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The Reincarnated Assassin is a Genius Swordsman Chapter 911

Episode 911

Mount Fulan, west of Montiro·

There was a silver bead buried between the green valley, and black magic energy was slowly blooming around it.


Burren stood in front of the valley as if guarding the silver orb and placed his hand on his swordsman ·

As he was watching the demon energy being absorbed into the beads, heavy footsteps were heard from down the mountain…

“The author…”

Buren narrowed his eyes as he looked at the small man coming up the valley.

‘Arena champion… No, I should say five heroes…’

When Raon came to inspect the arena, it was Roof, a fighter who instantly trampled his opponent and won, and one of Montiro’s five heroes.

“Was it you?”

Loop moved his neck, which looked as thick as a log, from side to side ·

“Are you using the same trick?”

He was not a hero, but showed a gangster-like attitude and a cold look in his eyes. It seemed like he had already figured out the whole situation.

“Trick? “I don’t know what you’re talking about. I just came up the mountain because I liked the view.”

Buren shrugged his shoulders like he knew nothing ·

“Why don’t we just fight in the arena? Hero Nari·”

He waved his hand and told him to go back.

“Let alone the marble stuck behind you…”

Loop let out a weak laugh·

“I don’t know what you’re trying to do when you threaten to kill me.”

He shook his head as if it was absurd ·

“Well, okay… Actually, I’m not interested in magic circles or anything like that…”

Loop stepped in front of Burren and shrugged his shoulders.

“It doesn’t matter whether you are Sieghardt or Owen… I only want one thing… I’m only curious about whether your sword satisfies me or not…”

He took a long sip as if he was looking forward to it.

“how is it? “Can you accommodate my picky taste?”

“Taste it, and if you don’t mind having your tongue cut off, then come at me.”

Buren lifted his sword from his belt and shook his chin ·

“There were a lot of swordsmen who said that to me…”

Loop smiled slightly and put on leather gloves with a black bison engraving on them.

“What about you?”

He disappeared before his eyes, engulfed in red aura ·


It was under a rock stuck in the ravine that Loop reappeared, extending his fist towards Burren’s waist, as if he really had no interest in the orb.


Buren turned his ankle and raised his sword diagonally, as if reading Loop’s every move.


When the sword and fist collided, a loud noise like a piece of metal being crushed erupted.

Loop’s hands were fine, and the bison gloves he wore were not torn, as if they were special artifacts.


Burren and Loop each took three steps back and looked at each other.

“Is there a good response?”

Loop said his senses were sharp and took a quick bite.

“But it’s not sharp enough… My hands are fine…”

He lifted his chin, pointing to his unscathed hand and glove.

“I was just guessing your level…”

Burren calmly shook his head and then raised a force made of blue wind.

“I hope that sword isn’t bland…”

Loop parted the corner of his mouth and stood on tiptoe · He rushed in from the left with his red aura even thicker ·

“Don’t worry…”

Buren flashed his cold eyes and pulled out his cold wind sword. A strong force imbued with the cold wind fell towards Loop’s neck.

“It’s faster…”

Loop let out a small exclamation and thrust his fist covered in red aura towards Burren’s sword.


Second clash of swords and fists· Similar to the first time, Buren and Loop were pushed back four steps each and pointed their swords and fists at each other·

Drop, drop,

Loop’s leather armor was torn, and red blood flowed from underneath it. Burren’s strength pierced the red aura and cut into his skin.

“This one is pretty spicy…”

Loop curled his lips as he looked at the wound on his fist ·

“Today’s meal won’t be bad…”

He nodded his head, as if he was glad to be hurt ·


Buren frowned as he looked at Loop, who had taken a sip of his food. ·

‘Your personality is the same as what I saw in the arena…’

In the arena, Loop showed his fighting skills by throwing his solid body and using his strength to subdue his opponents, and he seemed to fight the same way in actual battles.

‘It won’t be difficult to take time…’

Loop is obviously a strong warrior, but he seemed to be able to hold out until the magic circle opens if he fights in a retreating manner and accumulates his damage.

“It would be easy for you…”

Loop touched the back of his neck and nodded his head.

“What does that mean?”

“I think I can use my own strength…”

As he laughed and stamped his foot, black magic energy began to burn above the red auror.


Burren chewed his lip as he looked at the black scales that sprouted over the backs of Loop’s hands.

‘As expected…’

Raon and his father expected that the demons who learned about the magic circle would openly use their magic power, and it was just as they said.

Loop sprayed an enormous amount of magical energy as if he didn’t care if he was caught.

“Don’t die cold…”

The loop rushed in, crushing the thick ground · He no longer detoured, but fired his fist from the front ·


Buren let out a low breath as he watched Loop rushing towards him in a split second.

‘There is no need to fight head on…’

This land is the land of the Black Tower, and the opponent is a demon who uses demon energy. It was foolish to fight head-on when the enemy had the advantage.


I want to fight foolishly this time…

It’s not about pride. I didn’t want to fight on the run against the scum of the Black Tower who even use children like Lencia.

I wanted to cut that guy’s head off with my own sword…


Buren did not back down, but drew a sharp slash of his sword wind towards Loop’s attacking fist.


The third clash of the sword and fist · The same loud sound of metal being broken erupted, but this time the result was different ·


Burren was pushed back eight steps and fell to one knee, while Roof did not move an inch from his spot.


Buren narrowed his eyes as he watched his trembling grip ·

‘There’s this much difference?’

He knew that Loop would become stronger, but he had no idea that he would suddenly rise from a similar level to that of Grand Master.

The difference was so stark that it was absurd.

“Isn’t it difficult to be surprised?”

Loop smiled slightly and shook out his fist ·

“It starts now!”

He shouted, “Let’s play more,” and thrust his pot-lid-like fist into his abdomen.


Burren let out a shaky breath and stretched out the defensive blade of the Sac Wind Sword in front of his chest.


The sword that blocked Loop’s fist bent as if it would break, but barely stopped.

The force was so strong that the foot was pushed out of its own accord, leaving deep footprints on the floor.

‘The power has become stronger…’

A tearing pain arose in my grip, where I had been swinging a sword all my life. It felt like I had hit an unbreakable metal, not a human being.

“Good! Stay the same! “Don’t break down!”

Loop rushed forward with a twisted smile as if he was in a good mood.

“I ask you one thing…”

Burren shook his head, barely able to block Loop’s blow ·

“What did you think when you saw the children with black hearts?”

“Do you think it will break if you hit it?”

Loop grinned as if he didn’t even see Lencia as a human.

“Okay then you don’t have to worry”

Burren pursed his lips and straightened his back. He did not back down this time, but raised his sword with a flickering blue light.

“Because your head will fall off before I break down…”

* * *


Burren hit his back against the stone wall rising at the end of the valley and took a deep breath.

He took off his coat and uniform, which were torn like rags, and wiped the blood that had flowed from his mouth.

“It’s Sieghart you abandoned.”

Loop nodded his head, saying he understood now.


Burren looked at Loop with silent, sunken eyes…

“I heard that he is the 3rd leader of the Gwangpungdae and acts like a unit leader, but his skills are the weakest among the leaders, right?”

Loop bobbed his head as if he was laughing ·

“I heard that you are a noble master himself, and the way he took the fight from the front wasn’t bad…”

“I didn’t want to back down in front of a guy like you.”

“I guess I didn’t know, but that was the correct answer…”

When he raised his fist, a hook-like demonic energy bloomed on the black scales…

“If you tried to run away to avoid my punch, your heart would be ripped out by a hook… You may not have known it, but that saved your life…”

Loop waved his hand, saying he was lucky ·

“But that luck has come to an end…”

He now seemed to have lost interest in Buren, and his eyes, which had been burning with speculation, calmed down.

“Your sword cannot pierce my demonic energy… If I had met other guys, I would have struggled, but they are not compatible with me…”

Loop curled his fist with a hand filled with black magic energy.

“I’m not interested in broken toys, so I’ll break his head now.”

He took a charging stance, burning his black magic energy as if he wanted to end it once and for all.


Burren didn’t say anything even after hearing Loop’s murderous words.

He just raised his sword like he did when he first started the fight.

“I don’t even have the strength to speak anymore…”

Loop clicked his tongue and took a step forward. He jumped up ten steps ahead and struck Burren’s heart with a blow.

Oh my!

Burren barely raised his sword to block, but he seemed to have been severely shocked and black blood poured out of his mouth.

“You’re struggling until the end… If you do that, the pain will only continue…”

Loop frowned, saying it was annoying, and poured out his fists one after another.

Whoa whoa!

Even though Buren was hit by Loop’s blows that raged like a storm, he did not lower his sword or back down, but held on to the spot.

“I mean, just die! “I’m sick of it now!”

Loop gritted his teeth as if he was dissatisfied with Burren’s tenacity and unleashed a stronger attack of magical power.

“···It’s just as you said· I am the weakest among the leaders·”

Buren opened his dry lips with difficulty.

“But do you know why I am here alone?”


“By gaining Jeonju’s trust…”

He drew a beautiful line with his blood-soaked red lips.

“To repay that trust, he swung his sword day and night.”

Buren’s sword began to push away Loop’s fist, with blue sparks flying.

“After returning, I did not miss a single day and devoted all my time to the sword.”

After returning from duty, from the time he was in Sieghard until he arrived at Montiro… and even when he was resting at the temporary headquarters, he swung his sword without missing a single day…

He could never fall, even if only to repay the faith of his father and Raon, who trusted him and entrusted him with this place.

“Why the wind…”

Loop widened his eyes as if surprised by Burren’s wind getting stronger.

“I’m the worst at enduring things. I can’t even stand pain.”

In fact, he was impatient from an early age. He only pretended to be an adult in order to be recognized by his father, but in reality, he was even more impatient than Dorian.

“But I can’t back down today…”

For the sake of Lencia and her other children, who are more mature than herself and have lived proud lives, she had to endure this situation until the end.

“Then just die!”

Loop threw his arms behind his back. The young black magic energy in his fist multiplied dozens of times, creating a pitch-black thunderbolt.


Burren closed his eyes as he saw the storm of demonic energy rushing towards him, completely blocking his vision.

‘No need to see…’

I feel it…

The most common comment I heard from both Raon and his father was that they always lacked confidence.

Because he was the weakest among the Gwangpung Great Leaders, he had a lot of low self-esteem without even realizing it.

But now it’s different…

It doesn’t matter even if he is the weakest or the lowest. The important thing is to not be shaken.


Buren slashed down the sword imbued with the wind · That sword was like the sword of Raon, who was always watching from behind, and like the sword of his father, whom he had admired his whole life ·


A sword strike as thin as a breeze cut through the huge demonic force and fell on Loop’s head.

Oh my!

However, the demon energy that protects Loop’s body was not pierced by the wind sword and created a flame that was thicker than the first time.


Burren let out a weary breath, shaking his fingertips as if he had run out of strength.

“Well, it was dangerous, but this is your limit!”

It was when Loop felt Burren’s sudden change and was about to quickly deliver the final blow.

“No, this is the end”

Burren slowly opened his eyes. A refreshing breeze blew over his blue eyes.

‘A grand master is one who pursues his or her ideals…’

What he has pursued since childhood is pride in his family, and what he seeks is a sharp yet elegant sword to protect the family.


His own thoughts, which he had cherished since he was a boy wearing Sieghardt’s cloak, bloomed from the silver sword…

Sakpunggeom season·

Wind chime god

The strands of wind that unraveled like threads cut through the black magic energy and dug into Loop’s body.

Oh my!

A deep crack opened on Loop’s body, which had not been scratched by any sword strike.

A soft blue light emanated from the gap created by the wind that passed without a sound.


When Burren lowered his sword, the sword mark on Loop’s chest widened and a dark blue wind blew out.

“To you, to you…”

Loop collapsed on the spot without even leaving a last word.

Even the black demonic energy with the ability to regenerate died without being able to join his body.

“···Is this the Grand Master?”

Burren sat down and laughed.

“It doesn’t feel real… I still feel like I’m weak alone… But…”

I kept my promise…

Now, rather than becoming a Grand Master, I felt like I was flying just by keeping the faith of Raon and his father.

“No, it’s not over yet…”

Burren stood up again, holding his sword. He stood firmly and raised his sword as if he would not open this path no matter who came.

The blue wind blowing from behind seemed to place the cloak of childhood on Buren’s back.

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The Reincarnated Assassin is a Genius Swordsman

The Reincarnated Assassin is a Genius Swordsman

Score 8
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: , Released: 2021 Native Language: Korean
I was a chained dog in my past life. I didn’t remember my parents and I lived an emotionless life; like a tool. That life ended with my master horrifically killing me. I thought that was the end of my life. But when I opened my eyes again, I was born as the youngest child of the continent’s most powerful family. For both revenge and those who treasure me in my new life, I wielded the sword instead of the dagger.


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