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The Reincarnated Assassin is a Genius Swordsman Chapter 871

Episode 871.


Raon chuckled to himself as he looked at the sheet of gold bars that filled the entire floor of the Rare.

“This is why it feels like there’s no empty space.

With the ground beneath him covered in gold bars, it was no wonder he couldn’t find any hidden treasures with his senses.

‘It’s ridiculous to sleep on a bed of gold bars….

People and vessels are different.

Even though he had amassed enough riches to last him a lifetime, he could only pale into insignificance in the face of Matthilus’s golden bed. He was literally a firefly in the moonlight.


Marta gasped at the gold bars.

“This whole floor is gold? How much did they pile up?”

She scrunched up her face, saying she had no idea.

“I never thought I’d see the mountains of gold bars I’ve only heard about. I can’t even begin to calculate how much it’s worth….”

Beren gulped as he grabbed a gold bar the size of his forearm. Even he, who usually looked at riches like stones, seemed surprised.

“How many ice cream cones is this worth?”

Lunan didn’t seem to care about the gold bar itself, only the ice cream. He hadn’t eaten in days, and he seemed to miss it a lot.

“Ah, it’s not just a few ice creams, it’s enough to buy an entire continent’s worth of ice cream shops!”

Crane shook his head at the unimaginable sum.

-King Grimon, though it’s hard to imagine him saying this….

Rath shook his head, looking back at Lunan.

-Isn’t the ice-cream girl a bit weird?


He smirked, amused that he knew that now.


Dorian let out a grotesque laugh as he looked at the sheet of gold bars he had found.

“Supply, supply of money, I can fill it with anything!”

He began juggling with the three gold bars, his eyes half-lidded.

“Why, why, you’re all crazy!”

Crane muttered that there was nothing sane about the clown, and pressed closer to the wall.


Raon approached Bobor, the goblin known as the Guardian of Mathirus, holding a gold bar larger than his head as a club.

“Now, how about an explanation?”

Bobor laughed eerily, as if to say anything else would make the gold bar sit still.

“I, stir….”

Vovor’s eyes rolled from side to side, then he fell to his knees.


He immediately bowed his head, admitting fault. I was going to crack his skull open if he didn’t admit it, but he was a quick thinker.

“Where are the gold bars laid down, anyway?”

“It’s all over this room where you, Matthirus, are sleeping.”

Vovor blurted out the answer, already terrified.

“All over this space….”

Raon whistled, looking at the unbroken floor.

If Vovor was telling the truth, there were gold bars at the entrance as well. A smile tugged at the corners of his mouth at the prospect of an unexpected harvest.

“Anything else?”

He tossed a gold bar into the air, caught it, and shook his head.


Vovor swallowed dryly, meeting Raon’s eyes.

“So, you think you can fool me?

Naturally, it wasn’t just gold bars that were piled up in this rare.

Jewels and treasures were also hidden, but he did not want to hand over his riches to the man who had killed Mathirus.

“I, I’m….”

Vovor threw up his hands, looking as pitiful as he could.

“I can smell it, and it’s not just these gold bars!”

The green-haired human flared his nostrils and began sniffing here and there.

“That one!

The chubby green-haired human was the monster who had found the gold bars on the floor that the scary blonde hadn’t.

When I saw his twisted eyes, my heart began to beat like it was going to rip out of my chest.

“It’s not the floor….”

The green-haired human began to search the ground, sniffing like a dog and backing up against the wall.

His nostrils began to nudge closer to Matirus’ secret compartment.

“It must be this way….”


Dorian’s eyes flared, and a chill ran down Vovor’s spine.

“There, there!”

Bobor swung his short legs and pointed ahead of Dorian to Matirus’s warehouse.

“That’s the lizardman’s warehouse!”

The survivalist goblin was quicker than anyone else.

“Master, are you sure this is the right place?”

Dorian nodded vigorously, looking at the wall Vovor had pointed to. He paused for a long moment, changing the way he addressed Raon.

-Well, the purse is scared today, too, for its eyes are back!

Rath’s shoulders shook, as if for the first time he was afraid of Dorian.

‘Me too….’

Raon swallowed dryly, his eyes closing and opening.

“The word lizard saved your life.”

“Oh, yeah!”

I looked past Vovor to the wall he pointed to.

“This side is full, too.

I didn’t notice anything out of the ordinary, as the space behind the warehouse wall was also full.

“How did you find this place?”

I gestured to Dorian in disbelief.

“I smell it. The smell of food!”

Dorian mumbled something unintelligible about smelling supplies.

Perhaps his mind had awakened the wrong senses.


Raon shook his head, then raised his fist and slammed it against the wall.


His physical abilities had grown to the point of excess, so he didn’t have to exert much force, but the entire wall of Rare collapsed.


Colourful gems rained down from behind the rubble of the wall. The gems fell on top of the gold bars and emitted even more brilliant light.

“Bo, did the gems really fill the wall?”

“That’s ridiculous, the dragon was greedy.”

Marta and Buren chuckled, not expecting it to be this bad.

“And swords and weapons?”

Lunan’s eyes twinkled at the armoury, though he had no interest in jewels and bullion.

“You grabbed a poo-pod, and it turns out it’s just a lizard, no more than a crow.”

Crane kicked the gold bar and muttered something about it being terrible.

“Oooh, is this gemstone the supposedly lost Valax? These are no ordinary emeralds either, they are the work of a dwarf!”

Dorian exhaled harshly, describing the gem that no one had asked for.

“If it’s this good….”

Raon narrowed his eyes at the gold bars on the floor and the waves of gems spilling over them.

“I suppose we don’t have to worry about war supplies?

Continental craftsmen, and dwarves in general, were not driven by money, but this much money would buy them pride.

‘Not just for the jester, but for all of Siegfried’s swordsmen, perhaps a sword made of dragon bone.

With the corpses of the three dragons and the funds in this Rare, it seemed possible.

“Great, great lord….”

Dorian drooled and looked at Raon, like an addict in withdrawal.

“…Take it.”


Raon snapped his fingers, and Dorian began pouring gold bars and gems into his belly pockets with glee.


Dorian laughed maniacally as he shoved the gems in.

“Are we supposed to leave him like that?”

“You’re crazy, that’s for sure….”


Dorian’s madness made even Marta take a step back.

“Ego, then….”

Raon smirked as he approached Vovor again.

“Where are the other warehouses?”

“Uh, there are none, this is it!”

Vovor exclaimed, and immediately dropped to his knees.


Raon twirled his finger as if to call Dorian.

“I’m telling you, you don’t have to call him!”

Vovor’s eyes fluttered, as if he was more afraid of Dorian than himself.


Raon smirked at the look in Vovor’s eyes. This was a different reaction. It seemed like the world really did end behind that wall.

“It would be strange if there was more here.

Even for a dragon, it’s not easy to hoard more riches than this. The goblin’s words seemed to be true.

“Then let me ask you something else.”

Raon locked eyes with Vovor and nodded.

“Yes? What….?”

“You know those dragons that raided Seifia with Mathirus this time?”

“Ah, yes. Zera Farette and Caberaburn.”

As if he had been waiting for it, Vovor revealed the names of the Black and Red Dragons.

As expected, they seemed to have connections to Matirus.

“I’ve heard that the Guardians also travel between friendly dragons, is that true?”

“Yes. They send or exchange things they don’t need, like treasure.”

He narrowed his eyes as if to ask how I knew.

“And you know where their rares are, then?”

Raon jerked his chin slightly.

“Of course I do… Ah!”

Vovor’s jaw twitched as if he’d finally caught Raon’s meaning.

“You’re going to eat more here?

You human, you’re greedier than a dragon!

* * *

Raon returned to Seifia after telling Vovor the location of the two Dragon Rares.

“Did you have a harvest?”

Sterin smiled thinly, as if asking if they had brought a good harvest.

“Yes. There was more than I expected.”

Raon said, pulling out his subspace pouch to show for his efforts.

“So I’m going to distribute them to Seafia as well….”


Sterin shook his head firmly.

“We do not know the value of gold and gems. You’d better take it and spend it.”

He shrugged, as if it would be worthless.

“I suppose so.”

Raon smiled weakly, lowering his chin.

“Then I’ll send you some weapons and armour made from dragon bone and scales, and I’m sure you’ll be fine with that?”

“Yes. Please.”

Sterin nodded, knowing that such gifts would be gratefully received.

“Oh, and I have sent a letter to the dwarf, so you will be contacted by Sigthardt. He’s a workaholic, so it may be a while before he gets back to me.”

He clicked his tongue, noting that Borgoth was not a good reader of letters in the first place.

“Yes. Thank you, and….”

Raon pulled a seven-coloured glowing sphere from his subspace pocket. It was the Dragon Heart he had obtained this time.

“Why is this….”

Sterin’s eyes widened as he wondered why Raon had taken out the Dragon Heart.

“I want to give it to the Guardian.”

Without the slightest hesitation, Raon held out the Dragon Heart to Sterin.

“Mmm, I can’t take it. You caught them all.”

Sterin bit his lip, thinking the gift too heavy for him to accept.

“I wouldn’t have been able to win if the Guardian hadn’t drained Matirus of his health, and besides….”

Raon looked at Sterin and gave him a gentle smile.

“You said you wanted to protect Sephiroth for a little while longer, and the mana in this Dragon Heart is no different from that of nature, so it will be a great help to you, Guardian.”

If Sterin could obtain the Dragon Heart, it would slow the rate at which his power was draining away.

He said he wanted to stay in this world a little longer, so I wanted to be of service to him.


Sterin looked at the Dragon Heart thoughtfully and let out a low groan.

“One more.”

Raon held up a finger.

“I want to cement the alliance between Siegfried and Seifia, and I want you to help us in our war.”

I bowed respectfully, saying please.


Sterin looked at Raon’s respectful bow and shook his old eyes.

“Help me, not fight with me….

This child is so different.

With the death of Mathirus in Seifia, it was now a situation where the elven race itself had become involved in the entire continent.

I was going to ask him to join us first, but Raon didn’t ask to fight, he asked to help.

Even in this situation, I felt a warmth in my heart at the thoughtfulness of his words.


Sterin finished, and took the Dragon Heart from Raon’s hand.

“Let us fight together. I will survive to the end and protect Sephiroth and you.”

He nodded heavily, promising to do what his grandson could not.

“Thank you.”

Raon laughed softly and adjusted the true soul sword at his waist.

-You’re really giving a dragon heart to an old geezer, such a waste?

“It’s not just sentimentality, it’s for our own good.

Sterin is one of the strongest of the Transcendents.

He outranks even the leaders of the neutral powers, and his mere presence in this world will help maintain the balance of power.

“And I will return this sword to you.”

Raon knelt down on one knee and handed Limer’s sword to Stein.

“No, you may keep it.”

Steyn shook his head dully.


“The sword looks better in your hand, and the Alliance needs proof, so I’d prefer that.”

He laughed, suggesting that the alliance would end the moment Remer’s sword was returned to Seifia.

“Then I’ll have to pass it down from generation to generation.”

Raon laughed as he sheathed his sword again.

“Generations? Are you finally thinking about joining me?”

One of the hamsters under the tree suddenly raised its hand in the air.


Lars jumped back, startled.

“Mer, Merlin….”

Raon breathed harshly, pressing a hand to his rapidly beating chest.

“I thought you’d disappeared, but here you are again….”

I tried to give him a signal to come out, but he wouldn’t listen.

“Yeah. I had work to do!”


“I’m investigating, but I’ll tell you later.”

Merlin shakes his head at the idea of later.

“Then why did you come out?”

“You and I are talking about our future, and of course I have to come out… Oh, sorry, I’ve got to go!”

Merlin chuckled and left the hamster’s body, leaving Sterin to officiate.

“Tsk, what a peculiar child.”

Sterin chuckled, not quite getting used to the idea.

“So am I.”

Raon nodded, then shook his head.

“Jonjal Raon bestowed the Dragon Heart upon the Elven Guardian and made him his servant….”

As soon as the tension eased, Shiyan’s voice came from behind him.

Hearing him talk nonsense about taking his grandfather as a servant made my heart leap even more than seeing Merlin.

“Uh, can we leave that thing alone?”

“I, I can’t control it anymore….”

Sterin shook her head, finding it increasingly difficult to deal with her granddaughter.

“Let’s leave her alone and get this mess sorted out. Once we’ve distributed the dragon carcasses as you said, how are we going to get them back?”

Sterin lowered his eyebrows, noting that the dragons were too large to be easy to move.

“We’ll need dozens of mages.”

“I’m still not convinced….”

Raon shook his head and turned to Dorian.

“Are you sure you can do it?”

“Of course!”

Dorian nodded and walked over to the dragon carcass lying behind Sterin.

It wasn’t long before all three dragons’ bones, teeth, and scales were in his belly pouch.

“Wow, it’s all in there. Where the hell is the end of that pouch?”

-That’s not a pocket, that’s a warehouse, an infinite warehouse!


“Good. I feel full!”

To the astonishment of the three Transcendents, Dorian patted his belly and smiled happily.

Naturally, the biography of Raon Sieghardt was inscribed.

“Raon Sieghard was the god of supply….”

* * * *

Raon and the jester left Seifia and returned to Siegthard.

With so much to carry and so much to report, there was no time to waste.

“You’ve come.”

Foreign Chancellor Illiun nodded thinly.

“I hear you’ve captured three dragons, is that true?”

“Yes. Somehow.”

Raon smiled and nodded.

“Every time you go out, you come back with a new achievement, so there’s no one to keep up with you.”

Eliun muttered something about being bored and smirked.

“Go inside. Your master is waiting for you.”

He held the outer door open for her, telling her to go straight to Gaju.

“Thank you.”

Raon gave a polite bow to Illyoun and the outer court swordsmen, then started up the path to the main building.

“Can you take on three dragons at once?”

“And two of them are supposed to be great dragons?”

“How long have you been in the Transcendent Realm, and you’ve already reached that level?”

“You’ve always done things that don’t make sense, but this one is so amazing, I can hardly believe it.”

The prosecutors lining the boulevard talked non-stop, as if it were an astonishing feat.

“There used to be a lot of swearing, but now I don’t hear any.”

Crane smiles with satisfaction at their expectant stares.

“Of course you don’t. No one would swear at a transcendent.”

Marta snorted in disbelief.

“We shouldn’t care what others think of us. A frenzy is a frenzy, then and now.”

Raon told the jester to boost his self-esteem and went back into the kitchen.

As if the story had been told beforehand, the door to the real world was wide open, and a cadre of officers stood before a white pillar.


Raon exhaled calmly, stepped onto the red carpet, and entered the realm.

He made sure the minstrels had all followed him in, then knelt and bowed towards the throne where Glenn sat.

“My lord,” he said.

“I see you, my lord!”


Glenn’s words were heard from the dais as he finished his salute with the jester.

His voice was thin and shaky, as if he was nervous.

“Oh, yeah….”

I looked up, thinking it was strange, and saw Glenn’s mouth twitching for the first time in a long time.

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The Reincarnated Assassin is a Genius Swordsman

The Reincarnated Assassin is a Genius Swordsman

Score 8
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: , Released: 2021 Native Language: Korean
I was a chained dog in my past life. I didn’t remember my parents and I lived an emotionless life; like a tool. That life ended with my master horrifically killing me. I thought that was the end of my life. But when I opened my eyes again, I was born as the youngest child of the continent’s most powerful family. For both revenge and those who treasure me in my new life, I wielded the sword instead of the dagger.


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