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The Reincarnated Assassin is a Genius Swordsman Chapter 862

Episode 862.

“No way!”

Shi Yan pounded her fists in the air in frustration and then slumped to the spot, her eyes filled with irritation and bewilderment instead of tears.

“Why aren’t you dropping like a stonefly, you idiot!”

Shi Yan used his spirit power to tap on the True Soul Sword, begging her to come out, but Limerre didn’t even reveal a hair of her soul, as if she would never come out.


Sterin muttered in vain as he stared at the strongly vibrating True Soul Sword.

“A man of integrity turned into a bastard….”

He shook his head at the ruin of Remer’s character.

“He wasn’t even normal to begin with.”

Erian clicked his tongue briefly.

“The man who was supposed to be the head of the Guardians followed a human out of the forest, so he was insane to begin with.”

He rolled his eyes at the absurdity of it all.

“I don’t blame Remer for his stubbornness, though; there must be a reason.”

“I think so, too.”

Sterin nodded with a faint smile.

“After all, thanks to your visit to Siegfried, I know what kind of man my grandson is.”

He backed away, saying he trusted Remer.

“This is no time to laugh, either of you!”

Shiyan stomped her foot towards Sterin and Erian.


“Sin, sorry.”

Sterin and Erian hunched their shoulders in embarrassment at the angry Shi Yan.

“What’s wrong with Master remaining in the sword?”

Raon narrowed his eyes at the True Soul Sword.

“If you wish to remain in it of your own volition, perhaps we should leave it alone.”

“If it’s a normal sword, I don’t mind, but….”

Shi Yan let out a cloudy sigh.

“It’s not good for my brother to remain in the True Soul Sword.”

She looked at the world tree, its blue light fading, and shook her head.

“Is that because the True Soul Sword is an elemental sword?”

“That’s right.”

“Then you needn’t worry. As Shi Yan sensed, the spirits in the True Soul Sword are not evil.”

Laon shook his head as he gripped the True Soul Sword.

“Rather, they are pitiful.

The spirits of the True Soul Sword are very ordinary people who died to the White Blood Sect.

Even as demigods, they were reluctant to harm others and had helped him many times.

Seeing as how they had accepted Limer’s soul and sent him to the Netherworld, there was no way they could harm him this time.

“I know that.”

Shi Yan formed transparent droplets of water on his palm.

“Then why….”

“Because even if you’re good, you’re still an original spirit.”

The droplet that rose from her grasp erected dozens of spines like a chestnut.

“Yuan spirits are those poor souls who couldn’t leave this world due to resentment. They basically have a negative energy, which causes them to harm other souls even if they don’t want to.”

Shi Yan let out a short sigh and gripped the water sword.

“It’s the same reason why a super-sized monster with an attribute will harm people regardless of their will.”


Hearing Shi Yan’s words, I remembered the Red Dragon Turtle that had consumed the earth’s energy when it received the Water Sword from Balkan.

“On the other hand, my brother’s soul is pure, and just like Laon said, he doesn’t have any regrets, so as long as he comes out as he is, he can return to mana with the blessing of the World Tree.”

She clasped her hands together and looked at the World Tree.

“It’s certainly good that you’re comforting the spirits, but if this continues, it will cause problems for my own soul.”

Shi Yan’s fingertips trembled as he said he was worried about that.

“Do you think Master knows that?”

Laon swallowed dryly and bent his upper body forward.

“That’s right, talk to the damned vice master, he might hurt your soul, come out!”

Marta raised her voice, urging him to speak up.

“You’re right. If you tell him he’s unexpectedly strict and it’s dangerous, he might come out!”

Buren said, crouching down to ask.


Lu Nan also hurried over to Shi Yan, her piercing eyes turbulent with worry.

“That, that’s not possible….”

Shi Yan bit her red lips tightly.

“Even I can’t talk to spirits.”

She shook her head, explaining that she was only using her elemental powers to draw out Limer’s soul, not to talk to it like a shaman or priest.

“And you won’t be able to tell, either, because you’ll feel the soul change like black paint dripping onto white canvas.”

Shi Yan sighed, feeling even more confused.


Raon frowned and looked down at the True Soul Sword.


Why is it still in the soulblade?

Remer had left him with a will to be happy, to let go of all his sorrows, so his current state made no sense.

‘To appease the spirits of the True Soul Sword?

That was the only thing that came to mind at the moment.

This Limerick was more kind-hearted than he seemed, and he thought of others before himself.

“Master Shi Yan. Do you have any idea why your master is staying with that sword?”

“I’m not sure, but if I had to guess, the first one is… just for fun?”

Shi Yan let out a wry laugh, as if he couldn’t believe he was saying it.

“It’s possible.”

Marta nodded, thinking it seemed very likely.

“The second reason is, as I said at the beginning, to comfort the spirits.”

Shi Yan stroked the hilt of his true soul sword.

“I think that’s right, my lord, you’re a kind-hearted man….”

Dorian snorted, as if that was the only reason.

“And the last one is….”

Shi Yan looked at Raon, then at the clown.

“Because I want to be with the clown for a little bit….”

She rolled her eyes, not sure if this would be the biggest one.



“Lord Lieutenant….”

The jester swordsmen scrunched their foreheads together, or let out a dull sigh, revealing a wistful look in their eyes.

“I suppose so.

Raon nodded as he held the sobbing infant’s shoulder.

‘But it won’t be just that.’

Limerick was about to leave the troupe, and he gave himself a little speech about clearing the air.

It was unlikely that he would defy the laws of nature just to be with the troupe.

‘Is there something wrong with your soul already….’

-I hope not.

Rath shook his head calmly.

-The soul of an earwig is as strong as its spirit. It will be fine for a while.

“Then why is he doing this?

-Maybe he wants to stay with you a little longer, as his brother says. Or….

His eyes narrowed as he studied the sword.

-Maybe he’s feeling something that only spirits can see.

“Something only the soul can see?

-Yes, for the soul has another set of eyes.

Rath shook his head, suggesting that Limer might have seen something different from them and remained in the True Soul Sword.

“For now, I think we should call it a day.”

Sterin shook his head as he watched the sun rise in the sky.

Perhaps another time, now that the World Tree’s aura had subsided.

“Mmm. Okay…..”

Raon grinned and gripped his True Soul Sword.

He put it in its sheath and was about to leave the sanctuary when it crackled and vibrated as if it didn’t want to go in.

“Does it mean it wants to stay here?

There was no other reason for the sudden sound of the sword.

“Over there….”

Raon called to Sterin and Shiyan, who were heading out.

“Do you mind if I leave the True Soul Sword here for a while, and I’ll stay with you, just in case.”

Remer inclined his head, indicating that he wanted to stay by the World Tree.

“Mhm, by all means. Shiyan, you stay with her.”

“What? Ah, yes!”

Shi Yan’s eyes widened in surprise at the sudden instruction.


She covered her face with her hair, as if her embarrassment had resurfaced as soon as she made eye contact with Raon.

“I’ll see you later, then.”

Sterin waved her hand lightly, and then she and the minstrels walked out of the sanctuary.

“Let’s get some rest.”

Raon smiled faintly and leaned back against the World Tree.

“Ah, ah, yes….”

Shiyan settled down beside him, her face covered in a vivid blond that seemed to melt the sun.

I was a little relieved to see that she seemed to have reverted to the shy girl I had seen when I first came to Seifia.

“Hey, Raon-sama. Can I ask you a question?”

“Yes. Go ahead.”

Raon looked at Shi Yan and nodded. Judging from the seriousness in his eyes through his hair, he was about to say something important about Remer.

“I’m getting a little more attached to her.

Perhaps it was because he now had a sister, Sia, and he wanted to take better care of Shiyan after the loss of his brother.

Shi Yan’s mouth slowly opened as he was about to answer.

“What kind of sword technique did you use to cut the Second Apostle into the Sun Sword to retrieve the soul stones?”

Shi Yan was embarrassed, and suddenly brought up the incident where he had slashed the Second Apostle.

“What? Ah, I didn’t slash him with a single sword,” he said as if it was a simple catch, but it wasn’t easy, one slight misstep and I could have been killed….”

“You were cut by a single sword! What kind of sword technique was it?”

“No, not that one….”

“One sword!”


Laon’s chin trembled. It seemed that Shi Yan’s mind had already decided that he had slashed the Second Apostle with a single sword. Ensia had indeed taught him well.

“Well, then, to the Red Island….”

Shi Yan was giving me a look that said I’ve already made up my mind, you just have to answer, so I couldn’t help but pull out my personal favourite sword technique.

“With blood on your cheeks and the back of your hand, and a glint of excellence in your eyes, you used the Red Island, right? …Ah!”

Shi Yan said in approval and began to make a new entry in his book.


Raon’s eyes, which had been friendly as he looked at Shi Yan, turned cold.


Rath looked at Shi Yan and shook his head.

-There are no normal girls around you.

He shook his head, not expecting that shy girl to change when he was writing the book.

“Eh, I don’t know.”

Raon sighed and sat down on the floor. Seeing Shi Yan relax a little, he felt a little better.

A tap.

He rested his head on his hand and placed the True Soul Sword he was holding on the root of the World Tree.

“Now you’re still.

As if satisfied that it hadn’t left the World Tree, the True Soul Sword stopped glowing and trembling, and remained as still as death.

“But why do you want to stay here?

As I scratched my head, trying to figure out why, the red blade of the True Soul Sword seemed to shimmer with blue light.

“No, it’s not what you see.

I’m taking in the natural energy from the World Tree.

Like a small bowl catching rainwater, the natural energy from the World Water was falling onto the True Soul Sword.

“Shi Yan!”

Laon called out to Shi Yan, who was frantically writing.

“What? Ah, yes, what else do you have to say?”

Shi Yan nodded, his eyes squinting like a rabbit’s.

“Do you think that the mana from the World Tree can suppress the negative aura of the spirits in the True Soul Sword?”

“What? Uh, that’s….”

She trailed her finger down to the soulblade.

“Go, it’s possible, no, I think so?”

Shi Yan dropped the pen he was holding and nodded.

“You think that the original soul is just a spirit that only harms others, but it’s actually different.”


“Ordinary spirits don’t become powerful by holding a grudge because they died, they become powerful because they killed their own existence.”

She bit her lip, realising that the souls in the True Soul Sword were probably still suffering terribly even now.

“So, then, Master is….”

“Yes. I think he wants to stay in the sword and be near the World Tree to ease the suffering of the spirits a little.”

Shi Yan shook his hands as he said that it was obvious.

“Big brother….”

She finally couldn’t help herself and dripped blue water droplets onto the book filled with letters.

-Bastard. You’re doing cool things you never did in life.

Rath nodded loudly, as if proud of himself.

‘Of course….’

Raon laughed softly, feeling the breeze of the World Tree that Limerick had caused.

“I don’t know why you’re cooler now that you’re gone.

* * *

Raon placed the True Soul Sword next to the World Tree and went to see Sterin.

He told him why Remer had remained in the True Soul Sword.

“I see….”

Sterin brushed a stray strand of grey hair from his forehead.

“It’s just like him to have a big heart, even in death.”

Despite his blunt words, he smiled a deep smile, as if proud of his grandson.

“That’s right.”

Raon gave a small laugh and nodded.

“It’s just like your master.”

As I learned later, Limerre would also visit swordsmen who had not yet become full trainees at the Fifth Training Grounds to comfort them and see them on their way out.

He was such a compassionate man, it seemed he wanted to ease the suffering of the spirits even now.

“I think the spirits will come out on their own once their wounds have healed a bit.”

“Then we’ll have to wait a while.”

Sterin nodded in agreement.

“Oh, and by the way, I’m late because I’m in a hurry.”

Raon unsheathed Remer’s sword from his waist and held it out to Sterin.

“I was told that your sword was a Sephirothian relic, so I brought it to return it. Thank you for your service.”

Sterin thanked him sincerely and bowed his head.


Sterin stared at Remer’s sword, then shook his head.

“For now, the Sword of the Realm is in Seifia’s holy grounds, so you may keep it for a while, and….”

He rose slowly from his chair.

“On the other hand, there is something I wish to give you.”

He motioned for Sterin to follow him out the door.

“Something you want to give me?

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The Reincarnated Assassin is a Genius Swordsman

The Reincarnated Assassin is a Genius Swordsman

Score 8
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: , Released: 2021 Native Language: Korean
I was a chained dog in my past life. I didn’t remember my parents and I lived an emotionless life; like a tool. That life ended with my master horrifically killing me. I thought that was the end of my life. But when I opened my eyes again, I was born as the youngest child of the continent’s most powerful family. For both revenge and those who treasure me in my new life, I wielded the sword instead of the dagger.


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