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Revenge of the Iron-Blooded Sword Hound Chapter 16

Episode 16 Eating alone (3)

Incident started by accident.

Before returning, the group of hunting dogs that Bikir belonged to found a strange artifact while attacking the dungeons that straddled the border between the enemy and the Black Mountain.

It is a piece of the swordsmanship manual.

It was a torn page.

Feeling that what was written was unusual, Vikir memorized it in his head.

Eventually, when he turned in the paper in question, Hugo noticed at once that the page contained unusual content.

Hugo searched all over the Mansang Library and found a book with the contents of this page.

So, what I finally found was this swordsmanship book titled ‘Landing Ambush’.

It was an old book found not in the controlled area where the top martial arts were gathered, but among the miscellaneous books on the shallow floor that no one was paying attention to.

Buried in an unknown place and suddenly discovered, this swordsmanship heated up the entire Baskerville family.

‘This swordsmanship is the essence of our Baskervilles.’

Hugo’s praise.

At first glance, it was not a big deal, but when the lost page was added, the system of swordsmanship was firmly reestablished.

A swordsmanship only intended to inflict pain on the enemy and cause death.

This swordsmanship, which must have been written a long time ago by an ancestor Baskerville whose name is not left in history, describes how to draw as many as ten teeth.

Baskerville Type 10.

It was a problem that Hugo, who became a sword master with only level 7, couldn’t help but roll his eyes.

……However, despite Bikir’s search for the lost parts of the beginning, this book of swordsmanship was still incomplete.

If you go to the second half, there were more missing pages.

The total number of torn pages is 7.

The whereabouts of the remaining 6 cards, except for the one that Bikir came to, were unknown.

Since then, Hugo has devoted his energy to collecting the torn pages of this ‘dwelling ambush’ over the years.

The Baskervilles’ pursuit was tenacious.

After investing a great deal of time and money, Hugo discovered that the torn pages of the book of swordsmanship were hidden deep in the lands of each of the seven families that supported the empire.

Naturally, Hugo began to retrieve them one by one.

That was the project called ‘Operation to Recapture Torn Page’ or ‘Operation to Restore Missing Teeth’.

Vikir shook his head from side to side as soon as he recalled the memory.

The smell of blood still clumps at the tip of my nose.

‘……It was a really long and tenacious operation.’

Hugo released the dogs to try to recapture Paige.

Whether they knew the existence of the torn sheet or not, resistance from other families was fierce.

It is natural for them.

It was because there was no way that the hounds of someone else’s house suddenly breaking into the courtyard would look pretty.

The Baskervilles almost declared war on all the other houses.

In the process, countless Baskerville hounds perished.

Numerous brothers and sisters who had been growing up together since childhood were shrinking at a noticeable speed.

When you receive food at a restaurant, you cannot see the familiar faces of yesterday.

The empty space where the missing teeth had grown was filled with new teeth, which soon fell out again.

And the permanent tooth that didn’t fall out even after the teeth grinding was Bikir.

Vikir became a poisoned black dog and fought and fought like mad.

And in the end, he collected all the seven pages that were lost and brought them to the owner.

A few fingers and toes, an ear, ugly burns and cuts covering the whole body, and lost brothers.

The reward for all of this was straightforward.

‘Good work.’

A word of praise from Hugo’s mouth. At the time, why did you think this was enough?

“…… It was a stupid life.”

Bikir gnashed his teeth.

Before returning, Hugo used all these things that Bikir and other hunting dogs asked for for himself and his two sons.

Because of this, Hugo’s level went beyond the wall of type 7 and reached type 9, and the honor of Baskerville, the iron-blooded swordsman, skyrocketed.

With the blood and corpses of the hounds beneath it as fertilizer.

“That will never happen in this lifetime.”

Vikir closed his eyes and recalled the pages in his head.

Everything written on the missing pages was in Vikir’s head.

Nevertheless, the reason why Bikir before returning couldn’t go up to 4 meals or higher was because he didn’t know the original.

The contents of the pages Vikir remembered were sparse and only seven pages.

Without knowing the original, they were of no use to anyone.

……But now it’s different.

What is now in Bikir’s hand is the original swordsmanship of ‘Landing Ambush’!

Although the seven pages were torn out, the missing information was perfectly preserved in Vikir’s mind.

While desperately breaking through several layers of siege, sometimes there is no way to preserve the page itself intact, so the experience that I have kept in my head shines through.

Soon Bikir started reading the book.

……The first step of the 10th eclipse is also in line with the solar eclipse. The moment he reveals aggression in the first trajectory drawn by drawing a sword, from then on, all swords have inherent limitations…


If someone who doesn’t know anything reads this book, it’s perfect to treat it as a nonsense book.

10 meals, is that something to say?

However, the moment the contents of the torn pages are restored and filled in, the contents stained with bravado and lies turn into puzzle pieces that make up an amazing masterpiece.

After checking that the gazes around him had completely disappeared, Bikir moved his body according to the contents of the library.

Four teeth that had been polished to the limit before returning. After that, the stories unfold in earnest.

It tells how to reveal the fifth tooth, how to make the sixth tooth, how dangerous the seventh tooth is, when to reveal the eighth tooth, whether the ninth tooth actually exists, and what the tenth tooth is. .

Although he is now in the body of an 8-year-old child, he does not have enough mana and his body is immature, but one day he will surely be able to reproduce all of these things.

‘…15 years old. It restores all the power it had before returning.’

Of course, it doesn’t end there.

After that, I will go beyond the 5th meal, which I couldn’t reach before the return, to the 6th meal and the 7th meal.

Even though he had the aura of a senior grader, he did not learn the proper swordsmanship and was pushed, hit, and ignored by his direct descendants.

‘I’ll have to memorize the contents of the book first.’

As soon as the memorization is over, this book will disappear from this world forever.

Then Hugo wouldn’t find this book, and he wouldn’t create nine teeth.

Isn’t it quite exhilarating revenge for a revenge that can be done with an 8-year-old body?

Bikir laughed dryly.

No matter how small the amount of time he could be in the Mansang Library was set, there were still more than 12 hours left.

It is not difficult for the children of the Baskervilles to memorize at least one thin volume during that time.

half a day later.

After that, he read a book that he did not even know how he would change.



And exactly 11 hours and 50 minutes had passed since then.


A small fire broke out in the compartment where miscellaneous books were gathered in the shallowest part of the Mansang Library.

No injured. No deaths.

The amount of damage was barely caught, and one book was burned and disappeared.

It was such a trivial incident that even the servants could just keep quiet.

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Revenge of the Iron-Blooded Sword Hound

Revenge of the Iron-Blooded Sword Hound

Revenge of the Iron-Blooded Sword Hound, Revenge of the Sword Clan's Hound, 철혈검가 사냥개의 회귀
Score 8.8
Status: Completed Type: Author: , Released: 2020 Native Language: Korean
He was the hound of the Baskerville family: Vikir. Yet his loyalty was rewarded by the blade of a guillotine dirtied by slander. “I will never live the life of a hound slaughtered after the rabbit is caught.” In place of death, an unexpected opportunity awaits him. Vikir’s eyes glowed red as he sharpened his canines in the dark. “Just you wait, Hugo. I will rip out your throat this time.” It’s time for the hound to exact bloody revenge on his owner. [MTL]


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