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Surviving as a Plagiarist in Another World Chapter 50


Science begins with a branch of philosophy called ‘natural philosophy’.

It was an attempt to interpret the self-evident and immutable laws of nature that do not belong to ‘human experience’, and to pursue the philosophical truths written in the language of ‘mathematics’ in the book ‘Cosmos’, to borrow the words of Galileo Galilei.

It began with the thinking of Greek philosophers, was expanded into a more universal realm by Galileo and Kepler, and found language through the analytical geometry of Descartes and Fermat─.

He blossoms after meeting the genius of the century, Isaac Newton.

What this means is:



“I’m the chief magician…. I’m the chief so I’m really smart and amazing….”


“I don’t understand what this means at all…?”

It meant that there were too many concepts mixed together to be known to this world.

In fact, this world is a mixture of the Renaissance and the modern era in terms of civilization. In some ways, it is even more advanced. Hygiene is perfectly in place, printing presses run all day in publishing houses, carriages and cars run together on the streets, and there are machines that can be called airplanes and submarines, although they are a bit rusty.

If there’s one problem.

The civilization of this world is not built on the foundation of ‘natural philosophy’ that pursues self-evident truths, but on the foundation of countless statistics and empirical foundations.

In a way, it could be said to be the extreme of scientific extrapolation. It was inevitable in a world where ‘individuals’ had the means to magically shake up ‘phenomena’.

“Really? Actually, I don’t quite understand it either.”


“So I’m going to work on the annotations. The annotations will probably be much longer than the main text, and there will probably be a lot of parts that need to be completely revised, as well as knowledge that wasn’t in the original ‘Principia.'”

“I don’t understand… I’m the top student….”

“So, I need help that only the ‘chief’ wizard, Millie Claire, can give me.”

“Only I can do this…?”

“Yes. What Millie Claire doesn’t know, other wizards probably don’t know either─so I’m going to rewrite the book using that as a ‘reference point’.”

I had no intention of writing in a deliberately difficult manner like Isaac Newton in the history of the original. Although I borrowed the name of Principia, what I was trying to create was a kind of ‘science textbook’.

A textbook containing theories that can be considered the foundation of natural science.

I intended to explain the knowledge of the ‘self-evident nature of causality’ through this book by adding comments as kindly as possible and explaining the process of deriving knowledge that does not exist in this world.

To borrow an expression from this world, it was going to be the ‘magic book’ of the ‘gray tower’.

“Huh huhu… That’s right… What I don’t know, none of the other wizards know either….”

“yes yes.”

Millie Klein chuckled in self-intoxication.

Then, suddenly, he tilted his head as if he was curious and asked.

“But how do you know, author…?”

“What about me?”

Because it is something that cannot be explained with knowledge from a previous life.

I just said it jokingly.

“Wouldn’t you have received it even if it came from God?”




“Everyone… I brought a new magic book….”

“Thank you, Chief!”

“This magic book was written by Herodotus… The reason I asked Herodotus for the magic book is…”

“I will read it with gratitude for the grace of the chief! Then, I will go now as the Lord of the Tower has asked me to do something! Thank you!”

The magic book ‘Principia’ was distributed to the Gray Tower under the leadership of the chief magician of the Gray Tower, Millie Cleang.

The wizards of the Gray Tower began to read the Principia with a mixture of curiosity and bewilderment. It was hard to guess that it was a magic book written by a novelist.

That’s why I approached the book with a light heart.


“The chief wizard brought the devil’s book!”

“This knowledge─ knowledge─! It’s so beautiful─!”

After being exposed to excessive knowledge, he complained of pain. In fact, if a normal person were to come across Principia, he would have simply treated it as an ‘incomprehensible and difficult book’ and thrown it away…

They were wizards.

Although you cannot create knowledge that does not exist, you can at least bring out the possibility of ‘understanding’ knowledge that exists before your eyes. Strengthening your own potential as a ‘wizard’ and continuously increasing your magical influence is also the basis of all magic.

But strengthening some ‘possibility’ also means, in other words, narrowing the range of possibilities.

All wizards are enslaved to their own magic by erasing the ‘choice of not pursuing magic’. Wizards of the White Tower suffer from a lifelong wanderlust, while wizards of the Blue Tower suffer from an obsession with sameness and order.

And the wizards of the ‘Gray Tower’.

“Is this… magic…? Ah, the world is coming apart…”

“All laws can be defined mathematically…? Even the movement of the celestial spheres is ultimately nothing more than an automatic machine that moves according to mathematical truth…? Then, if we apply this to magic…!”

I made it my pledge to myself to create new knowledge from one knowledge.

This includes the application of knowledge, proof, derivation of new formulas, combination with other disciplines, engineering design, practical methodologies, etc. The oath of the Gray Tower, which takes ’cause and effect’ as the truth, was to perfectly understand one piece of knowledge and derive new knowledge from it.

Using the knowledge and methodology defined in the Principia, the wizards reconstructed, deconstructed, and reinterpreted existing engineering designs and blueprints.

These ‘magical truths’ soon led to the concretization of phenomena.


“Whoaaah! The ‘airplane’ has finally succeeded in long-distance flight! It has passed over the previous crash site dozens of times, but has not crashed even once!”

We have succeeded in overcoming the ‘magic boundary’ that has hindered conventional engineering development.

Once successful, the rest was simple: mass-produce a standardized airframe, map out a route for the flight, conduct a number of test flights, and begin the statistical stabilization process.

This was something very familiar to the Gray Tower, which could be called a group of idiots.

“Record flight data! Communication wizard! Send word to the White Tower! Flight in the sky beyond the limits of previous experiments has been realized! Create a flight path!”

“There’s no one in the White Tower right now!”

“Where did all those kids go?!”

“They say that they couldn’t wait for the ocean-going ship to be completed and went south by canoe?!”

Of course, there were minor issues, such as the White Tower wizards, who had read The Adventures of the Wind-Up Bird and had developed a wanderlust, attempting to cross the ocean in a canoe.

Gray Tower was a specialist in mechanical design, but he also needed help from other Towers in other areas.

In order for the plane to fly properly, it had to be mass-produced and standardized with the help of the ‘Blue Tower’ and a ‘flight route’ had to be created with the help of the ‘White Tower’. Only after the possibility of the plane crashing was minimized to the extreme could it be said that the plane was truly ‘completed’.

The magic was that it was strict enough not to allow ‘accidental’ success until it was completed, but after completion it became more lenient than any coincidence.

Now, ‘airplanes’ have been added to the history of magic.

“Haha, author…. Would you like to try riding it yourself…?”

“No, I will decline.”

“Flying is so much fun….”

“The scenery from the last test flight is still vivid in my mind….”




In the Gray Tower, several inventions that had previously been limited by ‘magical restrictions’ began to stabilize.

Airplanes, submarines, steamships….

Civilizations that had stopped developing for magical reasons began to move forward, and at an incredibly fast rate. And the most notable development among them was the means of transportation mentioned above.

“Is it true that you can explore beneath the ice of the North Sea in this submarine?!”

“The center of the world! Let’s go to the equator! I would give a thousand pieces of gold to see the World Tree with my own eyes!”

Because various adventure novels and ‘The Adventures of the Wind-Up Bird’ caused endless wealth to be invested in the development of ‘means of transportation’.

Anyone living in this world wants to see with their own eyes the mysteries hidden on this planet.

Arctic Ocean Jungle Desert….

Unexplored areas that were originally considered inaccessible to humans began to be developed one by one. Countless travelogues and adventure stories were published simultaneously by various publishers and sold out.

Curiosity about the unknown. Passion for exploration. Fear of the vast and overwhelming nature.

Now, people in this world can imagine the ‘universe’ from a more concrete and existential perspective. The ‘worldview’ that people perceive has broadened.

I thought I’d give that imagination a nudge in a more ‘literary’ direction.

“If there are novels by Jules Verne, there must also be novels by H.G. Wells…”

By borrowing the power of the SF genre.

A Word from the Author (Author’s Note)

Newton is so famous that it doesn’t even need to be explained through the author’s words, but he is the founder of modern science who established the system of mechanics and mathematically defined the movement of celestial bodies, and he is a mathematician who completed the fundamental theorem of calculus. (In the case of calculus, the achievements of Leibniz and Newton are equally recognized.)

Newton’s Principia (Mathematical Principles of Natural Philosophy) is considered the first book to demonstrate the possibility of proving ‘universals’, that is, the possibility of ‘natural science’ separate from philosophy.

This is because (as the title Mathematical Principles of Natural Philosophy suggests) Newton solved and proved all of his theories using only ‘mathematical methods’, and this mathematical approach to natural philosophy played a decisive role in the separation of ‘science’ from the discipline of ‘philosophy’ after Newton’s death.


If we talk about Newton, we can’t help but talk about Fermat…. In fact, the first ‘calculus’ in the history of mathematics was attempted by Fermat. Before Newton and Leibniz developed the fundamental theorem of calculus, Fermat came up with the differential calculus formula first. This helped Newton and Leibniz complete calculus.

Fermat, who was a lawyer, started mathematics as a ‘hobby’ at a rather late age… and he seems to have had a truly bizarre mathematical intelligence.

Fermat independently created analytic geometry, commonly known as Descartes’ achievement, at a higher level than Descartes, established the foundations of number theory and probability theory, and devised numerous mathematical theorems that are still applied and interpreted to this day, and his “Fermat’s Last Theorem” has continued to torment mathematicians even in the 21st century.

Considering that Fermat had no formal education in mathematics, I think he might actually be the closest thing to a ‘genius’ in the history of mathematics.

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Surviving as a Plagiarist in Another World

Surviving as a Plagiarist in Another World

Surviving as a Plagiarizing Author in This World, 이세계에서 표절 작가로 살아남기
Score 9
Status: Ongoing Released: 2024
The literature of this other world was atrocious. So, I plagiarized. Don Quixote, Anna Karenina, Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland, The Metamorphosis… I thought that unraveling the literature of the original world would advance the literature of this other world. “Those who dream and those who do not, who really is the mad one?” “To live or to die, that is the question.” “No matter how fatal the mistake, it is different from a sin.” But then, people began to immerse themselves too deeply in the novels I plagiarized. Can’t a novel just be seen as a novel…?


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