entered a secret realm of level 85.

In the secret realm, he found a realm within a realm and brought back a rare flower from it.

This rare flower was favored by a god-level pharmacist at the time and was sold at a sky-high price.

The herbalist thus received gold coins that he could not spend in several lifetimes.

The god-level pharmacist who bought the flower used it to make an extremely magical potion.

It could actually allow god-level strongmen to sublimate their professions.

This potion is called a god-level sublimation potion in the history of the human race.

Unfortunately, this has only happened once in recorded history.

The formula was left behind, but the rare flower has never been found again.

Lin Moyu pondered what he had seen in his mind, and at the same time felt the magic of the world.

Any miracle could happen.

He believed that even if there were skills or potions that could resurrect the dead, it would not be impossible.

Just like the corpse poison, even an existence like Antares believed that the corpse poison could not be resolved.

But he could resolve it.

Miracles always exist, but people just don’t discover them.

The smooth road came to an end, and in front of him was the entrance to a secret realm.

The secret realm is only level 30, which is a low-level secret realm. It is also the secret realm closest to Kuncheng in the Kunlun Mountains.

There is a magic monument next to the secret realm, and you can get detailed information about the secret realm by using mental power.

This secret realm has existed for many years and has been fully developed.

The valuable things in the secret realm have long been gone, and now it is more of a tourist attraction.

You can go in and take a look around.

There is a place called Ice Volcano in the secret realm. There is fire in the ice and ice in the fire. It is a unique landscape.

“A good place to talk about love.”

“Come and see it with Yiyi if you have a chance.”

Lin Moyu thought of Ning Yiyi.

After meeting, falling in love with Ning Yiyi, we have been apart for a long time.

When I have free time in the future, I really want to take a good walk.

Ning Yiyi also said that I would take her around the world if I had the chance in the future.

Lin Moyu also agreed.

This world is not just the human world.

Ning Yiyi wants to go to the abyss, the dragon world, the ancient battlefield, and the corpse world.

The little girl has a great interest in every place and wants to see everywhere.

Lin Moyu did not enter the secret realm, intending to save the beautiful scenery in the secret realm for the future, and to see it with Ning Yiyi.

Bypassing the secret realm, we entered the Kunlun Mountains.

The wind and snow were getting stronger and stronger, blocking the view.

The Kunlun Palace copy was deep in the Kunlun Mountains, at the foot of the main peak of Kunlun.

With Lin Moyu’s pace, if he didn’t fly, he would have to walk for another hour to get there.

The professionals along the way continued to disperse, and there were fewer and fewer people.

“Brother, aren’t you cold?”

A deep voice sounded in my ears, and a knight in heavy armor was greeting Lin Moyu.

This is a team of twelve people, and the direction is also Kunlun Palace.

Lin Moyu saw the knight’s appearance, which was somewhat similar to that of Galan Lieyang.

It was just a young version of Galan Lieyang.

Then I saw the badges on them, and it was indeed the Galan Guild.

“What a coincidence.”

Lin Moyu murmured in his heart, and said, “What is your relationship with Galan Lieyang and Galan Yeyu?”.

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Disastrous Necromancer [Necromancer: I Am A Disaster]

Disastrous Necromancer [Necromancer: I Am A Disaster]

Si Ling Fashi! Wo Ji Shi Tianzai, Necromancer! I Am a Disaster, NECROMANCER: King of The Scourge, Scourge Necromancer, Catastrophic Necromancer
Score 8
Status: Ongoing Released: 2023 Native Language: English
The game becomes reality, the rules of the world are subverted and human beings enter the era of job changes for all. Only by becoming a Job Changer! And becoming stronger! Can one stand on top of the world! On the day of his job change, Lin Moyu became the only hidden profession, the Necromancer. From then on, since his summons will never die, Lin Moyu will also never die. “I sit high above on a throne of bones, threading the path between life and death.” “I am the Catastrophe!”


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