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The Reincarnated Assassin is a Genius Swordsman Chapter 751

Chapter 751


Dozens of sword lights flash between the gently burning bonfires.

As soon as Raon finished dinner, he smiled faintly as he looked at the Gwangpungdae swordsmen swinging their swords.

‘Now you can train on your own.’

Previously, the group took a break after dinner, but now they swung their swords on their own without any instructions. It seemed like my mindset about training had completely changed.

-Those guys felt their helplessness keenly through the war.

Lars landed on his head and waved his finger.

-It is natural for subordinates who have been recognized by the King to risk their lives and train in order to become different.

The guy nodded his head loudly, saying he trusted Gwangpungdae.

-As I said before, this king’s minions will become stronger!

‘I guess so. However…’

Raon followed Lars’ gaze and smiled slightly.

‘I like that their way of thinking has changed rather than that they have gotten stronger.’

Gwangpungdae was always passive. He would not do personal training unless he was told to, and if he was asked to spar with him, he would run away screaming that he was going to die.

But it’s different now. I came first and signed up for sparring, and everyone participated in the early morning and night training without fail.

The current Gwangpungdae has grown greatly not only in terms of strength, but also in spirit.

‘Shall I help you too?’

-Where are you going!

I was about to get up to give advice, but Lars blocked my way.

-Isn’t there still food left?

Lars’ tail fluttered, telling him to eat more stew.

‘It’s annoying…’

Raon let out a long sigh and swallowed all the remaining stew.


Lars waved his arms and let out an exclamation.

-The ingredients have a strong fiery taste! This delicacy is the taste of being homeless!

The guy flicked his tail as if he was satisfied.

‘Kids change, but you stay the same….’

-What does it mean?

‘You seem to enjoy life.’

-of course! This King has the heart to enjoy himself anytime and anywhere!

‘…It’s not a compliment.’

Raon shook his head and approached Runan, who was emitting a silver sword light.

“Isn’t it difficult?”

I haven’t seen Runaan eating beaded ice cream recently.

I was a little worried because he had a stronger love for beaded ice cream than Lars.

“are you okay.”

Runaan shook her head calmly, as if nothing had happened.

“I rather like it.”

She lifted her heated face, saying that she could feel herself growing every time she swung the sword.

Raon narrowed his gaze as he looked at Runan, who was hiding his excitement in his fierce eyes.

‘Clearly Runaan’s talent has grown rapidly.’

Thanks to absorbing Baphomet in the helmet, Runaan gained even greater martial arts talent.

Now, her growth ability is the best in Gwangpungdae except for herself.

It seemed that Runaan would be the first to break through the top level Master and Grand Master walls.

“And I have work to do.”

Runaan let out a short breath, saying that even though it was hard, she had to endure it.

“A thing to do?”

“I have to beat my brother so that dad and mom don’t get anxious.”

She pursed her lips, saying that she would defeat Syrian Slyon without borrowing anyone’s strength.

“Syria Slyon….”

Raon clicked his tongue, remembering the Baphomet helmet that Syria was wearing.

‘He’s like a leech.’

Syria came back from the dead and came back to target him while he was unconscious.

Rimmer said that he had become stronger than before, but Runaan, who blocked the sword himself, seemed more confident.

“Even if you are now, it would be difficult to defeat him alone.”

“But you still have to do it.”

Runaan shook her head resolutely, unlike usual.

“The reason my brother changed like that is because I couldn’t stop him.”

“You couldn’t stop it?”

“I couldn’t do anything.”

She chewed her lip deeply as if recalling the time when she suffered alone in fear of Syria.

“If I had overcome my fear and stepped forward, the outcome would have been different. You can’t change that time now. So I have to finish it.”

Runaan held the sword with eyes full of responsibility and seriousness, not fear, as if her soul had grown as well as her swordsmanship.


Lars sniffled and rubbed his eyes.

-It’s truly amazing. The ice cream girl has grown so much!

‘That’s right. I think my spirit has grown more than my strength.’

-Not just that!


-This is your first time seeing the Ice Cream Girl talk like that!

The guy touched the tip of his nose, saying he didn’t know Runaan’s voice could be so good.

‘I heard it’s really unique.’

He pushed Ras away and lowered his hand, saying he would help Runaan.


Raon stood in front of Runan and nodded.

“If you need help, let me know anytime.”

Even if Runaan wanted to defeat the evil demon himself, I still wanted to help him until then.

“Then this sword technique.”

Runaan seemed willing to accept help and told me what she was currently worried about.

“First, decide on the direction you want your sword to go. “What should I do if I want to take an offensive stance? What should I do if I want to make a defensive move…”

Raon did not simply give answers, but gave Runan advice that would help Runan think for herself and improve.

However, it was not just the two people, but the entire Gwangpungdae.

The sword belt itself was alive and breathing like a life.


A bare mountain near Hollam, a lawless area.

Raon looked at the city that seemed to have been built in ruins next to the withered tree.

Numerous buildings were rising in the center of the desert. The houses on the outside were shabby, as if they would collapse even if the wind blew, but the buildings on the inside were splendid and tall, as if they were the trading city of Cameloon.

‘It’s still the same.’

That crazy gap between rich and poor.

Hollam is a barren land where not only people but even monsters have been abandoned because there are no resources around.

Because it was a difficult place for anyone to live in, people who fled from the continent settled here and formed a village, and now it has become a haven for outlaws.

A land without law, humanity, and trust. Because it was a place where only power and money ruled, the gap between the rich and the poor was bound to be greater than anywhere else on the continent.

In the old shantytown outside, those who had nothing lived, and in the splendid land inside, monsters overflowing with force and money stayed. It was a world of survival of the fittest.

-It’s a game of flesh and blood…

Lars frowned as he looked down at Hollam.

-It looks exactly like that. There was a place like that in the demon world.

The guy waved his round fist as if he felt sorry for Hollam.

“This guy looks happy.”

Buren, who was next to him, chuckled as he saw Lars struggling.


“Aren’t you dancing now?”

He gently stroked Lars’ angry head.

-Dance, dance? This king doesn’t dance!

Lars looked at Burren and shouted.

-I dare the King of the Demon World with his eyes!

The guy rushed at Burren, saying he wanted to steal his eyes.

“okay. okay. “Nice to meet you too.”

Buren waved his hand as if he thought Lars’ anger was cute.


Lars screamed while holding his head.

-Have the main king descend immediately! I’ll show that bastard a lesson….

“Yes. “I think I’m excited.”

-Inooooooo! Who’s excited… kek!

Raon threw Lars back, who was screaming.

“Um, but how are you going to get in there?”

Burren looked at Ras flying away and then pointed at Hollam.

“If we go in, news will be delivered right away…”

He frowned, as if he was worried about his identity being revealed.

“We have to disguise ourselves and move in groups. But before that…”

Raon narrowed his eyes as he looked down the mountain.

“There’s someone I need to meet.”

“Who should I meet?”

Rimmer tilted his head as if he was hearing this for the first time.

“You don’t know because you didn’t come to the meeting.”

Raon looked at Rimmer and sighed.


The other prosecutors also looked at Rimmer with pitiful eyes.

“Well, don’t look at me like that! “I had a really hard time too!”

Rimmer shook his head, saying he was seriously injured and had been sick for several months.

“Anyway, we have to wait until someone comes to visit us.”

Raon sat with his back against the tree. Chad had said that someone would come to give us information once we got to the mountain, so now was the time to wait.

As night fell and darkness filled in, and the center of Holam began to glow more brilliantly, a sign of presence was felt from under the mountain.

It’s not the first time I’ve felt it, but it’s a familiar feeling. It was branch leader Denning Rose, a disciple of black marketeers.

“long time no see. Mr. Raon.”

Denning Rose took off his black hat and bowed his head.

“How could the branch manager…”

“Raon is in my charge.”

She smiled elegantly, saying that it was natural for her to follow the customer.

“Is this your first time at Hollam?”

Denningrose looked down at Hollam and took a quick bite.

“Holam is a land that rejects no swindlers, murderers, or even the devil. Anyone accepts it. But that doesn’t mean there won’t be checks. “Because criminals gather together, their investigative gaze is stronger than anyone else’s.”

She shook her head, saying that if she went in like this, her identity would be revealed right away.

“So you need to disguise yourself and act.”

Denningrose reached out her hand, and her escort pulled out some old, shabby clothes.

“I will bring clothes appropriate for the number of people by tomorrow, so put them on and act like a criminal or a vagabond.”

“I have the clothes!”

Dorian took out old, sand-stained clothes from his stomach pocket.

“Well, what is it? Why are there so many?”

Crane wasted a lot of time watching Dorian take out more clothes than the number of people in the band.

“It’s a necessity.”

Dorian laughed and scratched his head.


Lars exclaimed as he looked at Dorian.

-It’s been a while since I heard that, it’s nice to see you!

The guy grinned, saying it had been a while since his wallet had been active.

“I guess this is enough.”

Denning Rose nodded, saying he was well prepared.

“But even if we solve the clothes and acting, there is one more problem.”

She raised her finger.

“Your force is too strong. There is also a Grand Master in Hollam, so you are bound to get caught the moment you enter. So…”

Denning Rose took out two bottles from her arms.

“The first bottle is a poison that reduces the Aura you have by one-tenth, and the second bottle is the antidote.”

She nodded confidently, saying that unless she was a transcendental person, she wouldn’t be able to figure it out.

“Ugh, I don’t like poison or medicine…”

Rimmer wrinkled his eyebrows, saying that he had only been taking medicine for over a month.

“All right.”

Raon nodded and handed the first bottle to Crane.


Crane looked at the bottle and blinked blankly.

“You have to do it first. Unique Crane.”

“No, even things like this! If you do it as Goyu-ro….”

“Okay, eat it.”

Raon pushed the bottle, telling him to stop talking nonsense and take it.

“Ugh, why did I start a fight then…”

Crane swallowed the poison from the first bottle, regretting the first time he argued with Raon when he was a trainee.

Smoke flowed from his body, and the aura he possessed was reduced to about one-tenth.


Crane was embarrassed by his reduced aura and his chin trembled.


It was a poison that could not be grasped at the level of a Grand Master, as the hidden Aura could only be felt after using both the Ring of Fire and the Tale Sense at the same time.

“Next time, try this too.”

Raon handed over the second bottle of antidote.


Crane sniffled and swallowed the antidote. After just one minute, his aura was restored to its original level.

“It’s one minute. “Make sure to remember it.”

After making everyone in the Gwangpungdae aware of the one minute time, medicine and antidote were handed out.

“Where should we infiltrate?”

Raon returned to Denning Rose after confirming that the aurors of all swordsmen had decreased.

“It’s an arena.”

Denning Rose pointed to the largest and largest building in the center of Hollam.

“It looks like previous transactions were also done there.”

“Trading in the arena?”

Marta widened her eyes as if she was dumbfounded.

“Why in the arena…”

Mark Goeton also blinked as if he didn’t understand.

“It’s in the center of Hollam, so you can escape to any direction, north, south, east or west, and it’s full of many secret passages.”

Denning Rose curled his lips, saying it was perfect for making secret deals.

“Plus, there are a lot of people there. “If a problem arises during a transaction, the intention is to bait people and run away.”

Raon clicked his tongue briefly. The Seonggeomryun and the Black Tower are guys who treat people’s lives like insects, so if a problem arises, it’s clear that they make a deal there in order to throw the people in the arena and run away.

“And the biggest reason is…”

Denning Rose lowered his fingertips as he looked at the arena.

“Because there is a fighting spirit there.”


“A former knight of Owen, he is crazy about money and fighting. “The only reason I committed crimes and beat up drivers was because of money.”

She wrinkled her nose, saying that she was someone she didn’t want to deal with.

“Probably, Tugui will relay the transaction between the Black Tower and the Holy Swordsman.”

“I guess I’ll get a commission there.”

“that’s right. Tugui is a monster who is crazy about money. “I don’t care who the other person is or what they are dealing with, as long as they give me money.”

Denning Rose nodded, saying it was the perfect trading place.

“There will definitely be a transaction there this time too.”

“Then it would be a good idea to select someone to participate in the duel in the arena.”

Raon quenched his appetite while looking at Denning Rose.

“As expected, it’s comfortable to talk to Raon.”

Denning Rose sighed and nodded.

“Holam’s arena is a place where you fight with pure physical strength without aurors, so it will be easy to intervene. Still, suspicion may arise, so it would be better if only a few people participate.”

She held up her finger, saying it would be best to have only two or three people in.

“First, I participate, and the other one….”

“The more attention it gets, the better. “Because it can take their attention when they are doing business.”

When Raon looked back at the Gwangpungdae, Denning Rose rolled her eyes, saying that it would be better to distract the floor leader and the sword owner.

“Because he is a person who will attract a lot of attention…”


Raon and Denning Rose’s eyes were focused on one person at the same time.

“huh? “Why are you looking at me?”

Martha furrowed her brows deeply.


Hollam’s arena pursues the collision of bodies with bodies.

Because it was a clash of pure power that discarded weapons and auras, most of the participants were men and had lived rough lives.

A young woman with flowing red hair entered this sanctuary of beasts.

“What is that….”

“Sigh, the water in the arena is dirty these days.”

“Not to mention being a woman, you’re too small! “It won’t even take a bite!”

“Isn’t the bar here? “I took the wrong route!”

The players in the waiting room laughed and openly mocked the red-faced woman.


The red-haired woman headed inside with calm steps, as if she didn’t care about the teasing and ridicule.


A middle-aged man with deep knife marks on his upper body blocked the way of the woman who had been caught.

“This is no place for a bitch. “Go out and make snacks and pour drinks.”

He thrust his bony fist into the woman’s face and smiled, baring his teeth.

The other players also burst into laughter as if they were enjoying this situation.

“snack? “Is it okay to eat this?”

The red-haired woman rolled up the corners of her mouth and bit the middle-aged giant’s fist.


The teeth and jaw were so strong that the bones that had been struck by the giant’s fist were pulled out. A bloody amount of blood poured from his hands.


The middle-aged man screamed and rolled on the floor, clutching his torn fist.


The red-haired woman spit out the bone she was holding in her lips and cast her bright yellow gaze.

“Aren’t you going to get out of the way? “Can you take out those eyes too?”


The middle-aged giant trembled, closed his eyes, and stepped back.

“You bastards.”

The woman who was caught laughed at the quiet waiting room and took a seat in the very back.

‘I ordered it, but…’

Raon, who was watching from behind, trembled with his lips.

‘He’s so good at it?’

-Woah, it’s scary….

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The Reincarnated Assassin is a Genius Swordsman

The Reincarnated Assassin is a Genius Swordsman

Score 8
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: , Released: 2021 Native Language: Korean
I was a chained dog in my past life. I didn’t remember my parents and I lived an emotionless life; like a tool. That life ended with my master horrifically killing me. I thought that was the end of my life. But when I opened my eyes again, I was born as the youngest child of the continent’s most powerful family. For both revenge and those who treasure me in my new life, I wielded the sword instead of the dagger.


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