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Revenge of the Iron-Blooded Sword Hound Chapter 220

Episode 220 Him and I That Day (1)

-About 3 years ago-

In the mansion of the Morgue family, whenever three or more people gathered, they would talk about the day.

A story told through the mouths of maids.

“Did you hear that?”

“I heard you.”

“Is there anyone who doesn’t know about that rumor?”

“I heard you went into the sea of black mountains with the enemy some time ago.”

“That’s right. The magicians of the House of Morgue and the swordsmen of the Baskervilles formed a party.”

“You said it was to save Lady Camus?”

“I’m glad you came back safely in the end.”

“But why doesn’t Kamyu-sama come out of the room?”

“How scared you must have been. It must have been the fear of that day.”

but. A maid who went out that day to take care of the expedition’s chores gave a new testimony.

“……The reason I heard is a little different?”

The reason why Camu, who returned from the flood, locked himself in his room and did not come out for several days.

“It’s because of love.”


“Yes. The man Kamyu-nim has long loved has gone missing in that expedition.”

“What? The Baskervilles?”

“that’s right.” “In the sea of red and black mountains…if it

had gone missing

at night…”

“I must have died.”

“I’m sorry Miss Camus.”

The maids were worried about Camus in their own way.

“Camyu-sama was always blunt, but she was very nice to servants like us.”

“You should eat something, but it’s a big deal. You haven’t eaten anything for days already.”

“You don’t seem to be sleeping. I keep hearing cries.”

“Still, he didn’t seem to be crying today. Are you asleep?”

“No. I put my ear to the door and listened, but I could hear the faint sound of crying. He must have been so hoarse that he didn’t even have the strength to cry out.”

“Oops. If you do that, your voice will completely change.”

“I’m really very worried.”

“Is this all because of that Baskerville man?”

“I don’t know. Kamyu-nim was also quite secretive. If you’re already like this at that age, what are you going to do later? Ugh.”

“That’s right, if I had the face and body of a Camus lady, I wouldn’t have been bound by a single man.”

“Really, what kind of man was Lady Camus that he fell for this much?”

“Whatever man he was, would he be comparable to our lady?

Three maids gather in a corner of the corridor and chatter.

Right then.

The face of the maid who opened her mouth last turned pale.

The maids turned their heads, wanting something, but soon they all turned to the same color and shut their mouths.

Because at some point, a man stood in front of the maids.

A man with a long red mustache.

He was the Marquis of Morgue Adolph who exuded a subtle spirit toward the maids.

The maids quickly bowed their heads.

“I’m sorry Marquis! We’re just worried about the lady…”

“That’s right! I never had a different mind!”

“I’m just upset…”

Adolf, always mild-tempered, would have passed by without paying much attention to the maids as usual.

But this time it was different.

“Are those tongues the ones who go around telling every detail about the private life of the attendant?”

Adolf snapped his fingers once, and the tongues of the three maids came out of their mouths at once.

Every single thing!

Their tongues soon became stuck together.


“Ugh! Ugh!”


As the tips of their tongues came together, the three maids had no choice but to stand in a circle with their cheeks touching each other.

Adolf clicked his tongue.

“The virtue of servants is that they should have a heavy mouth. You guys are busy asking and carrying gossip from their masters using worry as an excuse. Their tongues are as light as a blue bird, so I gave them some weight.”

The tip of the tongue stuck together will last for about a month.

In order to live, he would have to lean on someone to get water and crushed food.

Or amputate the tip of the tongue.

Afterwards, Adolf passed through the corridor and headed to Camus’ room deep inside the mansion.

Before knocking on the door, Adolf listened for a moment to overhear the sound inside.

Beyond the door, it was quiet to hear at first glance.

But a strong man like Adolf could hear it.

. . . . . . . . . . . . . .

the sound of sobbing that is faintly heard.

It was like a wail of remorse from a dead person who was buried alive without yet dying in a tomb.


Adolf let out a heavy sigh from his seat.

Then, after thinking a bit more, he knocked on the door.

Knock Tok –

A light knocking sound unlike the heavy movement of the hand.

Adolf opened his mouth, trying to keep his voice as soft as possible.

“Camyuya. Uncle is here.”

But even though I waited, I didn’t hear the word to come in.

Reluctantly, Adolf had to open his mouth once more.

“Go in.”

There was no answer this time either.

Understanding this as permission, Adolf opened the door slowly and very carefully.


When Adolf entered the room, he saw a bed in the center of the dark room.

The duvet was sticking out like a grave.

Adolf sat at the head of the bed.

Then, a small voice leaked out from under the blanket.

“The maids are not at fault. Please release the magic.”

Hearing that, Adolf was taken aback.

“Your voice!?”

Adolf carefully removed the blanket.

In the slightly lifted darkness, I saw Camu with an emaciated face lying down.

Adolf pulled the covers off a little more.

It was as if the cloth covering the corpse had been removed.

“Why is your voice like this!? Huh?”

When Adolf pressed him to ask, Camus helplessly closed his eyes.

And he answered in a hushed voice.

“After Rosé, Bikir became like that. It’s all because of me.”

Adolf was silent for a moment.

He had a personality that couldn’t say anything, but that didn’t mean that in this situation, ‘You’re right. It’s because of you’ because you can’t say that.

And Kamyu, who knows the character of such an uncle, closes his eyes with a faint smile.

It was a look that anyone could see that the spark of life was going out.

Adolf was not good at consoling, but he was a man who had great love for his nephew, so he tried to comfort him somehow in this situation.

“Camus. That shouldn’t be the case. Rosé and Vikir won’t want that either. You shouldn’t give up like this. Don’t you know that the weight of your life has become heavier with their share added?”

It is the duty of the living to live up to the share of the dead.

Adolf said this common consolation sincerely.



Kamyu’s eyes, which had been slowly closing, suddenly opened.

Camus, who jumped up on the spot as if a spring was bouncing, looked at Adolf.

“Uncle! What did you just say!?”

“Uh huh? That’s why it’s not possible.”


To Adolf, who was startled, Camus brushed him off in a louder voice.

Adolf couldn’t remember what he just said, so after thinking for a while, he said something roughly similar.

“……Should I live up to the share of the dead?”

“That’s it!”

Light emanates from Kamu’s eyes, which had been blurry.

Firewood was thrown once more into the embers that were dying out.

Camus kicked off the bed and got up.

My body, which has turned thin from not eating or sleeping, stumbles once.

Adolf hurriedly got up and helped Camus.

“Kamyuya! What the hell is this!? Why are you doing this all of a sudden?”

Camu smiled at his uncle’s concern.

It was the same smile full of energy, curiosity and hope.

“The living live with the burden of the dead, right?”


“Your uncle just said that! You have to live up to the dead. That’s why you shouldn’t give up!”

“Oh yeah. That’s right.”

Adolf quickly nodded, wondering if his consolation had worked.

However, Camus seemed to have come to a completely different conclusion than Adolf expected.

“Then, if you give back the share of the living, the dead will also come back to life! Because they have their share back!”

“Huh? Is that how it works?”

“Right! Because the total amount of shares is the same anyway!”

The heat emanating from Kamu’s eyes began to take on a slightly strange light.

“Yes. The thermodynamic state function of life is the same. Magic is, after all, the way to calculate its value. Then, by slightly changing the calculation method and order, you can extract a different result value. If you access the negative dimension and draw the entropy there If only he could come… And by substituting the quotient and the remainder of both dimensions, in the form of an equivalent exchange…”

Adolf, hearing his nephew muttered, had a hunch that something was wrong.

“Kamu, wait. What are you thinking right now…?”

But before Adolf had time to stop, Camus slammed open the door and ran out.

“Bob. Give me some food!”

It took less than a minute for the maids, who were closely watching Camus’ actions, to take over the table.

Sogaju of the House of Morgue started the meal.

It was a surprise to the extent that Lespane, the head of the household who had participated in an important meeting dealing with the issue of the red awl castle and the ruby mine, defeated the retainers and ran directly.


Camus ate like crazy.

She throws away the spoon and fork and pushes the food until her cheeks explode.

Suddenly, something caught her eye.

it’s potatoes. It was a breed improved in the House of Morgue.

‘You don’t have anything like this in your house, do you?’

In an instant, Camu’s eyes became moist.

Moisture in the body, which had dried up and seemed unable to come out, was leaking out again through the eyes.

Camus pushed the potatoes in until both cheeks exploded.

“……It smells like dirt. It doesn’t.”

And swallowed it as is.

Camus, who quickly devoured all the food on the table, shouted at the maids.

“Give me more!”

However much.

L’Espane was delighted that her daughter had started eating and served more food.

And Camus quickly killed them too.

“Give me more!”

However much.

Raspane gave another order to the maids.

This time, bring more food, enough for Camus to eat.

……and. Camus even swallowed all the food that had been brought to him.

“Give me more!”

……However much.

L’Espane put down the food with a slightly stiff expression.

And Camus ate them.

I threw up while eating, but I ate again.

Even as he vomited, he continued to stuff it into his mouth.

“Give me more!”

……It wasn’t enough anymore.

Lespane tried to dissuade the gluttonous Camus, but she didn’t listen.

“More! Give me more! I need to eat more! I need to save up my strength… Whew!”

Kamyu ate and vomited and ate and vomited and ate and vomited again and again.

Neither Lespannet nor Adolf could say anything at the tears and madness in her eyes.

In front of the table where everyone is frozen.

After throwing up several times, Kamyu threw all the food on the table into his stomach and jumped up from his seat.

Then, she said with her eyes shining towards the owner of the house, Lespane.

“Hand over the military authority of the House of Morgue. Search the forest.”

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Revenge of the Iron-Blooded Sword Hound

Revenge of the Iron-Blooded Sword Hound

Revenge of the Iron-Blooded Sword Hound, Revenge of the Sword Clan's Hound, 철혈검가 사냥개의 회귀
Score 8.8
Status: Completed Type: Author: , Released: 2020 Native Language: Korean
He was the hound of the Baskerville family: Vikir. Yet his loyalty was rewarded by the blade of a guillotine dirtied by slander. “I will never live the life of a hound slaughtered after the rabbit is caught.” In place of death, an unexpected opportunity awaits him. Vikir’s eyes glowed red as he sharpened his canines in the dark. “Just you wait, Hugo. I will rip out your throat this time.” It’s time for the hound to exact bloody revenge on his owner. [MTL]


  1. Alethea says:

    She really turned upside down

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