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The Reincarnated Assassin is a Genius Swordsman Chapter 676

Episode 676:

Under the frosty sky where even the moonlight is frozen.


A star of anger rose above Lars’ blue eyes.

“You still have the same personality as the Lord of Wrath.”

Grid pulled back the finger that was touching Lars and curled his lips.

“Don’t try to judge the true king by things like businessmanship.”

Lars swept his index finger and shook his head. The majesty of a demon god leaked out from within the human skin.

“The main king will always be the main king.”

“I am sorry. “O king.”

Grid smiled mischievously and took a step back. Even though he saw Lars’ true face, he did not lose his composure.

“I told you. “It’s Lars.”

Gluttony frowned, asking why he was making the work more difficult.

“Sometimes I envy someone as clueless as you.”

Grid patted Gluttony’s head and smiled slightly. He slowly rolled his eyes and scanned Lars’ whole body.

“Miscellaneous. You must have said it with your snout. “If it’s true, I will pay the price.”

Lars lifted his chin to meet Grid’s snake-like gaze.

“Can I pay for it with your head?”

“If you can do it, as much as you want. But…”

Grid tilted his head teasingly.

“You seem weak?”

Grid’s eyes sparkled with a bright yellow light as if he recognized Raon’s identity.

“You lowly swindler.”

Lars’ blue eyes turned a brilliant color. Looking down at a demon lord of the same level was as natural as breathing. He had the appearance of a monarch of anger.

“Have you already forgotten how you ran away until your tail fell off?”

“Rust got involved at that time. “2 to 1 is a specification.”

Grid laughed, drawing a small triangle with his index finger. He still didn’t show any momentum.

“Before that, you only had one arm left.”

Lars snorted as he looked at Grid’s right arm.

“Well, the old days are over. What is important to this lowly merchant is not the past, but the present and the future. But…”

Grid laughed, holding the back of his head with his clasped hands like a hanlyang.

“The salesman’s eyes speak for themselves. “You have become weak.”

“okay. “The King and you are not in a position to chat like this.”

When Ras snapped his fingers, the Gwangpungdae and the priests who had fallen unconscious rose up and gathered under the World Tree of Frost.

“If you think the king has become weak, attack him. “Let me feel it with my body.”

“It starts from there.”

Grid lightly turned his neck and loosened his fingers. The golden rings between his fingers gave off a brilliant light.

“For the Lord of Wrath to hand over a player to me is something that cannot happen in the Demon World.”

“There is no need to tease your snout anymore.”

Lars tilted his chin. Vivid anger burned over the blue demon king’s eyes.

“I’m going to break off that branch right now.”

“Your head might fall off first.”

A golden glow rises from beneath the grid. The light of desire, as if he had gathered all the gold in the world, wrapped around his whole body like a long gun.


A clear halo of light dwells on Ras’ shoulders as he faces the Lord of Greed. The sky filled with starlight and moonlight curved as if it had surrendered to the demon lord of anger.

The confrontation between the kings standing at the highest point in the demon world tore open space for a long time, and the skin of the earth was peeled off in pure white.

It was as if this entire kingdom had been transformed into a demon world, and the dark magical energy burned like wildfire.

Lars and Greed smiled at each other inside the black hell.


The moment one of the creaking steel frames of the spire fell to the ground, the Blue Demon King and the Gold Demon King clashed.

* * *


The capital of Ras and the grip of the grid come into contact. Gold and frost-colored demonic energy collided, and the space between the two demon lords was crumpled like a piece of paper held together by hands.

Despite the terrifying collision, Lars and Grid did not back down and reached out for each other’s hearts. Golden light and blue frost collided countless times.

The ground was black and hollow, and the air was crumbling with cracks that looked like broken windows.


Raon stuck out his tongue as he experienced the battle through Ra’s eyes.

‘It doesn’t even look right.’

The grid approaches your eyes, extends your hand, and then disappears like a ghost. It was so fast that it was difficult to even recognize it as an attack.

Lars’s gaze also changes countless times. Sky on the right, pit on the left, building ahead. My eyes moved so quickly that I felt dizzy.

The battle between the two demon kings was difficult to see even with my own eyes as a grand master, so it seemed as if blue and yellow thunderbolts were striking endlessly.

‘It’s not just the speed…’

The power is also mind-boggling.

Every time Ras and Grid move, a powerful explosion explodes throughout the kingdom. The shock waves overlapped and it seemed as if the space itself was being erased.

A battle that is hard to recognize continues, but strangely enough, the movements of the two demon lords are starting to become familiar little by little.

I could see the direction in which the sharp flash of light coming from the grid was falling, and I could also see Ras erasing the golden glow with his Snowflake Magic Spear.

No, it’s not just visible. I had a vivid sensation as if I was entering Lars’ body and moving his body.

‘Is it because the sword world was opened in a hurry?’

It seemed like it was a side effect of Lars coming in before my soul left my body.

However, for me now, this condition was not a side effect, but rather an accident.

‘Because you can directly experience the battle between Ras and Grid.’

Even if the fight between the two demon kings is in a realm far beyond my grasp, maintaining this sense will be a great help to my future growth.

Even the slightest bumps were captured in my eyes and skin without blinking even once.


Light containing the heat of hell extends from the fingertips of the grid. He completed transcendental martial arts with only tremendous power and speed, without any distractions.


Lars lifted his chin with a leisurely look as if he was enjoying a snack. A wall of transparent frost rose above the space that caught his gaze.


The wall of frost that encountered the light of the grid broke apart, drawing cracks like spiderwebs.

Pieces of frost hit the grid in sharply split shapes.

“You’re using a skill I’ve never seen before.”

Grid muttered briefly and then dug into Lars’ left side. A golden sign that approaches before the words are finished. It was transcendental speed and judgment.


Ras, as if anticipating Grid’s surprise attack, swatted away the golden banner with the back of his hand and struck the right capital.

The Lord of Anger and the Lord of Greed clashed their fists and hands endlessly at a distance so close that they could feel each other’s breath.

Due to the shocking clash of demonic energies generated by the two demon kings, half of the kingdom melted and the other half froze.

I watched the competition between Grid and Lars, sparing Raon even time to breathe. I couldn’t interpret everything, but I became increasingly familiar with how it moved.

‘The speed itself is higher than the grid.’

Grid has an electrifying speed like a demon king with sharp yet light energy waves. If you look at the movement itself, it is no exaggeration to say that it was truly light, so even Lars could not keep up with it.

‘Of course, it’s not just a matter of speed, but…’

Raon narrowed his eyes as he watched Ras, who was standing in place, shedding the aftermath of the clash.

‘I can’t leave this place, so I have no choice but to suffer losses.’

Lars did not move from his initial position in order to protect the windstorm beneath the Frost World Tree.

He was a truly absurd demon lord who did not give up on his promise to protect his subordinates even at the risk of his life, even while fighting a demon lord of his own rank.


Raon turned his head to the right when he heard the sound of something breaking. Gluttony was smiling with satisfaction as it chewed and swallowed a rock wrapped in the magic power of Lars and Grid with its white mouth.

‘…Is there really no sane one among the Demon Lords?’

Thinking about filling my stomach during this urgent battle, I felt like I didn’t get the name Lord of Gluttony for nothing.


Raon shook his head to come to his senses and then turned his attention back to the battle between Lars and Grid.

“Would you like to try it after a long time?”

Grid stretched out his hand towards the sky with an excited smile.


The moment his voice rang through the space, the frost-filled sky was torn apart by golden light.


Golden rays of light pour down from the sky. Each flash of light contained extreme speed and sharpness.

“The silver aurora.”

Lars raised his hand as if to support the brilliance of the grid coming down like a shooting star.

The frost fog extending from its grasp hardened into the shape of an umbrella and swallowed up all the falling flashes.

Raon swallowed dryly as he saw the frost on Lars blocking Grid’s attack.

‘Silver Aurora…’

Ras’s skill was a silver aurora that I could also perform. However, its form, power, and sturdiness could not even be compared to mine.

Because I gained experience operating the Silver Aurora with its body, I had a sense of how to develop it. Everything, from breathing to the movement of my fingers, was a coincidence.


The frost blade extending from Las’s elbow collided with the light fired from Grid’s fist, creating a powerful shockwave.

All the surrounding debris had been swept away, and all that remained was a dark dirt floor.


When the dust and light settled, Lars furrowed his brows, and Greed drew a faint smile.

“My guess was right.”

Grid shook his hands and calmly nodded.

“You have become weak.”


Raon wasted a breath while listening to Greed’s words. It was absurd to think that I was in such a weakened state now.

“The sound of a dog licking a bone.”

Lars tilted his chin as if laughing at Grid.

“Let’s stop playing around and see to the end.”

“Even if you were fighting and protecting the humans behind you, in the past you would have punched me at least once. As expected…”

A bizarre twist occurred above Grid’s eyes.

“My eyes are not wrong.”

Raon looked into Grid’s eyes and swallowed dry saliva. It seemed like something special was reflected in the demon king’s eyes.

“Let me tell you something interesting…”

Grid snapped his fingers, and a huge scale appeared behind him.

The perfectly balanced scales were probably made of platinum and sprinkled with a dark gold glow.

“While you were wasting your time in the human world, I accumulated more desires.”


Lars waved his hand as if to stop talking nonsense.

“That’s bullshit…”

Grid opened four fingers and closed three.

“Would it be bullshit if I said I had a quarter of the human world’s gold coins in my hands?”


Lars also widened his eyes as if he had no idea that Grid had collected that much gold coins.

‘One quarter?’

Raon also opened his mouth in surprise.


From what I heard from Lars, the source of Grid’s power was money.

It was said that the more money and desires you gain, the stronger you become, but one quarter of a continental gold coin was a truly ridiculous amount.

“It is a force that your weakened self cannot handle.”

Grid smiled brightly as if he had already won.

“You said you’ve become weaker… yes. In a way, maybe so.”

Lars placed his hand on his chest and nodded. It seemed like he was talking about the strength of the body and demon energy.

“Now you’re finally admitting it.”

The corner of Grid’s mouth curled up as if he knew that would happen.

“As expected, the human world is not suitable for you. The anger you get from this is not even a speck of emotion among your emotions. Of course, it’s too late to regret it now.”


Lars looked into Grid’s shining golden eyes and shook his head.

“This king does not regret coming to this world. I saw a lot and felt a lot. And there is one thing you are mistaken about.”

“What is that…”

“The main king is the king who ascended from the deepest part of the demon world to the highest level. “Do you really think that you have achieved nothing by coming to this land?”

Lars’ voice creates a noble sound. It contained a majesty that could even calm the energy of the grid.


Grid also frowned as if he sensed Lars’ temperament changing.

“What did you see?”

“This is the young prosecutor’s back.”

“The young prosecutor’s back?”

He chuckled and pushed his hair back.

“I saw some nonsense, and it wasn’t worth listening to. “It was a waste of time.”

Grid laughed at Lars and snapped his fingers.

“100 million gold.”

The moment his sharp voice reached the scale, the sky split apart and countless gold coins rained down.


As an incalculable amount of gold coins poured into the right balance plate, the balance of the balance suddenly tilted.


The energy wave of the grid, which was originally huge, amplified as gold coins filled the scale, and expanded so magnificently that it overturned the entire continent.

A light so brilliant that it was impossible to open one’s eyes flashed from the balance where 100 million gold coins had poured out. It seemed like that light alone could destroy this kingdom.


A tremendous energy stirred, enough to make even Lars shake his shoulders. The more money I poured into that balance, the more power it seemed to give to the grid.

“It may be overspending, but I guess I should invest this much in my archenemy.”

Grid raised a finger. The balance disappeared and the magic energy accumulated in money gathered on his fingers.

Even though it was extremely compressed, a sphere large enough to cover half of this kingdom spewed out a rich gold mine.


The curtain of divine power that concealed the energy of the demon kings was broken, and the lost magic energy spread out in all directions.

“To continue what I said earlier…”

Lars calmly accepted Grid’s bitter smile and looked up.

“He was the back of a prosecutor who was young but never gave up.”

“It’s no use even if you welcome a demon.”

Grid shook his head as if there was no point in bringing anything.

The moment he lowered his finger, a golden magical energy that seemed as if it could crush this continent sank above Lars’ head.

It was so huge that it seemed impossible to avoid or stop.

“There was endless swinging from dawn to night. Although time has changed, the prosecutor has not changed. The small back suddenly became bigger, and the blurry sword road suddenly took shape. “I really learned a lot.”

A faint smile appeared on Lars’s lips, as if he was thinking of someone.

“I watched the unbreakable swordsman, how could the real king fall?”

Lars put his hands together. A blue six-pointed star sprouted between the fingers drawing a triangle.

“Are you watching? Raon Sieghardt. “It’s a flower for you that I learned from you.”


Before Raon could react, Lars continued speaking.

“The Sorcerer’s Appearance Junghwa.”

That low sound upsets the balance of the world. Everything that touched my blue gaze froze to pure white.

The magic sword launched by Grid, and Grid itself, were trapped in transparent ice and bloomed blue flowers.


What followed was a colorless slash. The sword dance that seemed to make fun of the frozen world continued endlessly.

Grid and his demonic energy are torn into pieces thinner than a hair, and the buildings of the kingdom are torn apart to the point where no trace of them can be seen.

It seemed as if the Frost Hell and the Blade Hell, which are said to be the worst of all hells, had materialized at the same time.


The moment the dance of the blade stopped, the only thing that existed before my eyes was the leaves of the frost flower.

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The Reincarnated Assassin is a Genius Swordsman

The Reincarnated Assassin is a Genius Swordsman

Score 8
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: , Released: 2021 Native Language: Korean
I was a chained dog in my past life. I didn’t remember my parents and I lived an emotionless life; like a tool. That life ended with my master horrifically killing me. I thought that was the end of my life. But when I opened my eyes again, I was born as the youngest child of the continent’s most powerful family. For both revenge and those who treasure me in my new life, I wielded the sword instead of the dagger.


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