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Revenge of the Iron-Blooded Sword Hound Chapter 233

Episode 233 Tuition Fee (9)

Colosseo Academy’s Affordable Bazaar boasts a huge scale contrary to its cute name.

Students put up their own items at an auction at a low price, and sometimes some students put up items they made or collected themselves, or unidentified antiques brought from each family.

The scale of this bazaar is so large that it is counted as one of the top 10 auctions in the empire, and even people outside the academy can participate in the auction, attracting the eyes and feet of countless people.

And also, two great powers were coexisting in this gigantic bazaar.

It is the ‘noble faction’ and the ‘noble faction’.

First of all, the aristocratic faction was formed by students from prominent aristocratic families. It is a group in which the elites, including the 7th generation family or their maternal relatives, hold the real power.

On the other hand, the Baron Faction, formed by the elites from the Baron family, also boasted a prestige that rivaled the aristocratic faction.

If the ‘noble faction’ was a league of their own, the ‘noble faction’ consisted of the Toho family famous for agricultural commerce, the heirs of a famous mercenary guild, or the heirs of large-scale mines or shipyards.

These two reign as the real power in the school, and continue to gather talented juniors under their command to increase their size and power.

This structure of power becomes a strong personal network and system that continues even after graduation, and further encompasses the political and business circles of the empire.

And the first grader this year that these two groups, who secretly dominated the aristocratic and barbarian schools, was Bikir.

It wasn’t when he entered school, but after a while, he was a talented person who stood out in the midterm exam. It is perfect for flirting because it is single without a back belly.

In order to reap this talented first year under their command, the aristocracy and baron faction had been secretly working behind the scenes for a very long time.

But Bikir never lived up to their expectations.

Most of the letters I sent were often chewed up without being read, and no matter how much I tried to visit and talk to them, I couldn’t see their face at all.

At least in the 2nd and 3rd years, they dispatched female students who said they were beautiful and sent fighters who said they were beautiful, and tried to stage a military demonstration, but the seeds didn’t work, so both the aristocratic faction and the barbarian faction were in a state of horns.

‘Huh Bikir, I think I need to press the nose of this cheeky junior.’

‘Before they come under us, I’ll have to give them a slap on the price.’

Ironically, the aristocrats and barons joined hands with each other to suppress each other.

In the short run, Bikir has become a public enemy.

When the nobility faction and the noble faction were plotting to overpower Bikir, Bikir participated in the frugal bazaar at the right time.

‘He said he was trying to get his tuition?’

‘It’s leather to play. It was just a necessary ingredient. Shall we hit the price right now?’

‘It must have been a good meeting with the hunting guild anyway, but I don’t know if I know the market price properly.’

‘That’s right, that hunting guild doesn’t accept any of the clients.’

The students of the aristocratic faction and the noble faction intended to flatten Bikir’s nose through this auction.

And when the auction started, nobody really wanted to buy Bikir’s gnoll hide.

It was because the students of the aristocratic faction and the noble faction threatened other students in advance.

Barbarian and aristocratic students giggled behind the quiet auction hall, imagining the face of Bikir, who would soon die.


‘Gnoll leather is a useful item, so I thought many people would covet it. It’s not as popular as I thought.’

Bikir shrugged and turned to look at the piles of gnoll hides on the auction stage.

‘aha. Is it because there are too many?’

At the same time, Bikir did something that surprised both the nobles and the barons.


He tried to light a torch on the spot, but he set fire to the gnoll leather that was on the stage.

Everyone was astonished and stood up from their seats or silently burned all the skins to be played in front of their eyes.

Sponge! Puffy! Kurrureuk!

About half of the gnoll hides heaped up on the stage were burned like that.

A strange silence fell inside the auction house.

In this frozen atmosphere, Vikir asked briefly.

‘Are there still too many?’

At the same time, Bikir opened fire once more.

Bikir did not put out the fire until the remaining gnoll hides were reduced by half again.

At this point, agitation began to arise among the students.

This is because gnoll leather was an essential research material for students as well.

But Bikir was relentless.

Still hesitating and no one offering to buy it, Bikir took up the torch once again.

It was a gesture without the slightest hesitation, as if he was about to burn it all down.

Then, rather, those who were watching were anxious and stopped Bikir.

‘That’s a preparation for the next class! I want to live! I’m not ready yet!’

‘I also needed something to add to my armor before the cold weather performance evaluation! There are very few items for sale…’

‘Buy! let me live! Overbid!’

‘You madman! live! live! Stop burning!’

In such a situation, Bikir said sternly.

‘The minimum bid price is 4 times the initial auction price.’

It is more like asking them to pay the price they lost due to a trivial war of nerves.

In the end, the students had no choice but to pay the price by crying and eating mustard to Bikir, blaming the aristocrats and barons.

Of course, the students of the aristocratic faction and the noble faction were dumbfounded.

* * *

“…So. That’s how the auction ended?”

Professor Banshee asked in amazement.

Bikir nodded calmly.

“Yes. Thanks to you, I was able to pay for all my tuition.”

It’s scary to say that.

…Puzzik! Poududeuk!

The tough leather sack on the desk tore open with a loud noise.

Soon, the bills and gold coins inside began to fall to the floor with a loud sound.


Professor Banshee’s desk was covered with money in an instant.

He muttered quietly as he looked down at the amount of money that was so large that the sides of his large, sturdy leather bag burst.

“……You’ll need change.”

Professor Banshee took a pair of magnifying glasses from his pocket, put them on the tip of his nose, and then, with delicate finger movements, picked out several large gold coins.

“This is the end of your tuition. Ah, four years’ worth at once. All in one lump sum.”

Professor Banshee shrugged, as if asking what to do with the remaining money.

But Bikir seemed to have no intention of collecting the change.

“The rest is also tuition.”

“…You have too much money left over to be called tuition? Are you thinking of buying the building for the lecture hall? If you’re aiming for a professorship, not a student.”

“Please write the rest to high school students who couldn’t afford tuition.”

At Bikir’s words, Professor Banshee put on a dazed expression. And even Dolores, who was standing next to her.

“I’m not sure I heard it wrong, right?”


“Are you going to donate all of this amount to a scholarship foundation? In the name of a scholarship?”

“Yes. There are conditions instead.”

At Bikir’s words, Professor Banshee twisted his lips with an expression of ‘Sure’.

there are often There are cases in which people with a lot of money donate a large amount to a scholarship foundation and take advantage of it.

Usually, tax deduction (donation receives a greater tax benefit than any other cost treatment). The main purpose is to obtain invisible gains such as expanding influence within the school by creating a positive image and furthermore, creating a political group or increasing its power.

……However, the conditions Bikir presented were again beyond Professor Banshee’s expectations.

“In order to receive this money, the condition is that you must complete a certain number of hours of volunteer work at the nursery school.”

“nursery school?”

Professor Banshee frowned as if he didn’t understand.

If you can get a scholarship by volunteering at an orphanage, it’s a business that makes a lot of money.

A very grateful proposal for high school students who have to hang on to part-time jobs and scholarships.

In other words, it was no different from saying that he would just pay the tuition fee. For ten years to come!

‘What kind of plan is this?’

Professor Banshee scanned Vikir’s body with a questioning expression.

However, Professor Banshee raised his hands first at Vikir’s attitude, which showed no reaction no matter how much he stared at him.

“Yes. I see. Let’s make a separate award in the school and award a scholarship in the name of it. Do you have something in mind for the name of the award?”

At Professor Banshee’s question, Vikir fell silent for a moment.

Then Professor Banshee waved his hand, as if he didn’t want to hear it anymore.

“Looks like none. So let’s just call it the ‘Bikir Award’. The students who receive this award will be very grateful to you. It’s like meeting a rich sponsor and getting lucky with free tuition. You must be a very famous person. ”

at that time.

Vikir raised her hand to block Professor Banshee.

“Please keep the name of the donor anonymous. And the prize name will be something else.”


Professor Banshee adjusts his glasses and looks up.

Anonymous at best after donating a large amount? So you can’t afford tax credits or fame?

Professor Banshee’s belief that ‘all humans only act for their own benefit’ was being denied in the face.

However, Professor Banshee, confused or not, opened his mouth with the same expressionless expression but with a slightly lowered voice.

“The prize is named ‘Nymphet’.”

Hearing that, Professor Banshee frowned as if he didn’t know why.



Only the eyes of Dolores, who was listening to all this conversation from the side, shook slightly.

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Revenge of the Iron-Blooded Sword Hound

Revenge of the Iron-Blooded Sword Hound

Revenge of the Iron-Blooded Sword Hound, Revenge of the Sword Clan's Hound, 철혈검가 사냥개의 회귀
Score 8.8
Status: Completed Type: Author: , Released: 2020 Native Language: Korean
He was the hound of the Baskerville family: Vikir. Yet his loyalty was rewarded by the blade of a guillotine dirtied by slander. “I will never live the life of a hound slaughtered after the rabbit is caught.” In place of death, an unexpected opportunity awaits him. Vikir’s eyes glowed red as he sharpened his canines in the dark. “Just you wait, Hugo. I will rip out your throat this time.” It’s time for the hound to exact bloody revenge on his owner. [MTL]


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