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Revenge of the Iron-Blooded Sword Hound Chapter 148

Episode 148 Volunteer Activities during the Golden Week (5)

A scorching day under the scorching sun.

Bikir was pulling out the weeds that had sprouted in the playground.

But while doing the dirty work, Bikir’s eyes and ears are always open.

When it comes to information related to Quilty, Bikir did his best to gather information so as not to miss even the smallest detail.

It was almost impossible for a mere volunteer to meet Quilty in person, and it was only possible to see him from a distance or get information about his work or daily life through people around him.

Even that was all the more annoying because he was often interrupted by Geronto Pedo Hebe Efebo, who was always by Quilty’s side.

‘They are strong guys. Especially that woman named ‘Geronto’…’

Vikir paid attention to the small-sized wizard woman among the four shadows cast by Quilty.

I felt a strong magic power from her, but it seemed to be at least 5th class.

The body was obviously that of a girl who looked about the same age as Bikir, but the magical power she possessed was definitely nonsensical.

It was quite ominous that the black bag he was wearing was also giving off an unpleasant stench.

It seemed to be a relic from a distant past.

……Well, if I don’t somehow deal with those four people escorting Quilty, I won’t be able to achieve my intended goal.

‘Okay, let’s just focus on what we can see.’

Bikir began to ponder only with the information he had gathered right away.

As a result of analyzing various circumstances, Quilty’s work was not particularly special.

Quilty’s main job was to sell indulgences or indulgences to nobles or merchants visiting the church, and he sometimes sent investment reports or indulgences sales ledgers to the Quo Vadis family by mail.

The recipients of the mail were almost always Cardinal Humbert Humbert L Quovadis of the Old Testament.

Bikir sneaked over the barrier every night, shot down pigeons and owls flying from Quilty’s office, and intercepted the mail.

Most of the mail contained the following contents:

Viscoin Becoin: Murder parents who will donate rather than pass on the inheritance to their children, steal the inheritance after disguising it as an accidental death = all sins are forgiven by paying 1.5 billion gold in donations.

Baron Lageso: Cowardly and murdered twin sisters who were working as maids. Black burial in the sewer = Forgive all sins by paying an offering of 200 million gold.

Sir Finigig: Murdering a partner and taking all the investment money The family of a partner commits mass suicide at the end of their lives and pays 800 million gold as an offering to forgive all sins.

Count Eisel: Accusation of massive tax evasion Tax evasion alone is close to 100 billion gold = All sins are forgiven by paying 300 million gold as an offering.

Quokar CEO: Suspicion of stock price manipulation Driving more than 10,000 ant investors to suicide = All sins are forgiven by paying 5 billion gold in offerings.



For example, a certain rich man evaded taxes, a certain high-ranking aristocrat raped a servant, a certain merchant murdered a business partner… and the transaction history of buying and selling indulgences for these reasons.

Bikir read each of the above mails while pulling weeds in the playground.

And soon came to a conclusion.

“……Those things I don’t need to know.”

These are obviously bad guys, but at least they didn’t betray humanity in collusion with the devil.

If so, at least he was not the target of the ‘Night Hound’.

Bikir paused as he was about to throw away the letters.

A document in which the Old Testament priests confessed their crimes and their secret crimes against humanity.

“Maybe it will be a good present for someone.”

This ‘blacklist’ would be a weapon with quite a ripple effect politically.

Bikir put the letters aside for a moment. I thought I’d keep it somewhere secret.

at that time.


Something moved in Bikir’s breast pocket.


Bikir was rarely embarrassed.

What had just squirmed in his pocket was enough to make even the always expressionless Bikir wide-eyed.

egg. It was a fairly large black egg.

An egg of ‘Madame Eight Legs’ that she found while drifting for two years in the sea of red and black mountains in the past.

Why is this thing that I always carried in my pocket, just in case, wriggling?


Bikir raised his head.

In the direction in which the eggs were wriggling, several children gathered and were playing Naphtali.

‘no way?’

Bikir had a wild imagination for a moment.

Madame Eight Legs’ egg was once raised in Balak’s village in the same nest as the wolf cubs.

The wolves lived a life of fighting together, hugging, rolling around, and licking eggs.

Could it be that this egg also misses the troubled life at the time? Is that why you want to be with the children at the nursery school when you see them play? Is it just a coincidence that neither Madame Eight Legs nor the children at the nursery have parents?

‘No it can’t be. How can there be spirituality in a mere spider’s egg…’

However, if it is an egg of a high-ranking monster with a whopping eight legs of an S madam, something else might be different.

at that time.


One of the kids kicked the ball and made a loud noise.

At the same time, all the children’s faces were colored with astonishment.


Is it because the ball flew too far?

It wasn’t.

There was a pop, but the ball didn’t move at all.

This is because the leather was torn and the air inside burst.

“Ah, this was the last ball…”

The children huddled around the worn-out ball and cried.

Although this orphanage made a lot of money selling indulgences, the toys the children played with were always old, worn-out toys that had been donated long ago.

The ball the children played with Naphtali was also worn out and had holes in it, and after patching and tying it several times, it finally took the shape of a ball.

Then it eventually exploded and the children could no longer play ball.


The child who kicked the ball at the end is embarrassed and does not know what to do.

Bikir thought the flustered child’s face was quite familiar.

nymphet. A girl who doesn’t open her heart to volunteers.

The boy was looking at his peers with a teary-eyed expression without his usual expressionless expression.

I’m sorry, I don’t know what to do.

Right then. An amazing thing happened.


The egg of Madame Eight Legs broke through Bikir’s chest and protruded forward.

container! container! container!

Madame’s egg rolls lightly on the floor as if begging the children to play together.

“Huh? It’s a ball!”

The children were delighted to see Madame’s egg bouncing this way.

Although the ball bent or bounced in a rather strange direction, the children generally took Madame’s egg as Naphtali’s ball without feeling any discomfort.

“……It’s absurd.”

Bikir half-opened his mouth as he watched Madame’s eggs bouncing around the playground and herding the children.

The egg looked somehow happy whenever the children touched it or soared high into the sky.

It didn’t break with a moderate impact, but rather, it bounced up like a rubber ball.

It is a material that fits perfectly as if the heavens gave it to use as a ball when playing ball.

……But even so, it was definitely not something that monster egg children could play with.

Bikir took a step forward to snatch Madame’s egg from the children.

right at that moment.


A coughing sound came from behind.

Let Bikir ignore it and try to take another step forward.

“Keuheum! Kkeuhm!”

Clearing the throat continued as if trying to force Vikir’s attention.


A familiar face is reflected in Bikir’s eyes looking back at something.

Saint Dolores. She stood in front of Vikir with a slightly reddened face.

Vikir quickly picked up Quilty’s ledgers and put them in his arms.

Dolores narrowed her eyes at the sight.

“Preparing for the paper test? Are you studying until after volunteering? … Umm, you’re surprisingly diligent.”

“What are you doing?”

When Bikir asks in a stiff tone, Dolores clears her throat once more, then averts her gaze.

“Umm, great! It’s just that. I was wondering what volunteer work is like. When I asked other friends, they seem to be working hard. Is it worth it?”




“……Ah, is that the end? Answer?”


“……I see.”

Dolores doesn’t seem to be able to adapt to Bikir’s short answer.

That’s also true, because she’s lived a life where if you ask a question, you’ll get a hundred or ten answers.

Dolores twisted the ends of her hair with her fingers a few times before opening her mouth with difficulty.

“…Yes, actually. I came because I had something to tell you about yesterday.”


Bikir frowned slightly.


It seems to have been forgotten because it is not important.

As Vikir recalled what happened with Dolores yesterday, Dolores hesitated.

“Hmm, maybe it’s because of family circumstances… I think I overreacted to you yesterday. But you must have been trying to help me… I’m really sorry that I yelled and did just that yesterday. Ha…”

Dolores seemed to be talking about being shoved into the hallway the previous day with Vikir covering her mouth.



Bikir wasn’t paying attention to what Dolores was saying right now.

Because much bigger things have happened than that now.


Madame’s egg, kicked by the nymphet, flew high into the sky again.

But he got the wrong landing trajectory.

…with a plop!

All in all, it fell into the deep sewer at the corner of the playground.

All the children screamed.

“Aww!? No! It’s the last ball left!”

“Without that, we can’t go forward!”

“Pick it up! I have to pick it up! Otherwise…!”

The problem is that the filth and wastewater flowing through the sewer are being sucked directly into the underground sewage treatment plant, and the ball that fell there is not a simple ball.


Even at this moment when the children are panicking, Madam’s eggs are flowing towards the sewage treatment plant.

Also, the sewers were too deep and too fast for children to enter.

An urgent situation in many ways.

So Dolores couldn’t finish talking.

“I’m sorry… Huh?”

Because the object of the apology, Bikir, ran to the playground while she was talking.

“Deep. Get out of the way.”

Bikir gave a brief warning to the children who had gathered in front of the sewer and stamped their feet, then fled.

And then.

…with a plop!

Without hesitation, he jumped into the sewage system, where filth was floating around.

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Revenge of the Iron-Blooded Sword Hound

Revenge of the Iron-Blooded Sword Hound

Revenge of the Iron-Blooded Sword Hound, Revenge of the Sword Clan's Hound, 철혈검가 사냥개의 회귀
Score 8.8
Status: Completed Type: Author: , Released: 2020 Native Language: Korean
He was the hound of the Baskerville family: Vikir. Yet his loyalty was rewarded by the blade of a guillotine dirtied by slander. “I will never live the life of a hound slaughtered after the rabbit is caught.” In place of death, an unexpected opportunity awaits him. Vikir’s eyes glowed red as he sharpened his canines in the dark. “Just you wait, Hugo. I will rip out your throat this time.” It’s time for the hound to exact bloody revenge on his owner. [MTL]


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