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Revenge of the Iron-Blooded Sword Hound Chapter 248

Episode 248 Survival Tournament (4)

“Basilios”, Vice-Director of the Varangians “Hippolyte”, Principal of Themiscyra, “Blue Whale”, Principal of the Magic Tower, “Banshee”, Principal of Colosseo.

They were keeping an eye on the current situation of the tournament through a large artifact called ‘Eyes of Extra’.

Colosseo – 23

Mage Tower – 35

Varangians – 45

Themiscyra – 46

Deputy Director Basilios and Principal Hippolyte said while stroking their chins.

“Hohenheim-kun has found another prey.”

“I guess it wasn’t enough that I just eliminated the Colosseo students in droves. Ho ho ho- be dignified.”

Hohenheim, the genius of the Mage Tower, released his unique and enormous magical energy and turned the surroundings into a sea of fire, and about 30 Colosseo students caught up in it were eliminated in a heap.

Most of those who had already been beaten or were about to be beaten were mostly aces, third-years, and even Dolores, the favorite to win the Colosseo, was among them.

The Colosseo students were even more shocked as the student council president was almost eliminated from the beginning of the competition.

Since then, Hohenheim has been stirring up floodwaters as if nothing was rough.

Twenty more Varangians and students of Themiscyra were swept away by the tsunami of fire he created.

All of them were third-year aces who had the strength and experience to aim for the championship.

I think the nickname that is spreading in the world, ‘Hohenheim of a Thousand Dollars’, is just right.

From the start, as if he was determined to eliminate all aces, he was walking the path of unstoppable defeat.

And the ‘Blue Whale’, the owner of the Mage Tower, was looking at it through the mirror, smiling happily.

“Heh heh- Our ‘snobbish little boy’ is finally showing his true colors.”


“Oops, I’m going to meet the Colosseo students again. What else are we going to meet when we’re having dinner?”

“…” “To meet

Miss Dolores again, who just barely escaped with her life. Apparently, the Colosseo has nothing to do with this tournament. Heh heh heh-”

It was chatty.

But Colosseo’s vice principal, Professor Banshee, didn’t respond at all to his words.


A little displeased, but an expression that doesn’t bother me.

But his gaze did not leave the mirror.

In the scene where Bikir and Dolores hold hands in the mirror.

* * *


The fire curtain is torn.

The mud dried up and crumbled into sand, and the sand melted into bubbling lava.

…splunk! …splunk! …splunk! …splunk!

Hohenheim walks over it.

“Huh-huh. Worm-like Colosseo bastards.”

He had a face that had changed 180 degrees from when he was leading the welcome crowd.

Perhaps this is his true color.

“This time, it’s time to overturn the university rankings. The top university in this empire is the Mage Tower. And I will become the greatest genius in that Mage Tower as well.”

Hohenheim has always been displeased with the fact that the Mage Tower’s university ranking is inferior to Colosseo’s.

And now that all the annoying seniors are gone, he plans to make his college the best with his own hands.

at that time.


Hohenheim’s eyes narrowed slightly.

Bubbling bubbling……

A large coconut pot boiling in front of you and a red stew inside.

It smelled so delicious that it caught the attention of Hohenheim, who was picky about his taste.

No matter how genius he is, he cannot be comfortable with the enemy and the harsh environment of Black Mountain.

Hohenheim too was hungry and thirsty.

“…Hmm. Is it a trap?”

Hohenheim looked around.

As if there were people who had stayed nearby just a moment ago, there were deep butt marks on the seats where the dry straw was spread around.

Looking at the well-made huts and bonfires in pits, it seems that they were planning to stay here for a long time.

“Hehe, but I came and threw everything away and ran away in a hurry.”

There are no signs of ambushes around. There were only traces of everyone hurriedly evacuating.

Moreover, I was in such a hurry that I even dropped the grade mark attached to the suit.

It was a sign that he was a first-year kid.

Hohenheim relaxed his guard.

It’s not even worth dealing with if the other person is a 1st grader.

It was obvious that he would have escaped anyway, let alone an ambush.

So I thought of going to eat some stew in front of me.

“Still, I don’t know if there will be a sniper, so I’ll have to prepare for the attack of the archers.”

The most annoying opponent in this jungle is, of course, the archer.

Hohenheim thought so and took a step forward.

Right then.


The thick log on the other side was smashed and fell.

“Hahahaha- I came here because it smelled delicious, and this is all!”

Hohenheim frowned at the familiar voice.

He was as tall as a wild, long-haired, wild beast.

The Varangian Training Center’s student council president, ‘Juragio Bakiraga’, has appeared.


Hohenheim quietly stretched out his hands.


The surrounding mud began to boil and emit steam.

gurgling- gurgling ……

Eventually, the mud around it turned into lava with a reddish glow.

But Bakiraga seemed to be grinning and then put one foot forward.


The surface of the ground turned over and lava surged upside down.

The mud below was still intact. Bakiraga ran over it and swung forward the greatsword slung on her back.

A pale aura of blue light radiates out thickly like steam.

Seeing this, Hohenheim’s eyes widened.

“Sword expert at its best… no, a graduate!?”

“Ha ha ha! I heard you just became a 4th class wizard! How can you fall behind!”

Even the elites of the Mage Tower generally reach the 4th class when they turn 30.

Likewise, the elites of the Varangians also step on the threshold of the graduates only when they are in their 30s.

However, geniuses outside of these two standards were fiercely fighting right here and now with achievements that were several years ahead of those of ordinary geniuses.

Dragon and Tiger Sangbak (龍虎相搏). Geongon One Cheok (乾坤一擲). It was a great clash between the next generation of geniuses who would represent swords and magic.

Kwak! Woo support!

Vakiraga’s greatsword severed the rocks and trees in front of her eyes.

Hohenheim hurriedly retreated to avoid the debris falling diagonally.

“Give the wizard time to get into trouble.”

Bakiraga swung her huge greatsword like a feather and charged.

Even for a lower grade graduate, its power is absolute. The aura that rotates at high speed on the outer surface of the blade cuts everything it touches.

No matter how hard Hohenheim was, if he was hit by it, he would lose all of his HP in an instant.

“Damn it shield!”

Hohenheim displayed several translucent shields in front of his eyes.


Pacan! Go go go go go go go!

Shields are scratched and shattered with a loud sound.

Between the fragments, Vakiraga’s aura pushed through like a monster’s teeth and claws.

“It’s over, Hohenheim.”

Bakiraga’s voice echoed terrifyingly.

Puff! Scrap-

Hohenheim had to roll on the floor to avoid the hair-cutting slash.


Hohenheim was not pushed aside either.


He rolled on the floor and at the same time stretched out his palms and buried himself in the mud.

Bubbling bubbling…

The mud heated by the mana began to boil with bubbles rising.

Soon, misty steam covers Hohenheim’s body.

At the same time, the mud did not dry out and began to bake and crack.

And the flames soared through the cracks.

The situation was going more and more against the Bakiraga.


Bakiraga couldn’t see well enough because of the dust and fumes that covered her eyes.

in such a situation.

Kurrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr! …Puff! …pop! …pop!

In addition to the fire shooting from beyond the wall of fire, lava created by melting mud draws a whirlpool at the bottom.

Dense forest all around. The moist, hot air was getting drier and drier by firestorms.

The humidity turned to the dry season as hot, acrid smoke spread in all directions.


Puffy! Bubjijijik! Roaring!

Even the trees, which had been soaked with moisture and only burned black when touched by fire, began to catch fire.

With enough firepower to force a forest fire in a humid and hot jungle, Hohenheim’s salt magic was terrifying.

Ooh oh oh…

When the atmosphere over the floodwaters changed drastically, an abnormal climate was created.

The locally heated atmosphere and the surrounding humid atmosphere met to form a huge vortex, and the lightning bolts of fire created by Hohenheim were spreading fiercely along the air current.

Colosseo Varangian Magic Tower Themiscyra.

As soon as they saw the existence of the huge pillar of fire, all the students of all the schools spread out over the flood sea could feel the absolute power of Hohenheim.

Before long, a huge firestorm erupted and engulfed Vakiraga.


Bakira blew out a long aura overlaid on her sword and cut off all the flames that were stretched by the wind, but there was nothing she could do about it until the surrounding oxygen disappeared and soot filled the place.


In the end, Vakira had no choice but to get down on one knee.

And then, Hohenheim stepped forward with an awe-inspiring expression.

“Beomjae can’t beat a genius no matter how hard he tries. That’s why geniuses are called geniuses.”

at the same time.


Hohenheim pressed the neck of Vakiraga and raised the staff in his hand.

“This is the end of the Varangian. Well, for a lowly barbarian, it was quite good.”

Hohenheim looked down at his feet with a fishy smile.

Before long, he looked away with Bakiraga at his feet.

There you can see the pot still sitting on the campfire.

Hohenheim reached out and brought the pot from a distance into the palm of his hand.

“It’s a pity. The food looks pretty good. What should I do if I can’t eat it?”

“……Kill them quickly. Don’t think that this is the end.”

Bakiraga frowned and chewed and spat out.

However, Hohenheim laughed viciously as if he had no intention of doing so.

“How can that be? This is the last competition in our school days, so let’s finish it meaningfully.”

Hohenheim wanted to show the maximum margin a winner could show.

The performance of leisurely eating stew after a battle was exactly that.

Soon, the red soup goes into Hohenheim’s mouth.

He said with a relaxed smile on both his lips.

“Mmm. This is really delicious…!?”


Hohenheim’s composure did not last long.


It was because I felt a strange signal in my stomach as soon as the spicy soup went down my throat and reached my stomach.

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Revenge of the Iron-Blooded Sword Hound

Revenge of the Iron-Blooded Sword Hound

Revenge of the Iron-Blooded Sword Hound, Revenge of the Sword Clan's Hound, 철혈검가 사냥개의 회귀
Score 8.8
Status: Completed Type: Author: , Released: 2020 Native Language: Korean
He was the hound of the Baskerville family: Vikir. Yet his loyalty was rewarded by the blade of a guillotine dirtied by slander. “I will never live the life of a hound slaughtered after the rabbit is caught.” In place of death, an unexpected opportunity awaits him. Vikir’s eyes glowed red as he sharpened his canines in the dark. “Just you wait, Hugo. I will rip out your throat this time.” It’s time for the hound to exact bloody revenge on his owner. [MTL]


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