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Solo Farming In The Tower Chapter 316

Chapter 316. it’s not me!

Chapter 316. it’s not me!

[I have arrived at the farm on the 70th floor of the Black Tower.]

[I moved from the top floor, the 99th floor of the tower, to the 70th floor.]

[I have gone down the 29th floor.

] .]

Sejun arrives at the 70th floor of the tower.


I hurriedly covered my nose at the nasty stench around me and looked around. why does it smell like shit


“What? This is…”

Ginkgo trees dyed bright yellow entered Sejun’s eyes. This was a ginkgo tree farm.

“Then this smell…?”

When Sejun looked at the floor, he saw countless ginkgo biloba fruits on the floor.

“Heh heh. looks delicious.”

If you peel the skin and bake the seeds inside, this is another delicacy.

“I need to call the kids soon.”

When Sejun is in a hurry to open the subspace warehouse,

[Quest occurs.]

[Quest: The farm is badly managed and the farm smells bad. Collect all the ginkgo fruits that have fallen to the ground to remove the stench.]

Reward: Recognized as the rightful owner of the farm on the 70th floor of the Black Tower


Seeing the quest, Sejun smiled and said. I was going to pick it all up anyway.



“Come out guys.”

Sejun opened the subspace warehouse and called the party.



door closed again.



When Sejun opened the door to the subspace warehouse again, he

said, “Cover your nose with this! It looks like Chairman Park has pooped!”

Quen! Quen!

[Dad’s body smells like poo!]

“No matter how much I like Sejun hyung, I’ll have to stay away from him for the time being.”


[Theo! Give me one too!]


‘What did you eat?!’

I could see that the group was hurriedly covering their noses with the green onions Theo had given them. These!

“It’s not me!”

Sejun is furious at the people who misunderstand him.

“Here I am!”


Since the pulp of ginkgo berries should not be touched with bare hands, Sejun stabbed one of the gingko berries with McGee’s dagger Theo had brought.

Sejun was freed from the misunderstanding that he had pooped thanks to showing the real culprit ginkgo fruit that smelled like copper.

The misunderstanding was resolved, but the party who covered their noses with green onions did not come out.

Because I don’t want to step on the smelly ginkgo biloba.

There were more reasons for not wanting to go there.

Kuhehehe, Kwueng!

[Hehehe. It’s delicious!]

“Ehh. it’s good.”

Beep! Beep!

‘There’s a lot to eat! I’m not leaving here!’

Quengi Ajax Kkamangi is sitting on the floor and eagerly eating the dried sweet potato mussels made by Sejun.

“Queng put the Ajax Bank fruit here.”

Sejun opened the mouth of his leather pouch to the two of them and said.

Same goes for Sejun, who doesn’t want to touch the ginkgo fruit.

So, I asked Kuengi and Ajax, who can use telekinesis and magic, to do so.

Quen! Quen!

[Okay! It reminds me!]

“Yes! Levitation!”

At Sejun’s request, Queng and Ajax chewed on a dried rubber horse and floated the ginkgo biloba fruit into the leather pouch.

It was an incredibly large amount, but a leather pouch that went endlessly.

A leather pouch that holds the money the dragons give to Sejun.

It was enchanted with space expansion and weight reduction, so Sejun was using it to store crops.

After 1 hour

[Cleanly collected 100,231 ginkgo berries from the ginkgo farm.]

[Quest completed.]

[Recognized as the rightful owner of the 70th floor ginkgo tree document.]

[Skill of the ground document: farm Information Lv. Max is activated.]

The quest was completed by putting all the fruits that fell on the ginkgo tree farm into leather pouches.

When the land document quest is over,

“I have to go find sweet potatoes now.”

Sejun decided to find chestnut sweet potatoes, which was his original goal.

“First of all, you guys, find out what’s around you.”

Sejun, who can fly, asked Ajax Piyot to scout.

While the three scouted the surroundings,


Sejun took out a pair of brown gloves and a leather pouch containing ginkgo biloba earlier from the subspace warehouse.

[Gloves of Anti-Poison] These

gloves are made from specially treated leather to be used when dealing with poison.

You will not be poisoned even if you touch poison below grade B.

Usage Restriction: Lv. 30 or more HP 100 or more

Creator: Leather Craftsman Wilson

Rating: B+

The gloves are one of the items Theo brought from the black market.

Chuck. Chuck.

Sejun put on the gas mask gloves and started to pick out the seeds from the ginkgo biloba. Hehehe. you have to bake

As Sejun took the seeds from the ginkgo biloba,

[Ginkgo seeds were obtained.]

[Job EXP slightly increases.]

[Gathering Lv. The proficiency of 8 will increase slightly.]

[You must use the Gathering skill 633,716 more times to complete the job quest.]

A message appears.

“ah. This is also a seed.”

I completely forgot about it because I was just thinking about roasting the ginkgo.

“One stone kills two birds. Hee hee hee.”

Thanks to this, Sejun even hummed and broke the bank diligently.

At that time


The golden bat, which had been holding its breath for over an hour to avoid smelling the bank, took a deep breath and appeared.

I was out of breath and I was out of hiding.

“uh?! Was the golden bat there?!”

Sejun was surprised to find a golden bat suddenly appearing from his side.

I thought he was hiding somewhere, but he was by his side? I didn’t feel it at all.

(Heh. Heck. Yes…)

“Pu-huh. Even the golden bats are quick!”

Theo made nose plugs from green onions and gave them to the Golden Bat.

(Betty. Thank you.)

Golden Bat covered his nose with the green onion nose plug Theo made.

After a while,

it slipped.

A golden bat that naturally hides again. Stealth was more comfortable for the Golden Bat.

However, since the green onion was not the golden bat’s body, it was seen as it was, and

‘it’s on the leg’

‘now it’s on Theo’s back.’

Sejun knew where the golden bat was hiding.

While looking for where the golden bat is hiding and picking up the ginkgo fruit,


[There’s a forest and a waypoint over there!]

“There’s a rocky mountain over there, Sejun hyung!”


[Sejun-nim, there’s a lake over there!]

The three scouted came back. It’s a forest rock mountain lake…

“Then let’s go to the forest.”

Sejun came to a conclusion and said.

Apparently, the most similar to the environment in which chestnut sweet potatoes grow is the forest, and there are waypoints.

“Pu-huh. It’s an adventure!”

Excited to explore a new place, Theo shouted while clinging to Sejun’s leg, raising his front paw.

Sejun and the others set out on the road toward the forest.

When we arrived at the entrance of the forest,

we rumbled.

Quengi’s belly button ringed, announcing that it was time for lunch.

“I’m resting for a while.”

Sejun hurriedly lit the fire and started cooking.

Today’s dish is skewers.

Now that I have a bank, I was thinking of making other skewers along with making bank skewers.

Snug, snug, snug.

Sejun ginkgo skewers, rice cake skewers. Prepare fish skewers and fruit skewers and

say, “Hehehe. I wonder what Queng and Ajax will look like after eating this.”

I took out a box of side dishes with stir-fried sausage and vegetables from the subspace warehouse.


shush. shush.

I took only the sausage from the side dish box and skewered it alternately with rice cake. It was so-deok so-tteok.

When the skewer was completed,

chuck, chuck, chuck.

Sejun put ginkgo skewers, barbeque tteok skewers, fish skewers, and sotteok sotteok skewers on the fire and grilled them.

When the skewers are cooked to some extent,

“Let’s eat, guys.”

Sejun called the party.

“ruler. Fish skewers here.”

Of course, I gave the fish skewer to Theo, the fish lover, and

said, “Wait a minute.”

Queng, who has a similar taste to his, gave Ajax a skewer of soddeok sotteok.

“Pu-huh. As expected, the grilled fish with Chairman Park’s sincerity is delicious!”

Kkuhehehe. Kwueng?!

[Hehehe. what is this?! It’s delicious!]

“Everything Sejun hyung did is delicious!”

So while the three of them enjoyed the skewered dish,


A golden bat clinging to a fruit skewer and frantically sucking juice.

Everyone enjoyed the skewers.


[Puhing…I’m the only one who doesn’t have a skewer…]

Except for Piyot. A piyot without a skewer.

He took a peanut out of his peanut bag and looked at the four with envy.


“Come on. This is a piyo thing.”

Sejun gave Piyot a peanut skewer made by sticking 5 peanuts through a needle.

It took longer than expected to make the skewers because the peanuts split every time they were inserted into the needle.

Beep! Beep!

[Thank you Sejun! Theo-sama, I have skewers too!]

Badak, blah, blah.

Piyot took his peanut skewer and flew next to Theo and ate it together

. it’s good.”

Sejun also enjoyed a meal with his friends.



“How dare you enter Igirus-nim’s territory?! Who are you guys?!”

There was the sound of grass moving and two kangaroos emerged from the forest. Aiming the spear at Sejun and the others.

But the timing was just too bad. Why do you show up when you’re eating?


[I’m not touching you while eating!]

“Don’t mess with me-!”


The unlucky two passed out after receiving the energy of Quengi and Ajax head-on.

After a while.

Scratch. Scratch.

“Slaves, wake up!”

After lunch, Theo woke them both up.

Black ink was smeared on their front feet. Theo stamped his feet when the two passed out.


“This place?

When the kangaroos got up,

“Take me to where Iggyrus is.”

Sejun said.

The place where Igarus, the leader, is located is where I saw it. There was a high probability that there was sweet potato at night.

“good night. I will guide you to Igirus-nim. Follow me!”

‘Rather, it went well.’

‘If it’s the boss, I’ll be able to win.’

The two guided Sejun to the base, thinking that Igirus could defeat them.




Iggyrus’s knee was bent so easily by Quengi’s psychokinesis.

“Sa… save me!”

Of course, Igirus couldn’t beat Sejun’s party and said,

“Pufufu. Take a stamp!”


I stamped Theo’s contract.

When the situation was sorted out,

“You guys, show me the food storage.”

Sejun asked to see the kangaroos’ food storage to find chestnut sweet potatoes.


“a food warehouse? Don’t we have anything like that?”

Kangaroos had no food stores.

It was natural. There were fresh leaves to eat in the forest, but there was no reason to pick them in advance and let them wither.

“So you’ve never seen anything like this growing out of the ground?”

Sejun took out pumpkin sweet potatoes and showed them to the kangaroos.

“no. Because we didn’t dig…”

This was the same reason as before.

There were many leaves to eat in front of my eyes, but there was no reason to get food from the ground.

“Okay, guys, let’s go.”

In the end, Sejun left the company and Igirus’ home base without any harvest and walked toward the red pillar of light.

I was thinking of deciding whether to register the waypoint on the 70th floor of the tower and return to the 99th floor, or stay here and continue searching for chestnut sweet potatoes.

Sejun arrived in front of the red crystal.


[The waypoint on the 70th floor of the Black Tower has been saved.]

I put my hand on the red crystal and registered the waypoint.


sniff. sniff.


‘It smells like something yellow and chewy!’

Fenrir, who was sticking his head out of Sejun’s pocket, smelled the sweet potato.



‘It’s mine!’

I’m sorry. He

jumped out of Sejun’s pocket to eat alone


I ran after the smell.




The floor went black and Fenrir was swallowed into the darkness.

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Solo Farming In The Tower

Solo Farming In The Tower

Farming in the tower alone, 나혼자 탑에서 농사
Score 8.8
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: Released: 2022 Native Language: Korean
One day, a mysterious tower suddenly appeared in the city. The people decided to call it a dungeon, and while it was full of rugged terrain and dangerous monsters, it was also a land of opportunity, where countless treasures awaited. When Sejun, a young man living an ordinary life, is invited to the dungeon by chance, he is thrilled at the prospect of becoming rich, but he is stranded in a hidden area of the mysterious tower. All he has is a few seeds and his body. Now Sejun must farm, collect resources, and figure out his own survival strategy!


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