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Revenge of the Iron-Blooded Sword Hound Chapter 218

Episode 218 My neck becomes your scabbard (3)

Seere’s expression gets wet and distorted by the dark red light emitted by the aura blade.

[If you kill me, this girl will die too!]

But Bikir answered with a veiled firmness.

“No. Only you will die.”

At the same time, a red crescent moon rose and fell on Seere’s neck.


Red blood drips down.

In an instant, Seere threw her neck back to avoid the slash.

Bikir also twisted his sword at the last moment and broke the trajectory.


Bikir clicked his tongue inwardly.

In words, he was firmly confident of success, but it was bluffing.

At the last moment, Vikir hesitated to decapitate Kamu, and Seere was spared.


Bikir gritted his teeth as he rolled across the skewered field.

After rising to the top of the rank of graduate, there was almost no substance that could not be cut.

However, it still cannot cut abstract things such as souls or emotions.

Vikir recalled Hugo’s sword attack he had seen before.

A slash that he casually swung at Andromalius, who was fleeing, split the sky into seven pieces and cut away Andromalius’s thought body, which was located somewhere on the boundary between matter and antimatter.

‘If I can’t reach that level, then I can’t separate Camu and Seere.’

Currently, Kamu and Siere are bound by the string of contracts.

That tough knot is abstract and conceptual, so even the aura of a graduate that cuts steel can’t help it.

……However, the aura of a sword master in the supreme realm is different.

The power of a superman surpassing that of an iron man. It is the only thing that can completely cut off and sever the relationship between Kamu and Siere.

‘With my current power, there’s no other way but to kill them both.’

It was really embarrassing.


Once again, magic and swords crossed.

Pupper puck!

Twenty-four iron skewers were driven into Bikir’s left forearm.

Seeere was also hit by a sword, but this time too, it was just a blow that avoided a vital point.

[Hohoho- As expected, actions can’t keep up with words? Be a little more mean.] The

stronger the words coming out of her mouth, the stronger the magic that spreads through the air.


When you touch the murderous spirit that Sierre exudes, even the emotions of Kamyu mixed at the base come through.

Sadness, affection, longing, resentment, resentment, and deep longing.

Even if you try to erase or hide it, the feelings you have had since the age of eight continue to sprout and take root, permeate without filtering.

It is the feelings after Vikir disappeared, the feelings of searching the seas of the sea day and night to find Vikir, the feelings of giving up the search thinking that Vikir was dead and focusing on research to revive him, and the mother and uncle With the feelings of turning his back on him and becoming a part of the dark hall, getting caught up in a terrifying accident, losing half of his body and soul, and contracting with the devil… “…” Vikir gritted his



No matter how hard I try, I can’t help it with my graduate skills.

Eupcham (泣斬). Even if you have to cry, you must be sincere.

However, the supervisor even suppresses the sense of duty.

In my heart, the emotions I thought I had killed a long time ago were raising their heads again.

‘Did Hugo feel this way too?’

I heard that he too reached the level of a sword master superhuman only when he lost his wife and daughter.

I couldn’t imagine what kind of feelings Hugo had at the time and how much.

Bikir first took a breath.

Pupper puck!

Even at this moment, the iron skewers that pierce the body are terribly hot as they are heated in hellfire.

Seeere burned all the spider web traps that the young madam had set up.

And seeing Bikir silently accepting the pain, he sighed.

[Anyway, you have no chance of winning. You can’t kill this girl.]


Seere set a condition for the silent Bikir.

[good. Then let’s make a deal.]


Bikir narrowed her eyes.

Seeere grinned, thinking that Vikir’s demeanor had changed.

[Release the barrier.]

Her requirements were simple.

[If you remove this barrier and retreat, I will leave this place. Without killing anyone.]


[But what if I reject this offer? Do you know?]

Seere showed a wide smile on Camu’s face.

[The moment your mana runs out, I will break this barrier and go out and kill all the children in this academy.]

Seere also didn’t seem to be very happy with the current situation.

Hagiya, no matter how much he fights to the death in this place, there is nothing to gain from Seere.

You have to survive to make your money. The devil never makes a bargain.

[If only you back down, everyone can live. You, me, this girl, and all the civilians in the academy.]

As if it was natural, Seere demanded that the barrier be released.


Bikir shook his head again.

“I don’t make a deal with the devil.”

[what? Are you going to kill this girl?]

“No. I will only kill you.”

[No, what kind of window is this… How did you

do it?] Seere’s words narrowed her eyes.

Graduator’s liquid aura. Certainly, such a soft thing could not cut the strings of the contract between Camu and Seere.

Sword Master’s solid aura. It must be such a hard thing to sever that invisible, intangible knot.

At the same time, the thoughts floating in my head from a while ago are organized.

In order to reach the extreme of the -6 expression, you have to throw away your emotions.

-But to open the door to the 7th, you have to have feelings.

Bikir didn’t know exactly what feelings he had for Kamu right now.

Respect for the hero who dominated the era of destruction before returning.

And after returning, a childhood friend of the same age who became attached to them in their own way.

‘Would it feel like that if I had a youngest sister?’

There is such a feeling that is similar to his nephew, Pomeranian, but is subtly different.

The feelings that Bikir thought had been killed lived on, albeit feebly, and took root deep in his heart and sprouted.

and. The moment Bikir just discovers that emotion.


Seere’s expression suddenly changed.

The whites and blacks in Camu’s eyes instantly regained their original colors.

Camu crying out tears of blood.

Her spirit instantly pushed Seere’s mind away and regained control over her body.

……Yes, it was at a very minor level.

Siere, who was pushed behind Kamyu’s body, protested.

[Crazy bitch! Dare to take over the body after 12 hours!? This is a breach of contract! Your soul will crumble!]

However, Camus still held onto control over her body. In spite of the pain of being cut out of the soul.

She shouted, focusing only on her mouth and hands.

[Do it quickly!]

Camu’s hands were tearing the hard bone armor, exposing his neck and chest.

Soul and soul collide with each other in one body.

It was a natural process for mana runaway to occur.

Behind Kamyu’s body, Seere, who had become rich like fog, exclaimed in fright.

[The mana runaway is coming again! Are you going to go through that pain again!? This time I’m really going to die!]

[Bikir! Come on!]

Kamyu shouted with her eyes tightly closed.

Now, really, her neck and chest are ready to become Bikir’s scabbard.



The moment he swung the red trail toward Kamyu’s neck. Bikir thought.

‘Don’t make a mistake.’

opportunity only once.

Even seasoned veterans who had crossed numerous lines of fire in the meantime had no choice but to get their hands drenched in sweat this time.

That terrifyingly short moment that split a moment into a moment.

Bikir wielded his sword in the midst of countless troubles and conflicts.

And during that time, the feelings he thought Bikir had killed took root, sprouted, and eventually bore fruit.

pop! A whirlwind of emotions bursting out. flood.

It passionately swept away all the dry and cracked lack of the past.

wall in front of you.

The large, high wall that seemed impossible to overcome or break down with anything else collapses like a sand castle wet with waves.

Was it that easy? A little absurd to the point of wanting to.

At the same time, the unprecedented power that had been blocked behind the wall began to rush in explosively.

“……! ……! ……!”

The blood vessels of the whole body are overflowing with power. A sense of exaltation, as if transcending human beings and becoming something of a higher order.

Bikir had only felt this way once before.

When he beheaded Dantalian under the protection of Saint Dolores.

……The only difference is that there is no saint here right now.

All there is is a hound full of scars baring its teeth to save the girl in front of you!


The trajectory of the tip of the sword that Vikir wielded was divided into several branches.

And the most notable among them was the seventh tooth. It was bigger than any other tooth and a sharp, bloody trail stretched out toward the neck of the Camus in front of me.


A knife that cuts what can be cut has become a knife that can cut what cannot be cut.


It was the realm of the highest.

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Revenge of the Iron-Blooded Sword Hound

Revenge of the Iron-Blooded Sword Hound

Revenge of the Iron-Blooded Sword Hound, Revenge of the Sword Clan's Hound, 철혈검가 사냥개의 회귀
Score 8.8
Status: Completed Type: Author: , Released: 2020 Native Language: Korean
He was the hound of the Baskerville family: Vikir. Yet his loyalty was rewarded by the blade of a guillotine dirtied by slander. “I will never live the life of a hound slaughtered after the rabbit is caught.” In place of death, an unexpected opportunity awaits him. Vikir’s eyes glowed red as he sharpened his canines in the dark. “Just you wait, Hugo. I will rip out your throat this time.” It’s time for the hound to exact bloody revenge on his owner. [MTL]


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