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The Reincarnated Assassin is a Genius Swordsman Chapter 883

Episode 883

“There must be some old, high-level swordsmanship books in the Hyeonmujeon too.”

Martha nodded, saying that she should go back to her family and look for the book of Muhak.

“Yes, me too…”

Runaan also blinked, saying he would take the Slyon family’s swordsmanship book.

-There is no need for a swordsmanship book as kindling! Just bring some delicious food from your family!

Lars was shaking his head up and down, saying he was going crazy and jumping up and down.

“Hey, are you dancing?”

Burren opened his eyes wide as he watched the struggling Lass.

“Is it that good?”

He laughed loudly, saying that he had to bring all the swordsmanship books he could.

-Your eyes are bastard! Have you really become blind? Any way you look at it, this is a dance!

Lars cried out in anger, asking why he couldn’t understand.

-I’m going crazy! The others are too innocent to deal with the greatest conman in the dimension!

The guy beat his chest, asking why there were only fools around him.

‘Calm down. I told you to bring the swordsmanship book for me.’

Raon tapped Lars’ red-hot shoulder.

-What nonsense are you talking about! You were trying to take advantage of the situation!

Lass ground his teeth, saying, “Stop talking nonsense.”

‘Think about it. Those guys were so nervous that they were shaking their hands after hearing that you were the Demon King. But···’

Raon narrowed his eyes as he looked down at Las.

‘As soon as you meet that great demon king, ‘Offer food to the real king!’ If you keep doing this, your dignity will be completely lost… I have upheld the value of the name Lord of Fury…’

He lifted his chin and told me to think carefully.

-Joe, isn’t that a bit like that?

‘That’s right! You, the human king I met for negotiations likes food, so bring me food from all over the demon world and offer it to me! What do you think?’

-Do you think it’s delicious?

‘No! ‘I’m disappointed… I hear insectivores who can’t tell when and where they are!’

Raon persuaded him by saying that he had truly saved the Demon King’s dignity.

‘Besides, you don’t have to get food from other kids. I told you that I’d let you eat whatever you want for a week after you return. Oh, okay. Fine. I’ll extend it to ten days.’

He spread ten fingers in front of Lars.

-Yeah, ten days? Ahem! If you say that, I can’t help but believe you. Hehehe.

As soon as Lars heard that he would be able to eat his favorite food for 10 days, he laughed heartily as if he had never been angry.

‘It’s easy…’

-Huh? What did you say?


Raon smiled and waved his hand.

“But it wasn’t just ordinary demons, it was the Demon King who saved us and helped us····”

Martha lowered her chin slightly as she looked at Raon.

“I feel like the stereotype that demons are always bad is being broken.”

She let out a short sigh, saying that the world is so complicated.

“The Elyos were evil…”

Runaan stuck out his lips as if he was thinking of the Archangel Uriel that Derus had summoned.

“Demon Lord, no, is there anything else that that demon lord helped us with?”

Burren leaned forward as if curious.

“The Changyeom Demon Army’s incident was the biggest, but there were many others…”

After Raon drank the slightly cooled tea, he briefly told me what had happened.

“There was a duel between demon kings in the Super Holy Kingdom…”

Burren opened his mouth wide in amazement.

“It’s a fight between demon kings in the Holy Kingdom. You could make it into a play. I’ll probably get a lot of hate though.”

Marta laughed, saying it would be fun.

“You were always by my side····”

Runaan nodded slightly, saying thank you.

“What kind of items are there in the Demon King’s Castle? “I think there are a lot of supplies that need to be taken with you at all costs.”

Dorian licked his lips as if he was thinking of raiding the Demon King’s Castle after Sepia’s shop.

“Things that were beyond the scope of understanding are now being explained.”

Cheryl calmly nodded, saying that all her questions had been answered.

“Raon, what is the name of the demon king with you?”

She looked at Raon, taking a deep breath.

“I am Ras, the Lord of Wrath…”

“Is he still next to you now?”

“Yes, it’s on my shoulder…”


As soon as Cheryl heard Lars was on her shoulder, she got up from her chair and stood in front of her.

“Sieghart’s Heavenly Sword salutes Ras, Lord of Wrath…”

She drew her twin swords and took Sieghard’s formal bow.

“Thank you for helping Raon and Gwangpungdae all this time.”

Cheryl expressed her sincerity by expressing her gratitude, even wearing an elegant flag.


“Originally, that damn lazy bum should do it, but since he’s not here, I’m doing it instead.”

She shook her head, saying that she was expressing her gratitude for saving the disciples on behalf of Limer.

“We will be with you too.”

Burren slowly got up and stood behind Cheryl.

“That’s right. It’s a bit late, though.”

Martha nodded and drew her sword.

“Yes, unconditionally…”

Runaan opened his eyes slightly and held the snow upside down.

“Greetings are the duty of a merchant and an inspector.”

Dorian patted Sieghardt’s emblem with his hand and smiled…

“Thank you for your help so far!”

Buren, Marta, Runaan, and Dorian all stood behind Cheryl and bowed to Ras.

-Uh uh···

Lass’ lips trembled as if he had never imagined that he would be thanked by them.

-Look, the king is a demon, so how can he greet people like that? If he keeps doing this and gets caught by other guys…

‘But those guys won’t care.’


‘Because everyone knows that what matters is not the race, but the person.’


‘Don’t be so upset…’

Raon smiled and pushed Las’s back forward.

‘It’s also thanks to you that those guys have grown so well…’

He nodded, telling me to accept the greeting.


Even though Ras always called the Gwangpungdae his subordinate, he seemed to be worried about the relationship between demons and humans.

At the same time, I felt an unexpected sense of gratitude from those who helped me without expecting anything in return.


Lars cleared his throat and turned his head.

-It’s natural for a king to help his subordinates! It was nothing special, so there is no need to praise it!

The guy said it was no big deal and waved his hand.

However, I could tell that he was genuinely touched by the way his cheeks turned red and his voice became moist.

-Now that I’ve said hello, bring me some bead ice cream!

Lars sniffled and gestured for ice cream.

“What did you say?”

Burren tilted his head at Lars’ gesture.

“You say it’s nothing compared to my abilities, so don’t praise me?”

This time, I relayed what Lass had said without changing it.

“As expected, he is the devil! “It’s big!”

Martha said she liked it and gave a big smile.

“What does it look like? “Do you want to take a look?”

“me too····”

Runan also nodded, saying that he wanted to see Las in person, just like Martha.

“It doesn’t feel like the Demon King. When Raon said that he was a sea spirit, I thought so. I don’t know if it’s okay to say this, but he’s really cute…”

Burren laughed lightly, saying that it looked like a mass of blue clouds.

-Ears, cute clouds? Are your eyes already broken? This body is the Lord of Anger! It has nothing to do with the word cute!

Lass yelled at him to cancel.

The way it wags its tail while saying, “Don’t call it cute,” reminded me of a small, cute animal like a rabbit or a squirrel.

“I keep thinking of the Demon King…”

Dorian laughed and drooled.

“What objects are there, and where are they? “I wonder how much I can take…”

His eyes sparkled as if he was truly thinking of robbing the Demon King Castle…

-That guy, he really is no good!

Lass shook his shoulders as if he felt a sense of crisis.

-We will have to issue a ban on entering the Demon King’s Castle! You must never let them in!

The guy gritted his teeth, saying he needed to add the ban on entry that had been placed on only Rust and one other person.

“one more·”

Raon smiled and raised his finger.

“You want me to bring you some marble ice cream?”


Lars turned his head as if startled.

-What brought you here?

The guy turned his head away with tears in his eyes, looking genuinely embarrassed.

‘I just don’t want to disturb this atmosphere…’

I wanted to see more of Las’s moved appearance, so I relayed everything as it was this time.

“Ha, what’s a joke at a time like this? Are you following that person’s will?”

Burren clicked his tongue and told him not to imitate Rimmer.

“It’s so fucking boring.”

Martha waved her hand, telling him to shut up if he was going to talk nonsense.

“no way! What kind of ice cream does the Demon King eat? “I don’t fall for lies like that!”

Dorian snorted, telling him not to damage the majesty of the Demon King.

“Raon, you don’t have to tell lies like that. I can buy you ice cream.”

Cheryl said to tell me if you’re hungry for ice cream and put out her dual swords.


Lars blinked his eyes blankly.

-Ji, it’s true, so why don’t you believe it! It was the king himself who said it!

The guy shook his head, saying he didn’t understand.

‘I told you, who would believe that a gluttonous monarch would ask for food and like ice cream?’

He lowered his hand, saying that breaking this stereotype would be more difficult than saying that Elyos are bad.

-Yes, it’s true! The King likes bead ice cream!

Lars trembled his chin and exclaimed that he likes ice cream.

The guy screamed and grabbed his head as if he realized that what he wanted most was not coming true.

-You filthy bastards! From now on, I will never help you······”

“let’s go·”

Runaan nodded as Lars gritted his teeth and muttered that he would never help her again.

“I’ll buy everything…”

Runaan snorted and said that he would buy Lars every flavor of ice cream ball.

-Ah, ice cream girl!

Lass looked at Runaan and sniffled.

-As expected, the ice cream girl is the only one who understands the king’s feelings!

The guy clenched his fist, saying he would take care of Runa even if he died.

“Runan, don’t be fooled…”

Burren shook his head.

“It’s all Raon’s fault. The Demon King is angry right now.”

He frowned, noting that Lars was clenching his fists right now.

-You little bastard! This is really not going to work! Give me back my eyes!

Lars rushed at Burren, saying he needed to take his eye.

“ah! “Do you really like me that much?”

Burren smiled as if he was grateful for Ras’s angry charge.

-There’s no way you’re any good! I feel like my stomach is exploding because of these idiots!

Lars grabbed his head and shook it, saying he was too hot.

‘This is fun…’

Raon, who created this whole situation, enjoyed Lars’ show with interesting eyes.

‘Shall we try again later?’

* * *

The next morning…

Raon headed to the main gate of Sepia Trading Company with Borgos and the craftsmen who had treated his wounds.

Addis seemed to know that they would leave in the morning and came out in advance to wait for them.

“Are you going back?”

Addis seemed to be going too fast and was licking his lips. He seemed to regret not seeing Dorian much.


Raon touched his neck and lowered his head.

“You never know when the Black Tower will come after you, so I think it would be better for everyone to leave quickly.”

The Black Tower targeted both the Balrog and Gray Hammer guilds.

If you stay here, not only you but Sepia Company can suffer damage, so it was best to return quickly.

“Thank you for your consideration in many ways.”

He bowed to Addis, thanking her for her help.

“No, rather, I should say thank you… for saving my old colleague…”

Addis bowed her head in gratitude to Borgos and the craftsmen of the Gray Hammer Guild for saving their lives.


Borgos bit his lip as if he sensed Addis’ sincerity.

“It’s a pity to leave this place, but it’s inevitable. Take care.”

Addis sent a deep smile, not as a merchant’s greeting, but as a farewell as a close friend.

“Huh, if Sieghart’s fever is not so good, I’ll be right back, so get ready.”

Borgos snorted and wrinkled his nose.

“Of course, we will prepare plenty of your favorite beer, Mr. Borgos.”

Addis smiled and said that there was always a seat prepared.

“Then I’ll go. I don’t really want to say goodbye for a long time.”

Borgos said he would leave and turned around. Contrary to his words, seeing his legs moving slowly, it seemed like his heart did not want to leave.

“All right·”

Raon smiled and nodded.

“Then I’ll see you next time, Your Majesty.”

After bowing to Addis, he followed Borgos.

“After meeting the owner of the store, I learned what a true merchant is. I learned well that people come before money.”

Burren put his hand on his heart and gave a polite greeting as if he meant it.

“See you later, Dorian’s father.”


On the other hand, Marta and Runaan gave a light but friendly greeting and turned their backs.

“hey! “You guys should be respectful to adults!”

Burren ran after Martha and Runaan with a red face and scolded them.


Dorian glanced behind him and approached Addis.


Addis nodded briefly as she looked at her grown son.

“Are you enjoying being at Sieghardt?”

“It’s a little scary, but more than that, it’s fun and there’s a lot to learn.”

Dorian straightened his back. The child who had run away in fear of his father was no longer visible.

“is it·”

Addis nodded with warmth in her calm gaze.

“I have a lot of work to do as the owner of a trading company.”

“yes? What did you suddenly say…”

“It means that there is a long way left before I can hand over this company to you. Come and experience more of the world until you receive formal successor training.”

He drew a bold smile, saying that he would hold on to his position as a merchant until the end of the journey.


Dorian looked into Addis’s warm eyes, drew his sword, and held it upside down.

He struck the ground with his silver blade and took on Sieghart’s sword.

“I will come back with more growth next time so as not to disappoint your expectations!”

“Yeah, I’m looking forward to it.”

Addis nodded with a faint smile.

“Yes, then!”

Dorian smiled as if he had ever been serious and followed behind Raon.

The way he waved his hand every now and then reminded me of when he was a child and was following me as I walked.

“That guy already has that look in his eyes······”

Addis’s eyes settled as she looked at Dorian’s back, which was wider than her own.

“Children grow up really fast…”

“That’s right. It feels like just yesterday when Master Dorian was a toddler.”

Deacon Rigwin nodded as if he sympathized.

“Excuse me, sir, over there”

While the two were lost in their memories, the general manager in charge of the warehouse approached…

“If it’s not important, can you tell me later? I’m in a good mood right now.”

Addis shook her head as if telling them not to touch her and stared at the backs of Dorian and Raon.

“Lord, this is important…”

The general spoke in a hurry and took a step forward.

“Well, tell me.”

Addis nodded as if she had no choice.

“Do, Dorian, your highness, has taken the company’s goods!”

“Was that all? I knew that much. Anyway, the supply was sufficient…”

“No! While you two were worrying about the craftsmen of the Gray Hammer Guild, they took everything away this morning!”

The director said the problem was serious and showed a hastily prepared document.

“If you send it that way, this month’s transaction itself will be impossible! “Astronomical damage…”

He said in a breathless voice that there was nothing left.

“Catch that bastard····”

Addis lifted her trembling finger and pointed at Dorian.

“Catch my thief’s baby!”

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The Reincarnated Assassin is a Genius Swordsman

The Reincarnated Assassin is a Genius Swordsman

Score 8
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: , Released: 2021 Native Language: Korean
I was a chained dog in my past life. I didn’t remember my parents and I lived an emotionless life; like a tool. That life ended with my master horrifically killing me. I thought that was the end of my life. But when I opened my eyes again, I was born as the youngest child of the continent’s most powerful family. For both revenge and those who treasure me in my new life, I wielded the sword instead of the dagger.


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