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The Reincarnated Assassin is a Genius Swordsman Chapter 864

Episode 864.

“A Dragon Called the Orchestrator of the World….”

Sterin’s brow furrowed deeply as he looked at the flames and poisonous energy burning throughout the Great Forest.

“How could they use such a dastardly trick!”

“To orchestrate it.”

The dragon waved a hand lazily at the burning boreal forest.


Sterin shouted the dragon’s name in anger.

“Do not call my name with your insignificant snout. You may be a High Elf, but you are nothing more than a worm now that you have ignored our warnings.”

Matirus dusted his hands off, looking at the bug as if it really were a bug.

“Why on earth would you do this!”

Sterin glared at him, his eyes fierce.

“Don’t hang on to this charade of attunement, tell me the truth!”

“Raon Sieghardt.”

Raon’s name was dragged from Mathirus’s mouth.

“Since your acceptance of Siegfried, the enemy of the dragons, into Seifia means you have no intention of listening to us, I have no choice but to do the same.”

He shook his head, acknowledging that the elves had started the fight.

“Raon only brought my grandson’s artefact, the child had no influence on my decision!”

Sterin threw up his hands in disbelief.

“…It doesn’t matter why now. The Sieghearts are a group that must be destroyed for the good of this continent.”

Matthirus turned away hastily. Sterin’s brow furrowed at his casual dismissal of anything that went against him.

“Orchestrator? Guardian? What a load of bollocks.”

Sterin gritted his teeth as he stared at the burning boreal forest.

“Just as Raon told me, a filthy manipulator.”

He lifted the bow strapped to his back, echoing Raon’s words.

“You’ve been tainted by human filth after all.”

Matirus nodded, as if he’d known it was coming. It was like watching a cult member go mad.

“Your choice is wrong.”

Sterin narrowed his eyes at the protest.

“The Raon Siegfried you fear will not stand idly by.”

“I’m not afraid, I’m just dirty. And you are very much mistaken.”

Matthilus sneered and shook his head.


“I’m not the only dragon here.”

He spread out his hands as if to say that today Seifia would be erased from the world.

“You think I’m going to stand by and watch that happen!”

The blue light of his conviction flickered over the arrow Sterin held.

“Do you think you can do it with that old flesh?”

Matirus sneered, a golden glow rising above his grip.

“It’s not my body that’s old and diseased, it’s your souls!”

Sterin yanked on the bowstring with a gulp of determination, as if he would never back down.


* * *

Raon stood up from the bed, his eyes still closed.

He had hoped to get some sleep after the battle with Sterin, but he could feel the ominous mana approaching Seifia.

-I can’t believe I can sense that distance in my sleep….

Rath let out a long yawn and cleared his throat.

-I suppose it’s safe to say that I’ve definitely reached transcendence now.

I guess I wasn’t wrong after all.

Raon looked out the window and let out a short sigh.

‘It’s not just one or two. Monsters, but not the usual kind.’

Most of them were monsters, but they had a stronger aura than those found in the wild. There seemed to be several Masters, too.

Raon picked up his blade and Remer’s sword from where they had been leaning against the wall and strode out of the inn.

The elves were still enjoying the lazy dawn, seemingly unaware of the outside world.

“Eh, Master. If you’ve been training all night, why are you out already?”

Dorian, who was rubbing his eyes and eating a snack, shook his head.

“You must be tired after training with the Guardian, so you should probably get some more rest.”

Erian, preparing for his shift, nodded, agreeing that more sleep would be a good idea.

“The enemy is coming.”

Raon frowned as he tucked his Celestial Sword and Remer’s Leaf Sword into his belt.

“What? Enemies….?”

Erian’s eyes narrowed in confusion.

“There’s an army of monsters moving in the boreal forest, and they’re moving very fast. I think they must have travelled through space.”

“No, but then the Guardians would have heard the news….”

“I think they already have, I don’t sense any sign of the elves outside.”

Raon bit his lip. He scanned the monsters for any sign of the elves, but they were nowhere to be found.

It was as if they knew the geography of the place and had taken care of the hiding Guardians first.

“Raon was right!”

Shiyan ran up to Raon, still wrapped in his blanket.

“The spirits told me the forest is falling apart!”

Her lips trembled as she continued to describe the growing number of monsters.

“That, that….”

As Erian blinked in surprise, flames and thunderbolts began to erupt from all corners of the Great Forest. These were special monsters that could use magic.

“Get ready. We don’t have much time.”

Raon gripped his sword as he watched the boreal forest become engulfed in flames.

“Got it!”

Erian wiped the panic from his face, having been through similar things before, and ran back to the Guardians’ quarters.

“I, I’ll call for the minstrels too!”

Dorian nodded vigorously and ran back to the quarters where the jester was sleeping.

“Gee, is he going to be okay?”

Shi Yan’s eyes fluttered open from under the covers in concern.

“It’ll be fine.”

Raon nodded, trying to reassure her.

“And the Guardian… Ah.”

She opened her mouth to say something about Sterin, but closed it.

“You’re fighting outside, not in Seifia?

I could sense Sterin’s presence in the northern boreal forest, even though he should be in Seifia.

His aura was fluctuating wildly, as if he was fighting someone with all his might.

“Ha, Grandpa….”

Shi Yan’s hand gripping the quilt trembled as he too felt the shockwave that had travelled all the way here and sensed that Citerin was fighting.

“He’ll be fine, he’s still alive.”

Despite his calm words, worry crept into his voice; he must be exhausted from his nightly duel with himself.

“I have to stop this.

Even with Sterin outside, Sephiroth’s defences are far from secure.

There must be other attacks besides monsters, so she had to stay here and protect the elves.


As Shi Yan let out a worried sigh, the troupe and the Guardians gathered in the centre of the village.

“Overlord. What’s going on?”

Buren lowered his eyebrows as he looked at the sky filled with black smoke.

“Monsters, really?”

Marta wrinkled the bridge of her nose, wondering where in the world monsters had popped up in the boreal forest.


Lunan was showing a rare flash of anger, as if he was angry at being woken from a good night’s sleep.

“As you can see, monsters are attacking. They’re not just any monsters, though. They’re moving in formation, like a trained army.”

The monsters approaching Seifia were not moving in a wild, uncoordinated fashion, but were methodically chopping down the forest as if under someone’s direction.

They had to decide on a direction of movement, as pushing forward as usual would have left them open to attack.

“Group one, go south, group two, go west, group three, go east, and make sure the monsters don’t take a single step into this village.”


At Raon’s command, the clown swordsmen let out a roar so loud it blew the flames away.

“Good, because I was already sore.”

Marta grinned, hoping it would be a good warm-up before breakfast.

“Don’t take it too easy on yourself. It could be dangerous.”

Buren warned the inspectors, making them both nervous and confident.


Lunan raised a wall of cold air, blocking out the heat coming towards Sephiroth, even as his sleepless anger showed.

“Then what are you doing, High Lord, you’re not just sending us to rest here….”

“Shut up and move!”

Marta slapped the crane’s snout and followed the Guardian as it moved south.

“We’re leaving too!”

“Follow me….”

Beren and Lunan followed, intent on splitting up once they got to the south, where the most monsters were coming from.

“I feel something ominous….”

Shi Yan bit his finger and shook his shoulders.

“Nothing’s going to happen.”

Raon shook his head, grabbing Shiyan’s shoulder where it was covered by the duvet.

“I’ll stop everything.”

* * *


A group of black orcs rushed towards them, accompanied by an ogre in iron armour.

Wild monsters that should normally fight each other were charging in unison.

“Just as the Overlord said.”

Marta snorted and twisted her wrist around her sword.

“These are no ordinary creatures.”

The black orcs and ogres here were larger than the ones she’d seen before, and they had a strong fighting spirit.

They were not monsters of the calibre you’d find in the wild, not just in terms of their jinn, but also in terms of their individual strength.

“Not that it matters to me, of course, Team 1 charge!”

At Marta’s shout, a trillion swordsmen followed behind her, forming sword-like forms. It was a charging blast.


Marta’s charge with the power of the Lightning Blast turned all the Black Orcs that had been charging at her into a puddle of blood.

“I can’t even digest this?”

Marta snorted as she turned to face an ogre coming from her left.


A scarlet fireball rained down on her head.


It was the spell of a Black Orc mage hiding behind the horde.


The Black Orc mage tried to burst a fireball over Marta’s head, but his spell was short-lived.


Lunan’s frost blade, which had suddenly appeared, sliced through the Black Orc mage’s throat.

“I don’t need your help.”

Marta frowned at Lunan.

“Besides, you’re west!”

She waved her hand in the air, telling him to go away quickly.

“You’re not even being honest.”

Lunan clicked his tongue and shook his head.

“Save your pranks for later, focus on the battle for now.”

Beren shook his head as he slashed at the ogre in Marta’s place.

“No, why are you all stealing my food!”

Marta gritted her teeth in exasperation.


Erian snorted at the sight.

“Wasn’t Raon-sama the only one special?”

He shook his head, as if he hadn’t realised how much power the young clown had.

“We’ll have to split up now. Keep your mind….”

He was about to say one last nagging word when Beren moved westward.


The ash cloud that obscured the sky parted, revealing a giant black dragon that threatened to cover the Great Forest.


Black poison gathered from the Black Dragon’s maw and began to cascade down towards Seifia.

It was the Black Dragon’s most powerful weapon, the Poisonous Breath.

The atmosphere warped with the venomous toxicity of its breath, and the trees and bushes that made up Seafia began to wither and die.


The venomous breath had such a wide range that it was already falling over the heads of the clowns and Guardians who had left Seifia.


“I can’t stop that!”

“This is it….”

As the jesters and elves were despairing at the sight of the Dragon’s Breath, which could only be considered a natural disaster, golden flames erupted from the centre of Seifia.


A blade that sliced through the sky.

With a crimson strike that burned away the venom, Raon ascended to the heavens.

* * *

Raon could feel the monsters’ refined movements and knew the enemy was one of two things.

“Dragon or Eden.

The Guardians that Dragons raise to protect Rares are stronger than normal monsters, but they move in the orderly fashion of soldiers.

Eden, too, has the power to control monsters, which is enough to create the current phenomenon.

“Except this one is a dragon.

They’d seen a dragon in the boreal forest, and Erian didn’t want to talk about it.

Judging from the situation, it was clear that something was wrong between Sephiroth and the dragon.

“Shi Yan, have you ever seen a dragon before….”

Just as he was about to ask Shi Yan about the dragon, he could feel a terrifying mana converging in the sky behind the dark clouds.


It was a typical phenomenon when a dragon concentrated its mana to exhale.


Without hesitation, Laon thrust the Heavenly Sword and Limerick Sword into Seifia’s earth.

Sword Realm God Divine Harmony Bond.

Since the dragon’s aura was no longer beneath him, he opened the sword realm from the beginning and struck the earth.

Qi Yi Profit!

As he soared into the sky with his divine and demonic swords forged from the sun and moon, he saw a black dragon that melted the clouds and poured out venomous breath.

It was smaller than the golden dragon I’d seen on my way here, but it was clearly a great dragon.

-All of them! Swing your sword as if you’re going to erase all the poison that’s spreading!

That’s the only way to stop the poison, Rath advised.

“I understand!

Raon thrust himself into the venomous breath that spread out like a peacock’s wings, creating a polarising kaleidoscope.

Raon Sigthartru Swordstyle.

Type 7 Void Slash.

The blade of the red-hot divine sword sliced through the poisonous space.


The venomous breath that was about to engulf Sephiroth and the Great Forest was sucked into the crack.


Pushing the venomous breath into the crack didn’t reduce the pressure on him.

His shoulders were crushed and his flesh felt like it was bursting open under the sheer force of the Breath. It was indeed the dragon’s greatest weapon.

But if he stopped the blade here, the remaining poison would kill both the elf and the jester swordsman. It had to be stopped at all costs.

Qi Yi Ying!

Raon gritted his teeth and swung his divine sword as far as he could along the distant horizon.

The venomous breath failed to reach Seifia and was sucked into the crack, sinking into the flames.

[What the hell….]

The Black Dragon twitched its massive snout, as if it had never imagined that a single human sword could extinguish its poisonous breath.

‘Rath. I take back what I said yesterday.’

Raon’s crimson eyes glowed with blue fury.

“I’ll let you have that whole roasted dragon you’ve been wanting.

-Doge will season it, it’ll be salty!

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The Reincarnated Assassin is a Genius Swordsman

The Reincarnated Assassin is a Genius Swordsman

Score 8
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: , Released: 2021 Native Language: Korean
I was a chained dog in my past life. I didn’t remember my parents and I lived an emotionless life; like a tool. That life ended with my master horrifically killing me. I thought that was the end of my life. But when I opened my eyes again, I was born as the youngest child of the continent’s most powerful family. For both revenge and those who treasure me in my new life, I wielded the sword instead of the dagger.


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