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The Reincarnated Assassin is a Genius Swordsman Chapter 891

Episode 891

Raon narrowed his eyes as he looked at the meadow covered in purple waves.

‘What happened?’

The area where the village of Boduri is located was originally a mixture of wide grasslands and mountains. It was not as fertile as the central part of the continent, but there was enough grass to feed the livestock. Now, because of the purple waves, not even a single weed could be seen.


But it’s not just a scam.

Fraud is the power that has gathered the grudge of the dead. I have encountered strong frauds while fighting necromancers, but the energy that now covers the grassland is much more vicious than I knew.


The problem wasn’t just the fraud covering the land. Grotesque monsters were constantly emerging from the ugly purple waves.


The Jinhon Sword also felt the ominousness of the purple swindler and rang out a warning to be careful.

-That’s annoying.

Las looked down at the ground and clicked his tongue.

-The deaths of one or two people wouldn’t have caused such a stench. It seems like countless people were sacrificed.

He frowned, saying, “I don’t know who that guy is, but he’s a terrible guy.”

‘I guess so.’

Raon let out a short breath as he looked at the rippling purple waves.

‘Because it’s still growing.’

The purple sea seemed to be rippling in place, but upon closer inspection, it was gradually expanding.

“Why aren’t you coming down and just staying still? Are you tired too… Huh?”

Martha was trying to tease Laon when she saw the bottom of the mountain and opened her eyes wide.

“What, what is that? That!”

She shook her chin as she looked at the purple waves that were dyeing the entire land.

“Purple smoke? No, is it energy? What, something like that····”

Burren also swallowed dry saliva, unable to accept the situation he was seeing.

“It smells dirty···”

Runaan frowned, holding his nose with his finger as if he could already smell the stench of fraud.


Dorian gasped, saying he had never imagined such a situation.

“Excuse me, what is that?”

He shook his eyes as he looked at the darkly flashing purple waves.

“It is a fraud created by concentrating the grudge of the dead.”

Raon snapped his fingers and caught the attention of the Gwangpungdae inspectors.

“If you are exposed to fraud, your body will rot and your mind will become black and polluted. Prepare by surrounding your entire body with mana.”

After giving Gwangpungdae time to catch his breath, he looked down the mountain. He saw a large crowd of people gathered at the entrance of the mountain he had climbed.

‘Are you the people of Boduri Village?’

There are more than I thought.

Originally, the village of Bodri was not a very large place, but it seemed to have grown to the size of a semi-city as people gathered there, either as lords or as people who were fed up with the city’s corruption.

‘The iron fence is ahead.’

The Iron Troop Inspectors were fighting monsters in front of the purple waves to protect the people of Boduri Village.


A blond middle-aged man was seen standing at the forefront of the iron corps, striking with a powerful sword. Trevin pushed the monsters away without changing at all.

‘The condition is not good.’

Trevin had become a Grand Master after the war with the North and South Alliance, but his hands were shaking as he held his sword, perhaps because he had been fighting while exposed to fraud. He seemed very tired.

But even when he was exhausted, he did not back down even once and protected the Iron Corps and the people of Boduri Village.

“I think it would be better to go down quickly.”

Mark Gotten bit his lip, thinking it would be a good idea to go down and help people.

“Gwangpungdae, stand in front of the iron fence with all your might”

Raon nodded and gave the order for the Gwangpungdae to charge.


The wind gusts took a deep breath and kicked the cold, hard ground. They descended the mountain at a faster pace than when they first set out on their journey.


Raon followed the storm and scattered his energy in all directions.

‘I don’t feel anything special.’

It is not strange to think that there is no shaman who is not caught by one’s senses, but since I have experienced it so far, I have not let my guard down and have concentrated my mind and followed the law.


Las shook his head as he looked at the wavy purple.

– In the end, it’s going to be Nadine bread for dinner.

‘Is it just dinner?’

Raon shook his head as he looked at the purple sea that filled the meadow.


‘Probably tomorrow, and even the day after tomorrow, it’ll be Nadine bread.’

-What the hell!

Lass wrinkled his nose.

-Tell that bastard to come out! The King will catch him!

The guy waved his fist and said he would beat up even the demon king.

* * *


Trevin cut off the head of the rotten werewolf that emerged from the sea of ​​fraud and exhaled its murky breath.

“There is no end to it”

The purple sea rippling before my eyes was originally smaller than the stream.

However, it grew bigger by devouring the corpses of monsters that it and its iron fist had caught, and even ate the villagers, growing to an unmanageable size.

As the waves grew, the number of monsters jumping out from within also increased, so even if we fought without stopping, we could not help but continue to be pushed back.

“Oh, my lord! The right front is being pushed back!”

The Iron Cross Inspector gritted his teeth as he blocked the rotten ogre’s fist.

“The left can’t hold out any longer!”

The inspector on the left also let out a murky breath, his lips trembling.

“Hold on! Hold on even if you die!”

Trevin took a deep breath and plunged his sword into the purple waves. The ring of fire that blossomed above his extended sword spun diagonally, creating a powerful explosion.


Even though it wasn’t perfect, Kang-hwan was Kang-hwan, so all the monsters were torn apart, and the purple waves swayed greatly.


But as if it had been shocked, the purple sea filled the empty space again and surged toward him and the iron fence.

“Support will be here soon! Just hold on a little longer!”

Trevin told him to hold on and tightened his grip on his sword.

‘It must be hard’

The wave of fraud also affected the Grand Master himself. The venom emitted by the corrupted monsters as they died was so strong that the shallow-trained inspectors could not help but feel helpless.

However, since the people of Boduri village were not yet fully prepared, they could not abandon this front line and run away, even though it was difficult.

“If we get pushed out here, all the residents will die! Hold on till the end!”

Trevin continued to fire his bullets, drawing in a breath of fraud, to support the exhausted inspectors.

“Hey, inspector, we’re fine···”

An old man with gray hair approached, covering his mouth with a wet cloth. He was the village chief of Boduri, who had first asked for help.

“Please leave now. I called you for no reason…”

The village chief bowed his head, saying that he was truly sorry. He shook his chin, saying that he was sorry, even though his cheeks and ears were rotting from being exposed to fraud.

“Don’t say that!”

Trevin shook his head vigorously.

“As Inspector Sieghardt, I cannot remain silent after seeing something like this. If you run away leaving me behind, that friend will come and scold you!”

He turned his gaze away and told the village chief to step back.

‘Yeah, I can’t show him an embarrassing side of myself.’

He accepted Karun’s offer to join the Gwangpungjeon, thinking that Raon was a vessel that could embrace him. He could not back down here in order to join Raon, who had true justice and chivalry in his heart.


When I think of Raon, I feel a little bit more powerful. I raise a strong ring over the sword and push away the purple waves approaching in front of me.


The purple waves that had been pushed back rippled greatly. Looking at the situation so far, it was a sign that a fairly strong monster would appear.


Trevin gasped as he saw the being emerging from the waves of fraud.


This time, the person who appeared was holding a sword. However, his skin was pale like a zombie, and he didn’t seem to have any life in him.

“What is this····”

As Trevin frowned, the inspector suddenly jumped out and stabbed him with his sword.


Even though I blocked it, that zombie inspector was swinging his sword while treating the fraud as if it were an aura. It wasn’t strong, but the fraud it was emitting was so strong that it seemed like it would be difficult for other inspectors to fight.

‘I have to deal with this as quickly as possible.’

I completely smashed the head of the inspector zombie to prevent other inspectors from being harmed.

But now, as if it were the beginning, the purple sea poured out endless rotten monsters and inspector zombies.


The young Iron Troop Inspector who was fighting on the right side fell with his face turned black.

“Soo, I can’t breathe······”


“My lord····”

Other inspectors, unable to withstand the fraud and poison, dropped their swords one by one and knelt down.

“Rain, damn it!”


The inspectors who were still able to hold out were injured while trying to protect those who had fallen and were forced to retreat.

The wire that the iron fence was barely holding on to collapsed in an instant.

“Daeju! You can’t stop me here! You have to retreat!”

The Iron Troop Commander, Kaman, let out a scream as he cut off the head of the Inspector Zombie.


As Trevin was about to speak of retreat, a wave of fraud surged forward, injuring and covering the fallen Iron Cross inspectors.


Trevin tried to extend his sword to block the fraud, but he couldn’t block all of them. He saw the swords on the right side, instead of the left side, being swallowed by the wave.

I wanted to help somehow, but there was no way. If I reached out to the right now, the inspectors on the left would die.


As if he was seeing their kaleidoscope instead, the things he had done with his subordinates came to mind before his eyes. He felt his insides swell.


It was when Trevin let out a scream in the slowing time.


The dark night splits, and a red line is drawn, like the tail of a comet. A blade covered in bright red flames cut through the purple waves that were about to engulf the iron fence.


The red flames pushed back the waves of fraud and burned the monsters that were trying to jump out of it.

“That black····”

Trevin smiled at the sight of the sword of flame pushing back the sea of ​​fraud. He turned around and called out the name he had been waiting for.


* * *

“It’s been a while, Master Cheoljeondae.”

Raon bowed his head while looking at Trevin.

“But I’m disappointed that you’re asking for support from the family because you can’t even solve this kind of fraud.”

He smiled faintly, repeating what Trevin had said when he had come to the Aryan family to offer support.

“That, that’s not it······”

Trevin stuttered, seeming taken aback by the sudden attack.

“Let’s sort things out first and then let’s resolve the regrets later.”

As Raon snapped his fingers, brilliant lights flashed across the black sky.


These are the Gwangpungdae inspectors who set up the Gwangpungjin. When they unleashed their sword strikes in one breath, they rained down like a meteor shower, blowing up all the monsters and inspector zombies that jumped out of the purple sea.

But the purple sea only stopped for a moment and began to stir again and surge towards me.

“It’s worse than I thought.”

The concentration of fraud is stronger than when seen from the mountain. It is amazing that the iron fence has held up until now.

‘I feel like there’s something in there.’

It seemed clear that something sinister was hidden in the rippling purple sea.

“It’s no use attacking with aura. It’s like cutting water, it just rises again in an instant.”

Trevin shook his head, saying that even if he shot the ring, it would only stop the purple sea for a moment.

“I heard it was dangerous, but I didn’t know there was even a scam going on.”

Raon shook his head, asking why he didn’t tell me this part.

“When I sent a request for support to the family, it wasn’t this level of fraud.”

Trevin frowned at the rippling purple waves.

“At first, it was a small stream, and goblin-like creatures came out. But the stream gradually grew larger, and before we knew it, it had grown to this size and surrounded us.”

He bit his lip as he looked at the black, dying land.

“The people here are those who fled the corruption of other cities and came here. They wanted to protect their livelihood, but that didn’t work out…”

Trevin shook his clenched fists, saying that his abilities were lacking.

“Then you can get it back from now on.”

Raon smiled faintly and turned the Jecheon Sword.


“If the new subordinate wants it, there is nothing I won’t do.”

He smiled and waved his finger.

“This, this was my stubbornness! You don’t have to exert yourself too!”

Trevin shook his head, saying that he would step aside for now.

“There’s no point in talking about it”

Martha shook her head.

“That guy doesn’t listen to other people very well.”

She shook her head, telling me to give up.

“That’s right. He’s the kind of person who does what he says he’ll do.”

Burren shook his head, saying it was better to leave it alone.


Lunan patted Trevin on the shoulder, saying, “Welcome.”

“No, you guys····”

Trevin let out a breath of laughter as if he was speechless.

“Welcome to hell on your own feet.”

Crane nodded, his eyes darkened.

“You don’t have to feel so burdened”

Mark Gotten shook his head blandly.

“Because he thought he could do it, he made that decision.”

He raised his finger and pointed ahead.


The flame of fire that extended from the pure white blade of the Jecheon Sword split the purple sea that had engulfed the grassland in half.

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The Reincarnated Assassin is a Genius Swordsman

The Reincarnated Assassin is a Genius Swordsman

Score 8
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: , Released: 2021 Native Language: Korean
I was a chained dog in my past life. I didn’t remember my parents and I lived an emotionless life; like a tool. That life ended with my master horrifically killing me. I thought that was the end of my life. But when I opened my eyes again, I was born as the youngest child of the continent’s most powerful family. For both revenge and those who treasure me in my new life, I wielded the sword instead of the dagger.


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