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Revenge of the Iron-Blooded Sword Hound Chapter 451

Episode 451 War Declaration (2)

Numerous documents are lying on the desk.

Each report contained different contents, but the words at the end were all the same.

Defeat. Defeat. Defeat. Defeat. Defeat.

And the one who was looking down at them opened his mouth in a heavy voice.

“……The Western Front has collapsed.”

Morgue Mu Lespane.

When she, the head of the Madou clan Morgue, opened her mouth, the atmosphere in the meeting hall calmed down.

Iron-Blooded Swordsman Baskerville Sorceress Morgue Faithful Quo Vadis Conglomerate The most important agenda of the alliance family meeting held by the leaders of the bourgeoisie.

That was the current situation of this civil war.

Extremely poisonous dark house Leviathan.

A family that has been known as a famous poison manufacturer since the Warring States Period before the Unified Dynasty.

Recently, Leviathan, which absorbed the power of ‘Changhae Changga Don Quixote’ and ‘Shingoongbi Usher’, was growing rapidly.

L’Espane frowned and said.

“The ‘poison people’ created by the Leviathan family are more difficult to deal with than I thought. They are an army of madmen who have lost their will, and they even spread contagious diseases around them…” “‘Red Death’

. If you get that disease, all the energy in your body declines, leading to death. And after death, it turns into a puppet. Should I say it’s a living corpse… It’s hard to explain.”

Cardinal Martin Luther of Quo Vadis also looked embarrassed.

However, as Morgue and Quo Vadis mainly dealt with magic and divine power, the damage was relatively small.

On the other hand, the knights of the Baskervilles, who fought directly with their swords, suffered considerable damage from the attack of the Germans.

If Osiris, the owner of Soga, and the Seven Counts had not been promoted in local wars in each region, he would have lost many of his territories.

Soon, everyone’s eyes turned to Demian, the representative of the conglomerate bourgeoisie.

“Wasn’t the bourgeoisie an alliance family of the Leviathan family in the past?”

“Hmm. I don’t know because that was the case of the previous head of the family.”

“Aren’t you Damien-sama now?”

“Strictly speaking, I am the deputy head of the family. Currently, the head of the bourgeois family is somewhere else…” “

Didn’t you say that you obtained many of the remaining secret documents?

At Cardinal Martin Luther’s polite request, Damian also opened his mouth.

“I don’t know the details because a lot of the documents have been lost. However, when the red death was first created, it was sprayed to the natives of the sea as a test. It’s just that they created an improved version. The result is the poisonous people that are defeating our army day after day.”

The monsters created by the Leviathan family were as strong and ferocious as demons, but they had no reason and moved only under the control of the sorcerer.

It also emits a red mist that drains mana and weakens the body’s energy just by touching it, and if inhaled for a long time, even normal people become monsters.

Even the Leviathan family absorbed all the remaining forces of the Usher family and the Don Quixote family, which were allied families, and produced poisonous people, so their prestige was growing day by day.

Adolf, the magician of Morgue, opened his mouth with an angry expression.

“We’ve lost all the rubies we’ve mined since the Western Front was completely pushed back. How much trouble we’ve had to dig up those ruby veins! Goddamn Leviathan!”

“The world is getting ugly and cults and cults are rampant, so we’re also very troubled.”

“Forest fires, droughts, starvation, rampages of monsters, epidemics, and even cults and cults… the end of the world.”

Martin Luther and Damian also had dark expressions.

at that time. A new person opened his mouth.

“…So, didn’t I say that we should prepare for this a long time ago?”

Baskerville, Morgue Quo Vadis, a snarky voice giving a blow to the leaders of the bourgeoisie.

Professor Morgue Banshee No, Banshee, headmaster of the Colosseo Academy, crossed his arms disapprovingly.

“Not only the young members of the family are dying, but also the innocent common citizens. People are not important, what does ruby matter?”

“What? When did I say that people are less important? But I’m in charge of mining rubies, so I just said one word!”

Adolf, a member of the Chamber of Morgue, and Banshee, who was once a member of the Dark Hall of Morgue, are not on good terms with each other.

Banshee snorted at Adolph and others around him.

“In the past, when my student was unfairly punished in a trial, this would not have happened if all the cases had been thoroughly re-examined.

Banshee. He was also one of the people who worked harder to save Bikir than anyone else when Bikir was imprisoned in the past.

He was glaring at the people who had taken a lukewarm attitude against or sympathizing with Bikir’s life-saving efforts at the time.

“Blinded by individual interests, they averted their eyes from important issues and kept their mouth shut… Isn’t this the result? What was everyone doing until the demons became rampant like this?”

At Banshee’s words, many people lowered their heads or averted their eyes.

Then, the representatives of other schools try to smile and calm the atmosphere.

“Haha, isn’t this the place to take responsibility?”

“Headmaster Banshee dispels his anger. There are more important things to do now.”

“That’s right. What’s urgent right now is how to stop the German army created by Leviathan.”

‘Basilios’, Warden of the Varangians, ‘Hippolyte’, Principal of Themiscyra, and ‘Blue Whale’, the lord of the mage tower, were restless looking at the Banshee.

They are worried that the allied forces, which have been united at best, will be divided again.


This was something that Banshee was also concerned about, so he just kept his mouth shut and put on a disapproving look.

When Diracium, the warden of the Varangian Training Center, died without recovering from the injuries sustained by Sadhi’s attack, Basilios, who became the new warden, comforted Banshee.

“Still, things have improved a lot since Yurim intervened.”

“That’s right. As the participation rate of student soldiers increased, the number of soldiers also increased.”

“If this is the case, we can’t overwhelm the poison people, but we can make the situation a bit similar.”

Banshee was still displeased with what Hippolyte and the blue whale were saying.

“It would be nice to be able to cover the mistakes of adults with the sacrifices of students, everyone.”


“Moreover. It is unfounded optimism that the war situation has become tense due to the intervention of the academies. From a pessimistic perspective, students are mere newbies that professors must protect. There’s no big increase or anything. It’s just the timing just coincidentally.”

No one can give an answer to phrases that are correct.

Principal Banshee continued with her eyes shining.

“The Leviathan family is currently retrieving the Germans back to their home. The fact that there are many situations where they intentionally lost and retreated in battles taking place here and there is evidence of that.”

“Why do they retreat when the Western Front has been taken down?”

Lespane asked, and Banshee fell silent for a moment.


Is it because of his relationship with Morgue, his father’s family, and his older brother, Representative Snake?

Banshee was silent for a moment before opening her mouth in a slightly more polite tone than before.

“We’re putting our forces together. Feigning defeat to look natural.”

At those words, the expressions on the faces of all the leaders changed seriously.

The Leviathan is secretly gathering troops together.

No one was so stupid as to not understand the meaning of these words.

There was no doubt that Leviathan was preparing for a large-scale local battle that would decide the outcome of the war.

Its scale is the level of combining Leviathan, Usher and Don Quixote.

If the corps of poison soldiers spread across the country gathered together and advanced, their power would be truly great.

There was a high possibility that it would be the final bout that would split the battlefield of the war.

“…The problem is that we have no idea where, when, or how they intend to attack us.”

Everyone nodded at Lespane’s words.

where when how

The most important of these three is ‘where’.

This is because the defense forces must be stationed in advance where a fierce battle is likely to take place.

The great scholars of the time put their heads together and began to ponder.

Soon, one area or another began to be targeted for raids.

“It might be a red awl castle with a large vein of ruby flowing through it. Ruby is the material that transmits magic the best, so they must be eager to secure it…” “Maybe it’s Dort Smile

? Destroying this place will cut off the supply line for the allies…” “It

may be ‘Saint Mecca’ where the Red Death was first discovered. The first Red Death was discovered in a well in the slums there, so the whole area There might be something hidden in…”

Political reasons, strategic reasons, cultural reasons, and numerous other reasons are presented as evidence with detailed analysis.

Hundred Family Conflicts (百家爭鳴).

Everyone was talking about a different region.

It was not easy to predict by specifying only one area because there was a possibility that all of them would be attacked by the Leviathan family.

……just then.


one opened his mouth.

A voice that gave no evidence but was very confident.

Everyone gathered in the conference room turned their gaze to the person who spoke.


A cold impression.

The energy exuding from his whole body is sharpened like a blade.

The scent of blood lingered in every move, and the blade seemed to be slashed whenever the gaze moved.

His true identity is Hugo.

The iron-blooded swordsman was ‘Hugo Les Baskervilles’, the head of Baskerville.

He looked down at the map and continued.

“They will come to Tochka.”

Everyone questioned those words full of confidence.

“Fort Tochika? Why is that remote highland…?”

“The defense is good, but there is no water source for drinking water, so isn’t it a place with no tactical value?”

“Even if you know a little bit about strategy, you’ll avoid places like this.”

“From Leviathan’s point of view, there’s no reason to hit the area, right?”

“Do you have any reason?”

Then Hugo replied simply and briefly.

“My son is there.”

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Revenge of the Iron-Blooded Sword Hound

Revenge of the Iron-Blooded Sword Hound

Revenge of the Iron-Blooded Sword Hound, Revenge of the Sword Clan's Hound, 철혈검가 사냥개의 회귀
Score 8.8
Status: Completed Type: Author: , Released: 2020 Native Language: Korean
He was the hound of the Baskerville family: Vikir. Yet his loyalty was rewarded by the blade of a guillotine dirtied by slander. “I will never live the life of a hound slaughtered after the rabbit is caught.” In place of death, an unexpected opportunity awaits him. Vikir’s eyes glowed red as he sharpened his canines in the dark. “Just you wait, Hugo. I will rip out your throat this time.” It’s time for the hound to exact bloody revenge on his owner. [MTL]


  1. xoxoADITYA says:

    TBH Hugo is a massive W in the story. He only killed MC in the previous timeline due to MC’s connections with Seth Baskerville who was a demon and previosly MC didn’t know that.

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