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Disastrous Necromancer Chapter 576

Antares spoke casually, but there was a hint of seriousness in his words.

Lin Moyu could sense it. There were

not many things in this world that could make Antares serious.

Antares always looked high and mighty, playing with the world.

Even beings like the Demon King and the Dragon King were nothing in Antares’ eyes.

Lin Moyu didn’t know what level Antares was at, but he was definitely not weaker than a super god.

Antares was a kind of transcendence in this world.

Something that could make him serious must not be simple.

Lin Moyu listened attentively and seriously.

Antares didn’t keep him in suspense this time. “I once told you that there are three ways to become a super god. The first one is to use formations. This is the simplest and the worst.”

Lin Moyu nodded. It was true.

Why is using formations the worst? Because it is using external forces.

Even if you break through and become a super god, once you lose the help of external forces, your strength will drop sharply, and you will be the weakest among the super gods.

Antares said, “In fact, this problem does not only occur when becoming a super god. It is also the same when you are in the third transformation.”

“There is no problem with using the formation to awaken your profession, because the formation at that time is just a switch that opens the door to professionals.”

“There are some problems with using the formation for the second job change, but not big. Because at that time, the soul is still weak, the skills are still weak, and it is basically not even a foundation.”

“But the third transformation, the third transformation is not okay. For those who want to become a super god, the third transformation is a job change to lay the foundation. The deeper and more solid the foundation, the greater the possibility of becoming a super god.”

“And the formation is always an external force, which will affect your foundation and ultimately affect your becoming a super god.”

Lin Moyu asked, “In this case, can you do the third transformation without using the job change formation?”

Antares laughed, “Of course, if you have to rely on the formation, then where did the first professional of the human race come from? Before the job change formation, where did the first god-level strongman come from?”

Lin Moyu thought about this question for the first time, and it was indeed as Antares said.

Before the formation, how did the human race complete the job change.

“So, we have all entered a misunderstanding.” Lin Moyu said in a deep voice.

Antares shook his head, “It can’t be said to be a misunderstanding. If there is no formation, the number of professionals in this world will decrease by 99%. So this kind of thing has both advantages and disadvantages.”

“At least when there are more professionals, the probability of god-level professionals appearing is high, and the human race can survive against demons and dragons.”

“So, this is a choice made for survival, and it is not a choice made in your era, it has been like this in the last era.”

“If it is said that we have taken the wrong path, then we have taken the wrong path in the last era.”

Lin Moyu was completely silent. He didn’t expect it to be like this.

Antares talked a lot again, and finally made Lin Moyu completely understand.

The path of the human race is both right and wrong.

The right thing is to create a large number of professionals. Now in the human world, almost everyone is a professional, the only difference is the profession.

The wrong thing is that another elite route was given up.

This is also what Antares complained about.

Lin Moyu heard from its complaints that there were super gods in the last era, and there were more than one.

It’s just that those super gods were too weak.

Yes, that’s right, too weak!

Because they gave up the elite route and won by numbers.

Although several super gods were born among them, they were too weak in Antares’s mouth.

Antares once said that a real strong man is better than hundreds of thousands of strong men.

Just like this time, if Jiang Yi hadn’t taken action, no one could stop the giant palm of the Demon Emperor.

Even if Bai Yiyuan and the others all came together, it wouldn’t work.

Lin Moyu had no say in this, but his intuition told him that Antares was right.

After listening to Antares’ theory, Lin Moyu couldn’t help but ask, “Then how can I complete the third transformation.”

Lin Moyu had never tried to complete the third transformation without relying on the formation.

I guess even if I asked Meng Anwen, he wouldn’t know.

Even the deepest secret library in the royal family would not have any records.

Antares said, “You got the Charm Blue Fire. Although this thing is not a high-end product, it is just right for you.”

“The Charm Blue Fire has improved your soul essence and raised your soul limit a lot. You happened to encounter the Soul Devourer and got a lot of pure soul energy.”

“You are now level 69, but the essence of your soul has almost reached the level of God.”

“With such a strong soul as a foundation, it is not difficult for you to change your job three times.”

“But before the third change, you must first figure out what the essence of the job change is.”

Antares spoke in great detail, and Lin Moyu listened very carefully.

He remembered every word Antares said in his heart.

After listening, he understood what the elite route was.

It is actually very difficult to change jobs without relying on formations, and the requirements are extremely strict.

It can be said that there may not be one person who meets the requirements in 100,000 people.

At least among the people Lin Moyu knows, no one can meet this requirement.

Even Meng Anwen and others in the past could not do it.

The first thing is to have a strong soul. When you are less than level 70, you must have a soul power comparable to that of level 80 or above.

Because only when the soul is strong can it touch the skill space and get in touch with the origin of the skill.

Lin Moyu thought of how excited Meng Anwen and Bai Yiyuan were when they awakened their skills and heard that they could touch the skill space and see the skill light spots.

That’s because they know that the soul is strong.

But they don’t know it as clearly as Antares.

One knows the fact, while the other knows the reason. The difference is obvious.

Lin Moyu now knows the reason

after combining the information from both sides. He only needs to use the soul power to enter the skill space without using the skill scroll.

Guide the light spots representing the skills and introduce them into the soul.

The soul energy will increase, and his level will also increase.

After guiding out the skills and reaching level 70, and then resonating with certain laws between heaven and earth, he can start the third transformation.

It is the beginning of the third transformation, not the completion of the third transformation.

Lin Moyu pondered over Antares’ words carefully, and Antares’ voice was like a tape recorder, constantly replaying in his mind.

“Guiding skills into the soul is a preparatory work that must be completed before the third transformation.”

“If there are no fused skills in the soul, it is impossible to attract the resonance of the law.”

“After completing the third transformation, it is the beginning of another level. You have to constantly move skills into the soul.”

“Weak people can only move a few skills into the soul.”

“Slightly stronger people can move at least five skills.”

“And the truly strong can introduce all skills into the soul.”

Lin Moyu understood the difference.

Introducing skills into the soul is something that only gods do.

After level 80, you will comprehend the essence of skills, touch the skill space, and then slowly introduce skills into the soul during the process of upgrading to level 827.

Once one skill enters the soul, it is half a step into the god level.

And if you can introduce two skills, you can become a true god level.

Then continue to comprehend skills, let the skills merge with your soul, and become stronger and stronger. What

Lin Moyu has to do now is to integrate the skill light spot into the soul in advance.

Before the third transformation, he has taken the step of becoming a god-level strongman.

The difficulty can be imagined, and the strength can also be imagined.

Once successful, Lin Moyu can become an invincible strongman at the same level even without relying on any talent.

Even without relying on talent, it is not a problem for a level 70 to fight against a level 80+.

According to Antares, a strong person who can guide more than three skill light spots into the soul is capable of fighting against the world boss of the same level.

This is a single fight against the world boss of the same level without taking talent into account.

When Antares said this, Lin Moyu was shocked.

But what Antares said next once again destroyed Lin Moyu’s three views.

He found that he knew too little about this world.

He knew too little about the entire professional system.

There are so many secrets in this world, and he has only touched the tip of the iceberg.

Antares raised his head high, with pride, “Even if all the skill light spots are moved into the soul, it is only the top strong, but it is still far from the strongest.”

“The real strongest can move talent into the soul.”

“You probably don’t even know where the talent is.”

Lin Moyu stared at Antares with wide eyes, moving talent into the soul.

This kind of thing is unheard of.

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Disastrous Necromancer [Necromancer: I Am A Disaster]

Disastrous Necromancer [Necromancer: I Am A Disaster]

Si Ling Fashi! Wo Ji Shi Tianzai, Necromancer! I Am a Disaster, NECROMANCER: King of The Scourge, Scourge Necromancer, Catastrophic Necromancer
Score 8
Status: Ongoing Released: 2023 Native Language: English
The game becomes reality, the rules of the world are subverted and human beings enter the era of job changes for all. Only by becoming a Job Changer! And becoming stronger! Can one stand on top of the world! On the day of his job change, Lin Moyu became the only hidden profession, the Necromancer. From then on, since his summons will never die, Lin Moyu will also never die. “I sit high above on a throne of bones, threading the path between life and death.” “I am the Catastrophe!”


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