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The Reincarnated Assassin is a Genius Swordsman Chapter 884

Episode 884

“Ugh, it’s a waste…”

Dorian touched his blackened eyes and let out a short sigh.

“If I had packed everything I had in my pockets, I wouldn’t have had to worry about supplies for a while!”

He shook the spoon in his hand as if he was sorry that he couldn’t steal all the items from Sepia Store.

“To think of stealing all that, there is no one more crazy than you····”

Martha shook her head at Dorian.

“I never knew your dad could be so angry.”

She let out a laugh, saying it was absurd.

“Yeah, sir, your face is red···”

Runaan nodded, as if remembering Addis’s flushed face.

“It’s only natural… What came out of that guy’s pocket was bigger than the Sepia Store building!”

Martha said she had never seen anything like it before and put down the bowl of stew she was holding.

“When you eat, eat quietly! “It’s rude to other people!”

Burren frowned as he wiped the dining room table with a handkerchief.

“Stop nagging us and educate that thief.”

Martha waved her hand to Dorian and told him to go ahead and preach.

“If I go back, I plan to start by educating that thief’s mind.”

Buren gritted his teeth, saying it was a disgrace to the family.

“Well, it’s not a thief who steals things from the house! It’s ours anyway.”

Dorian rolled his eyes, wondering if he could just bring it and put it to good use.

“You didn’t take household items, you took merchandise!”

Cheryl gritted her teeth and hit Dorian on the back of the head.


“You used to be quiet, but now you seem to be the craziest… How did he raise his kids…”

She clicked her tongue as she looked at Dorian, who was resting his nose on the table.


Raon didn’t pay attention to the noisy table and put the plate he was eating on to one side.

‘Isn’t this house pretty nice?’

I was planning on eating nadin bread for lunch, but I wanted to give nutritious food to the injured, so I went to a restaurant in a small town. Surprisingly, it tasted good.

-hmm! Although the chef’s skills are a bit lacking, I could feel his sincerity in cooking.

Lars muttered that it was okay in a way and patted his plump stomach.

-However, the king is cold-hearted when it comes to desserts. You have to make them well.

The guy waved his fluffy hand, saying he was looking forward to the dessert the chef would make.

‘This is just a country restaurant… no chef, no dessert…’

Raon sighed. Since it was a restaurant in a very small town, the chef was the owner of the restaurant, and there was no such thing as dessert.


Lass smiled as if nothing had happened despite the beating.

-Then I guess I’ll have to go home and eat double the dessert!

The guy took a long sip of his drink as if it didn’t matter.

-You can eat whatever you want for ten days! I’m looking forward to it! It’s going to be quite fun!

Lars giggled, saying that he would not only eat in the annex, but also all of Sieghart’s famous restaurants.


Raon didn’t say anything and just looked at Lars, who was humming.

-What, what is it?

Lars frowned as he looked at Raon who was silent.

-You’re not saying you won’t keep your promise now, are you?

The guy’s blue eyes fluttered as if he felt anxious…

‘No, of course you have to keep your promise.’

Raon shook his head with a smile. He had set it to ten days from the beginning, and since he had thrown in a week first, he was naturally going to keep his promise.

-But why is your face like that?

Lars frowned as if he didn’t like it…

‘Face? What does my face look like?’

-You have a shit-like face, thinking about whether to eat Nadine bread or not!

The guy snorted, saying that just looking at him made him irritated.

‘I feel a little better now.’

Raon laughed as he looked at Ras, whose expression changed.

-The food I ate at his house was good, and I continued to eat delicious food even after coming here.

Lars nodded, feeling a little better.

‘Well, I was treated very well.’

Addis always treated Dorian with the best treatment, except for the moment when he caught Dorian and beat him up.

The reason Lass felt better was also because of the top-quality meal he prepared for her.

‘Then can I see it now?’

-huh? What do you mean by seeing?


Raon snapped his fingers and brought up a reward he had not seen before.

[You have completely fooled the King of Balrog.]

[You have accomplished great things.]

[All abilities increase by 40 points]

[Characteristic <Speculation Operation> is changed to <Askara’s Speculation>]

[The level of the trait <Askara’s Speculation> increases by two levels.]

[The level of the characteristic <Yogi Adaptation> increases.]

With all abilities at 40 points, <Speculation Management> was converted to <Askara’s Speculation>, and the grade immediately rose by two levels.

As befits the message of a great achievement, the level of compensation was very high.

-What, what is it! I was just teasing Askara a little, so why are you giving me this much!

Lars furrowed his eyebrows, saying he couldn’t understand.

‘It’s obvious·’

Raon shook his head while looking at Las.

‘Because you acknowledged Askara as a Demon King, I’m giving you a lot.’

Lass said with his own mouth that Askara was a dangerous being who had kicked away the Demon King’s throne.

Since I was certified by him, it was only natural that I would receive a large reward…

-When did the king… sigh!

Lars pursed his lips as if he remembered what he had said.

-Ah, even if the King said that, this is too much!

The guy’s head turned red from anger.

Skin color changes depending on emotions, I don’t know whether to call this pure or foolish…


‘Please be quiet now.’

Laon left the raging Las behind and called out the explanation of <Askara’s Speculation>

<Askara’s Speculation>

It has strong resistance to light and dark attributes thanks to the spirit that was passed down directly from the King of Balrog, who conquered Turim in the Demon World.

They have a tolerance for pain and injury, so they can still use their original strength even when they are seriously injured.


Raon was in a daze while reading the contents of <Askara’s Speculation>

‘It’s not at the level of the Demon King’s power, but it’s no joke, right?’

Askara’s speculation is basically an aura-like energy, but it also has a special ability called pain tolerance.

As I experienced this time, even if you are a transcendental person, it doesn’t mean you can’t get injured, so I thought it would be a great help in future fights.


Lars grabbed his floating head as if he was angry…

-You bastard Askara! If the King returns to the Demon World, I will freeze him and bury him in a cave!

The guy gritted his teeth, saying he would never let it go.

‘Then you’ll fight for me? I said there’s no one else but Las.’

Raon said thank you and patted Lars on the shoulder.

-Huh? Oh, is that how it is····

Lars blinked and then punched the air…

-Fuck! Nothing’s really going to work!

The guy shook his head up and down, saying he couldn’t do anything.

‘It’s really fun to watch…’

“Your Majesty, over there”

While Raon was laughing at Ras struggling, Dorian came next to him.

“Can’t you ask the Demon King to show you around the Demon King’s Castle? “I really want to see you…”

Dorian, despite saying that he only wanted to look, was drooling.

‘···Is that so?’

-Why are everyone around you, including you, crazy?

Lass was angry that everyone around Raon was Raon.

-There isn’t a single human being who can help! Why is this place harder than heaven?

* * *

A tunnel where dried lava and melted frost still compete.

As a result of Askara’s speculation, the ceiling collapsed, and a shadow blacker than darkness stirred over the hell-like ground where the walls were cut down.

It wasn’t here from the beginning, but black waves continued between the rocks as if they had come in from outside.

Chii Iik·

A blue-haired woman with barren skin came to mind in the black shadows. Even though it was a narrow space where even a small animal would have difficulty standing properly, she naturally crawled through the tunnel like a mollusk.


The blue-haired woman who was scanning the entire tunnel stopped at the place where the white-haired man was crushed to death by Askara’s flames. She lowered her cold gaze as she held the black ashes and dirt that looked like the blood had burned off in both hands.

“The Demon King-level Balrog just retreated···”

The blue-haired woman nodded slightly, looking at the end of the tunnel where Askara had disappeared.

“It seems Raon Sieghardt has an even bigger secret…”

She put the soil where the white-haired man’s blood had burned into her bosom and then disappeared into the crevice of the collapsed space.

* * *

“There are a lot of guests today.”

Foreign Minister Iliun slightly raised his eyebrows as he looked at Borgos and the artisans.

“These are the craftsmen of the Gray Hammer Guild. They have come to help us with our work.”

Raon did not bring up what happened in the underground village, but only said that he came to help with the work.

“I have heard of the fame of the continental craftsman Borgos. Please take good care of me.”

Even though Iliun knew the situation, he said only that he was welcome and personally opened the door to the outer castle.

“Thank you for your hospitality.”

Borgos seemed to like Illiun’s coolness and greeted him before entering the outer castle.

“The road is wide. It’s called the Six Emperors for nothing. No, it’s not the pinnacle of the Five Emperors.”

He looked at the wide road leading from the outer wall to the inner wall and was in a daze.

“However, the heat rising from the ground is low, as is typical of northern lands.”

Borgos furrowed his brow as if he didn’t like the weak geothermal energy.

“The geothermal energy of the place where the craftsmen of Sieghardt are located is no less than that of Hwaryangsan. You will like it when you see it.”

Raon smiled and said he would introduce me soon.

“Is it a Balkan attack? “I’m looking forward to that.”

Borgos nodded as if he was looking forward to meeting Balkan.

“It’s not that big, but the geothermal energy will satisfy you.”

As I was explaining the interior of the Balkan workshop and Sieghardt, I arrived in front of the Gajujeon before I knew it.

“This is Gajujeon. Come in.”

“Huh, I don’t know who made it, but I’m sure it’s not an ordinary person…”

Borgos went inside, muttering that the air waves coming from the building itself were terrifying.

The door to the throne room was wide open, as if word had come that a guest would be brought in, and the remaining officers of the family were filling the seats in front of the pillars.


Glenn was sitting on the throne with a more intimidating look than usual, perhaps because it was his first time meeting Borgos.

Just looking at those red sunken eyes sent goosebumps down my spine…


Raon took a short breath and walked into the audience room.

He stood in the center of the audience room and knelt after confirming that Borgos and the other craftsmen had followed him in.

“Meet the matriarch…”

“Meet the lord!”

Burren, Marta, Runaan, and Dorian followed them and greeted their return as if the head of the family was about to leave.

“···Borgos of the Grey Hammer, meet the King of the North!”

Borgos also bowed first with a stiff expression, as if he was tired of Glenn’s presence.

“Boo, I meet the King of the North…”

Other dwarves and artisans also struggled to say hello to Glenn, feeling pressured by his presence.

“Welcome to Sieghardt”

Glenn nodded gently as if to say, “When did you show such a strong aura?”

“I’m sorry about what happened at Hwarangsan Mountain. I should have moved a little faster.”

He said it was a pity and clicked his tongue briefly.

“Don’t say things like that. I am grateful to you for sending me the Great Lord of the Wind Wind and the Lord of the Heavenly Sword.”

Borgos shook his head, saying that thanks to him, those who remained were still alive.

“I heard that you will start work right away. Are you serious?”

Glenn narrowed his eyes as if asking if it would be okay…

“If I just stay still, my head will just get complicated. I want to work.”

Borgos shook his head, saying he wanted to repay the favor he had received.

“Well, I heard the general news, but tell me the exact details.”

Glenn lowered his chin and asked why Borgos and the craftsmen had come here.

“Yes, first of all···”

Raon took a step forward and told what had happened.

Of course, I didn’t mention the part where Ras acted and sent Askara back.


Glenn looked at Borgos with sunken eyes as if asking if he was really going to be okay.

“Work is okay. I just want to ask you something.”

Borgos looked at Glenn and let out a short sigh.

“I would like to stay here for a while, but would you allow me?”

“Even after you finish the work?”


He nodded, saying he wanted to stay in Sieghardt.

“It’s not a problem if we allow it, but how can you trust us to stay here?”

Glenn tilted his chin slightly as if he didn’t understand.

“Honestly, I don’t trust Sieghart.”

Borgos slowly turned his gaze and looked at Raon.

“What I believe in is, no, what we believe in is Gwangpungdae and Raon.”

He nodded calmly, saying that he believed in Raon, not Sieghardt.


Raon shook his head hastily.

‘This isn’t good…’

In front of Glenn, who holds his family sacred, it was said that he believed in him more than Sieghardt, so I didn’t know what kind of words would come back… Nervous, I looked up to the podium…

But Glenn’s reaction was very different from what he expected.


Glenn didn’t look angry, but rather the corners of his lips twitched as if he was happy and pleased.

He started covering his mouth with his shaking hands, unable to control his emotions.


-Oh my, here we go again…

Lars shook his head, saying he was sick of it.

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The Reincarnated Assassin is a Genius Swordsman

The Reincarnated Assassin is a Genius Swordsman

Score 8
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: , Released: 2021 Native Language: Korean
I was a chained dog in my past life. I didn’t remember my parents and I lived an emotionless life; like a tool. That life ended with my master horrifically killing me. I thought that was the end of my life. But when I opened my eyes again, I was born as the youngest child of the continent’s most powerful family. For both revenge and those who treasure me in my new life, I wielded the sword instead of the dagger.


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