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Revenge of the Iron-Blooded Sword Hound Chapter 348

Episode 348 Key Man (1)

In the Darkness.

Piggy stood alone in the middle of an endless void.


A middle-aged man’s voice is heard.

The moment he heard that voice, Piggy felt it.

‘Is it a dream from that time again?’

The vision I saw when I was almost killed by a pile of golems in the midterm exam.

It was a nightmare that I managed to get through with the help of Vikir.

‘This kind of trash is not my bloodline.’

A terribly cold voice.

This is followed by the mother’s sad sobs.

‘I don’t even dare to know the topic of being lowly.’

‘Get me out of here right now.’

‘……Remove it.’

The whispers around them circle around and follow the sobs.

After that, it was the same.

Mother running away Forest and mountain pursuers Steep cliffs Rough rivers Hungry wolves and the surprised faces of merchants and mercenaries passing by Mother gradually regaining her smiles Stepfather who was always kind dorm life.

The fantasy continues to progress along the flowing time like a flowing stream.

Before long, Piggy noticed that her body was covered in something like sticky thread.


The surroundings, which had only been filled with darkness and emptiness, were suddenly filled with unpleasant flesh walls.

The unpleasant sensation of being trapped in the esophagus of a giant monster.

Piggy struggled desperately to move forward.

Things like muscle fibers that wrapped around the limbs were snapping.

Eventually, I see a door ahead of me.

A large round door. A blazing fire burned all around him.

The end of the blazing pillar of fire was split in two like the tongue of a snake.

Numerous pillars of fire with ominous appearance constantly circle around the door.

Moment. Piggy felt a very strong desire.

It was a huge and fundamental desire that I dare not resist to enter the door.

‘Why am I like this?’

A normal person would not even dare to walk toward that door.

But Piggy was walking towards the door, not even herself knowing why.

at that time.

“Hey Piggy.”

A familiar voice came from behind. It was Tudor’s.

“You can’t go that way. We’re human.”

At Tudor’s words, Piggy hesitated for a moment.

Then Sancho’s voice came right after.

“That door is for demons. We can’t go there.”

“Are you crazy? Come back now!”

Bianca also calls Piggy over.

Other familiar voices came in droves from behind.

“Come back Piggy.”

“It’s safe this way.”

“Never go there!”

“Here! Come here!”

“Look this way! Turn your head!”

Mother, stepfather, hometown friends… Everyone who missed them calls Piggy.

Piggy stood still, his eyes wide open.


Squeeze –

Head back slowly.

Piggy was about to turn his back on the door.

……just then.

‘Never look back.’

I heard a voice as if speaking to my heart.

The beating made the stopped heart beat again and soon cleared the muddled mind.


Even though Piggy came to his senses, the clamor from behind was still there.

“Piggy! Look here! Please!”

“Back! Look back!”

“Damage! Run now!”

“Come on, bloom! You have to come this way!”

The voices of family and friends asking us to look back.

however. Every time Piggy tried to turn his head involuntarily, a voice resounded in his chest, close to the hot, wild panting of a beast.

‘Never look back and keep moving forward.’

It sounded like the voice of a hardened old man groaning and talking.

Piggy took a step forward with her eyes closed.

“Piggy! Are you crazy!? Come back!”

“Why are you ignoring us!”

“Come back now!”

“Look here, Piggy! It’s Mom!”

“You ignorant bastard! If you don’t look here right now…!”

Then Piggy’s face also became teary-eyed.

How can I not look back when the people I so longed to see and thought so precious shouted in such a desperate tone.


Piggy paused and drooled.

Then he closed his eyes and tried to turn his head.

at that time.


There was a hand holding Piggy’s face.


Piggy opened her eyes in surprise.

But just before Piggy could look back, the hands holding both of Piggy’s cheeks brought Piggy’s head back to the front.

Piggy looked down at the hands holding her face.

Rough hands, wrinkled and scarred, covered in gooey blood.

The owner of the hand was obviously close to Piggy.

‘Walk forward.’

It was that rough hoarse voice from before.

Piggy trembled and moved on.

I followed my hand and looked sideways to see someone tall walking beside me.

A middle-aged man.

I couldn’t see him well because it was the outermost part of my field of vision, but I could tell that his hands and face were covered with burns and knife marks.

He carried him forward, almost supporting Piggy while limping.

With my hands holding my neck and shoulder chin so that I never look back.

yet. Piggy faced a large door in front of him.

Blazing fire and heavy steel. It was a door that made the viewer feel intimidated.

But somehow Piggy didn’t feel afraid of the door at all.

The only thing that bothered me was the voice clamoring from behind.

Even that, I was able to come this far thanks to the mysterious man who walked with me.

I felt an unknown sense of accomplishment and pride. I don’t know why, but somehow I felt like I had to go through this door.

The moment Piggy is about to open his mouth to say thank you.

The man next to him removed his hand from Piggy’s body.

‘Never look back. Go alone from now on.’

At the same time, his form and voice disappeared from Piggy’s sight.

I could tell without looking.

The fact that he was someone who shouldn’t have been here, and that he had just gone to a very far place for the last time.

“…He’s a good person.”

Piggy pushed the door in front of him with all his might.

And he threw himself into the darkness beyond.


with only the dull sound of the door closing.

* * *


Piggy stood up, sweaty.

The first thing he saw as soon as he raised his head was his own face reflected in a puddle of water.

“Are you back too?”

When I touched my face, it was the same as when I was in my teens.

The age he ate at Yusu River had all been reset.

Then Piggy raised his head and looked up.


There were even more surprising things there than before.

Plant roots sprouting from the ceiling as deep as the night sky.

The main root of the deep layer protruding from Naraksu’s main body was passing through it.

And under the many small roots extending from the main root, there was a bunch of fruits hanging down.

Inside the outer shell of the fruit, a human figure was asleep, and only the face was protruding from the shell, so everyone could tell who was who.

Tudor Sancho Bianca and all of Balak’s warriors were hanging there, tightly wrapped in cocoons.

Everyone closed their eyes and fell into a deep sleep.

Piggy sensed that this huge root was the main body that maintained the power of Naraksu.

Sure enough, looking at the main root connected down there, you can see that the blood vessels inside it are sucking in the water and fire of hell.

From there, the seeds of various aquatic plants, such as the daylily of the blood tree, and the jellyfish, such as King Mooyeong of the Black Sea, were coming along.

“…I see. We used the emotions we spewed as fuel to connect the human world and hell.”

Piggy opened his mouth in a trembling voice.

Right now, only the power of piggy can’t help the huge roots in front of my eyes.

……But there was something that could be done with only Piggy’s power right now.


Piggy pulled out the sword hanging from his waist.

The level and stats accumulated while training in the leading river remain the same.

Age returned to normal, but the experiences of that time were also ripe in Piggy’s hands.


Piggy swung the knife with all his might.

The extended slash knocked the friends hanging under the roots to the ground one by one.

Piggy went to Tudor, who fell first, and peeled the fruit.

Then he started slapping the sleeping Tudor on the cheek.

“Tudor! Wake up! Sancho! Bianca!”

As Piggy slaps her cheeks with fervor and sincerity, the Tudor Sancho Bianca begins to wake up one by one.

“Huh? What is it? I must have been called by my father and turned around.”

“Hmm? Sister? I called you and go to… Huh? Where is this place?”

“Ugh! My head hurts. What is it? My face has returned to its original age?”

They woke up in the order they died first.

Piggy pulled down all the other berries.

The natives of Balak who were trapped inside also began to open their eyes one by one.

Both those who died before and those who killed are all alive.

“Huh? Look at that! Isn’t that Balak’s hunting ground?”

“What? What a little kid like that…”

“Oh no! That face is right! Most of all, they’re all just babies!”

Tudor Sancho Bianca was shocked to see the young girl in front of her.

She was just a pity.

Everyone was shocked to learn that the female warrior who boasted of overwhelming strength and the dignity of a seasoned old woman was actually such a young girl.

In fact, most of Balak’s warriors who woke up from the fruit after that were little children, so Tudor Sancho Piggy Bianca had to feel somewhat discouraged.

However, the experience points and level stats accumulated in the leading river were all the same, so they could never be underestimated because they were children.

They are Balak’s warriors who have lived for decades.

This is a fact well known to Tudor Sancho Piggy Bianca, who spent seven years on the eminent river.

Meanwhile. Tudor Sancho Piggy Bianca, who saw the root of the Naraksu, each muttered a word.

“…I see. The hatred we exude, the anxiety of our flesh, our nervousness, our inferiority complex, and our longing for life must have been the nourishment that kept this tree alive.”

“It seems that this is the source of the power that goes to the devil. It is a passage of nutrients that connects hell and the human world.”

“Did you use this to draw the fire and water from hell? Do you want to use it as a power source for the tower?” “All the unlucky

monsters I’ve met have climbed up on this root.”




He stretched out his finger and turned his head in the direction he was pointing.


There was a large fruit hanging there.

It looked much bigger and heavier than the other fruits.

Bikir was trapped inside.

“We’ll save you!”

Piggy With a cautious expression, he raised the knife and

swung it. Soon, the expert’s unique gaseous aura emitted from the tip of Piggy’s sword shot out in the shape of a crescent moon


! They flocked to Bikir,

“Bikir! Wake up!”

“Open your eyes, Bikir!”

“Soo is breathing!”

“It’s just a deep sleep.”

No matter how much I slapped him and shook his body, Bikir didn’t wake up.

Clearly, Bikir killed everyone at the end and lived alone. But

no one here now doubted Vikir’s true intentions.

“Vikir knew. That you wake up from the fantasy in the order you die first.”

“I see. Rather, it was a mission where dying early was more advantageous.”

“If they came all the way here, they would all be strong and seasoned, so they wouldn’t have died easily

.” I probably wouldn’t have died easily… I guess I’ll be stuck in hallucinations for a long time.”

In the end, everything became clear.

– Die and kill

! Originally, it was difficult~

※ It is recognized only when everyone clears the mission!

The mission ‘death’ and ‘kill’. Killing others is not the answer.

You must also ‘die’ to finish the mission.

Besides, this mission is the last survivor . The way in which a person becomes the last loser. Inevitably,

after becoming vicious and living a habit of betraying and hurting someone, you have to bear the consequences intact. To the extent that the

person who died first escaped from the fantasy first, he was abandoned first and betrayed first. There is no way that the victim would just let the competitor who is still asleep alive.

Besides, there is a restriction that all of them must clear the mission, so the level of difficulty is really beyond imagination.

A and E are swapped in an instant, so a new A and B are created. Indeed It couldn’t have been a devilish idea.


… “…!”

Bikir opened his eyes.

Tudor Sancho Piggy, Bianca, and Balak’s warriors, including Ahul, rushed in and checked Bikir’s condition

. Kir! Are you okay!?”

” Are you hurt?”

“How many fingers does this look like



He looked down at his hands and said,

“……Are the wrinkles and age spots gone? If you wake up, you will return to your original age.”

Everyone who heard that was shocked.

Wrinkles and age spots appeared on his hands… How long did Bikir last in the river of eminence?

To that question, Vikir did not give a specific answer,


-LV: 1 (%)

-Titles: ‘Dungeon Rat Hunter’ ‘Hell’s Dog Vendor’ ‘Daylily Lumberjack’ ‘Mine Executioner’ ‘Black Sea King Slayer ‘Ryongman’s Enemy’ ‘Best Boatman’


↳Strength: 798

↳Agility: 798

↳Stamina: 798

↳Physical Resistance: 798

↳Magic Resistance: 798

↳Reflexes: 798

Level 1. 6 major stats The sum of 4788.

All three special stats have bloomed, and I just confirmed once again the ridiculous criminal record that each of the three special stats are 798. Vikir, who hadn’t said anything for a while, soon turned his head and hoped for bloom next to him

. “…You did a good


Maybe it was because he was immersed in it? Bikir’s voice was very hoarse and rough. It soon

returned to normal, but it really sounded like an old man’s voice just now. Then



‘s expression


. It was this voice!”

Piggy was certain that the voice that had led him to the door and helped him not to look back was Vikir’s.

He must have been the same for the scars on her hands, the location of the moles, the shape of her fingernails, etc. Because it was exactly the same as the hand at that time.

‘Never look back. From now on, go alone.’

Piggy remembered the voice at that time and squeezed Vikir’s hand.

“Vikir. I was able to live thanks to you. If I had looked back then, I wouldn’t have woken up. I wouldn’t have been able to wake up the other friends.”

Vikir tilted her head for a moment at Piggy’s sincere gratitude.

‘What is it? I don’t remember doing that.’

After thinking for a while, Bikir came up with a hypothesis:

The former comrades he met when he reached ‘Paradise Lost on the 10th floor.’ Perhaps

a similar thing had happened this time?

Bikir thought that it might have materialized in some way and helped his friends.

That’s when.

– Die and kill!

※ Death match is finally over!

※ How did you feel after dying once ? ?





_ At the same time ,

the gate to the depths of the Naraksu also appeared…

and the alarm that Vikir was most wary


. Would you like to?>

As Vikir had warned in advance, Ahul refused to



. I decided that it was better to remain in the tower because I couldn’t do it.

“I will clear the tower. You guys should then leave the tower and return to the jungle. Balak must be rebuilt.”

At Bikir’s words, Ahyul and other Balak’s children all nodded their heads with determined expressions.

Those who have blossomed with amazing talents in the tower will later become great warriors and revive the clan.


“B “Kir.”

Tudor Sancho Piggy Bianca opened her mouth almost simultaneously.

Friends asked Bikir, who turned his head away. “You know? Why


Piggy was able to wake up?”

He was the lowest of the four, and his mental strength was also the same.

Piggy was the last in terms of grit, tenacity, and hardness of heart. But for some reason, among the four, it

was Piggy who was the first to wake up and save everyone.

“…” His


remained fixed on the small wound on Piggy’s forearm with black blood clots attached to

it .

Perhaps you are the key to destroying Amdusias’ Maw Tree.”

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Revenge of the Iron-Blooded Sword Hound

Revenge of the Iron-Blooded Sword Hound

Revenge of the Iron-Blooded Sword Hound, Revenge of the Sword Clan's Hound, 철혈검가 사냥개의 회귀
Score 8.8
Status: Completed Type: Author: , Released: 2020 Native Language: Korean
He was the hound of the Baskerville family: Vikir. Yet his loyalty was rewarded by the blade of a guillotine dirtied by slander. “I will never live the life of a hound slaughtered after the rabbit is caught.” In place of death, an unexpected opportunity awaits him. Vikir’s eyes glowed red as he sharpened his canines in the dark. “Just you wait, Hugo. I will rip out your throat this time.” It’s time for the hound to exact bloody revenge on his owner. [MTL]


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